Examples of the the word, culturally , in a Sentence Context

The word ( culturally ), is the 7995 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Centre for the chemical and pharmaceutical industry. The Basel region, culturally ,extending into German Baden-Württemberg and French Alsace, reflects the
  2. The cannibal label on a group based not on responsible research but on our own, culturally ,determined pre-conceived notions, often motivated by a need to eroticize. He
  3. Crop for these people. However, they were mainly used for the production of the, culturally ,important chichi. Currently, tobacco,cotton and coffee are the main export
  4. About what it means. In contrast to Europe, Asia is the largest and most, culturally ,diverse of the continents in the seven-continent system. It does not exactly
  5. The United States National Film Registry by the Library of Congress as being ", culturally , historically, or aesthetically significant ". Seven versions of the film have
  6. Has the largest country music fan and artist base. Mainstream country music is, culturally ,ingrained in the Maritime and the prairie provinces: areas with large numbers
  7. After the Second Great Kant Earthquake has split Tokyo geographically and, culturally ,in two. During the first episode, disparities in wealth are shown to be more
  8. Black tea in the Western culture is known as" crimson tea" in Chinese and, culturally ,influenced languages, ( honcho; Japanese Rocha; Korean honcho),perhaps a
  9. Hyderabad. The rule of the seven Imams saw the growth of Hyderabad city both, culturally ,and economically. Hyderabad city became the formal capital of the kingdom (
  10. A judgment that the landscape is sublime. Likewise, aesthetic judgments may be, culturally ,conditioned to some extent. Victorians in Britain often saw African sculpture
  11. Of Central America on the Isthmus of Panama, has for much of its history been, culturally ,linked to South America. Panama was a part of the Spanish Viceroyalty of New
  12. Identity. The Land Although Chadian society is economically, socially,and, culturally ,fragmented, the country's geography is unified by the Lake Chad Basin. Once a
  13. And disunified than it actually is and as such is often looked upon as, culturally ,and politically provocative. Additionally, in Taiwan, it is closely associated
  14. Poland, Czechoslovakia,Hungary) to specify them as communist states that were, culturally ,tied to Western Europe. This usage continued after the end of the Warsaw Pact
  15. Of the Byzantine state emerged: a Roman polity centered at Constantinople and, culturally ,dominated by the Greek East, with Christianity as the state religion. All
  16. Type of failure. * Sociologically, the desire not to use condoms is sometimes, culturally ,seen among post-feminist condom-accepting cultures as occurring almost
  17. Of China, how would we not do it with a country that is geographically and, culturally ,much nearer to Costa Rica? " Arias also announced both countries would exchange
  18. A distinct ethnic group in their region. They notably regard themselves as, culturally ,and especially linguistically distinct from their surrounding neighbors. Some
  19. Or charismatic fellowships, many of which derive from Baptist origins, culturally ,if not theologically. Most Southern Baptist congregations and African-American
  20. The form and content of programs; * appeals to the tastes and interests of a, culturally ,diverse society; * makes a significant contribution to meeting the need for the
  21. Tolerated in polite society in the West, in the Arab world, Jew hatred remains, culturally ,endemic. " In the Middle East, anti-Zionist propaganda frequently adopts the
  22. Japan by the nineteenth century. According to Wilkinson, civilizations can be, culturally ,heterogeneous, like the Central Civilization, or homogeneous, like the Japanese
  23. Dialect to Jewish Babylonian Aramaic, though it is both linguistically and, culturally ,distinct. Classical Mandate is the language in which the Mandaean's Gnostic
  24. As the recent or current location of the city's anarchist scene and as a, culturally ,active student quarter with many cafés, bars and bookshops. Exarchal is home
  25. Experimentation and creativity, appeal to the tastes and interests of a, culturally ,diverse society and to include programs of an educational nature which
  26. South of the Sahara Desert. It is commonly used to differentiate the region, culturally , ecologically, politically and, more controversially, racially,from North
  27. Of China, how would we not do it with a country that is geographically and, culturally ,much nearer to Costa Rica? " Arias also announced that both countries would
  28. An ancient way of life that is still preserved. The remaining of the country is, culturally ,Persian and Turkic. Some non-Pashtuns who live in proximity with Pashtuns
  29. For precision, there is confusion about what interpretations can be, culturally ,negotiated. Due to imprecision in the standard English language, two completely
  30. For a decade. In 1992,the United States Library of Congress deemed the film ", culturally , historically, or aesthetically significant" and selected it for preservation
  31. More recent African immigrants may sometimes view themselves, and be viewed, as, culturally , distinct from native-born people who are descendants of African slaves. The U.
  32. Same Shang in the official history, coexisted and traded with numerous other, culturally ,diverse settlements in the area that is now referred to as China proper. Zhou
  33. Was originally inhabited by indigenous peoples closely related linguistically, culturally ,and genetically to the Filipino people and more distantly to the Polynesians.
  34. Connected to Seattle and the American Pacific Northwest economically and, culturally , Industry Major industries in Southeast Alaska include commercial fishing and
  35. In time, Anglo-Saxon demands on the British became so great that they came to, culturally ,dominate the bulk of southern Great Britain, though recent genetic evidence
  36. African Americans were allowed to create a unique form of Christianity that was, culturally ,influenced by African spiritual traditions. According to a 2007 survey, more
  37. Term sub-Saharan Africa has racist overtones: Some Black Africans prefer to be, culturally ,distinguished from those who live in the north of the continent. Cultural ideas
  38. Can also have their own celebrity systems, especially in linguistically or, culturally ,distinct regions such as Quebec or Wales. Regional radio personalities
  39. And societies all over the globe are economically, politically,and even, culturally ,interdependent in many ways. There is debate over when this integration began
  40. And as the largest city in the Caucasus and one of the most ethnically and, culturally ,diverse in the Soviet Union, Baku prides itself on having produced a
  41. By Jacqueline Carey, Carthage is a conquering nation that is geographically and, culturally ,based on the historical Carthage. The Purple Quest by Frank G. Slaughter is
  42. And the history of its exploration and settlement provides Australians with a, culturally ,valued backdrop, and stories of swag men, squatters,and bushrangers are central
  43. Dynasty had a population of some 100 million people. The Song Dynasty was a, culturally ,rich period for philosophy and the arts. Landscape art and portrait painting
  44. Bulk of the population. This dominance creating what is now England and leaving, culturally ,British enclaves only in the north of what is now England, in Cornwall and what
  45. Findings at Sanxingdui suggest a technologically advanced civilization, culturally ,unlike An yang. The evidence is inconclusive in proving how far the Shang realm
  46. In 1964. He has concentrated much of his work on the learning difficulties of, culturally ,disadvantaged students. In 2003,he was awarded the Sister Prize for original
  47. To a concrete family, place,and region, which are psychologically and, culturally ,beneficial. " The harmony of this life checks the encroachments of a fragmented
  48. The country's population growth rate of 2.21 % (2008 est. ), Belize is, culturally ,unique among its Central American neighbors; it is the only nation in the
  49. Bergman, Richard Pryor, and Alan User. In 2006,Blazing Saddles was deemed ", culturally , historically, or aesthetically significant" by the Library of Congress and
  50. Behind the Iron Curtain Following World War II, large parts of Europe that were, culturally ,and historically Western became part of the Eastern bloc. Czech author Milan

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