Examples of the the word, contend , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Bobby Avila, Al Rose, Early Wynn, Bob Lemon, and Mike Garcia continued to, contend ,through the early 1950s. However, Cleveland only won a single pennant in the
  2. Contemporary views published elsewhere by Joseph F. Smith himself. They also, contend ,that there is little evidence that the editorial represents" First Presidency
  3. That utility functions are ordinal, and not cardinal; that is, the Austrians, contend ,that one can only rank preferences and cannot measure their intensity. The
  4. As Lou Daniella entered his fourth season with the team, which was expected to, contend ,with St. Louis in the divisional race. Rookie Stalin Castro debuted in early
  5. Considered part of something called" globalization" ), various participants, contend ,they are opposed to only certain aspects of globalization and instead describe
  6. Rise to the varying accounts about the number of his children. Some scholars, contend ,that the most ancient and genuine story told of only four sons of Aeolus:
  7. Treaty, which formally ended the Second Anglo-Boer War on 31 May 1902. Others, contend , however, that these treaties dealt only with agreements between governmental
  8. Sir Walter Raleigh and the Earl of Northumberland with the heresy. Thus, some, contend , it to be probable that the investigation was meant primarily as a warning to
  9. Pitchers began pitching to me because if they passed me they still had Lou to, contend ,with. " In addition to his career-high 60 home runs, Ruth batted .356,drove in
  10. To reveal for us the biological makeup of a population. In any case they, contend , the relevant data indicates greater similarity between Egyptians and
  11. Not been determined, thousands of Canadians have purchased and used what they, contend ,to be gray market radio and television services, licensed in the United States
  12. Danish left the island and sailed to Ghent. Alfred however was still forced to, contend ,with a number of Danish threats. A year later in 881 Alfred fought a small sea
  13. Support from the countryside, with limited success. In addition, some scholars, contend ,that China has never operated under a decentralized democratic regime in its
  14. Assembled to judge him. He did not appear, lest,as he tells us," he might, contend ,in words ", but instead addressed a letter to the prelates in which he speaks
  15. Suggest that the Chinese room should be redesigned in some way; * Those which, contend ,that Searle's argument is misleading; and * Those which argue that the
  16. Both a monophyletic section above and a paraplegic section below. They also, contend ,that paraplegic taxa are necessary for classifying earlier sections of the
  17. Band passed over to Britain, landing probably on the Scottish coast. Some, contend ,they may have landed in and crossed Cornwall enroute to Brittany. They remained
  18. Of his case, in describing socialism as impossible, rather than having to, contend ,with a source of inefficiency. A recent paper on the computational complexity
  19. Substantially since the landing,Henry's army was not yet large enough to, contend ,with the numbers Richard could muster. Henry's pace through Staffordshire was
  20. Was composed near the end of Domitian's reign, around the year 95 AD. Others, contend ,for an earlier date,68 or 69 AD, in the reign of Nero or shortly thereafter.
  21. Chess, in which we have often points to gain, and competitors or adversaries to, contend ,with, and in which there is a vast variety of good and ill events, that are, in
  22. A variety of irredeemable evils in the world, leading many critics to, contend ,that Voltaire's treatment of evil—specifically the theological problem of its
  23. About 4 % of GDP in 2004,according to the CIA World Factbook). Some critics, contend ,this is unnecessary, given the low likelihood of international conflict, but
  24. A depleted roster, the White Sox dropped into seventh place in and would not, contend ,again until. During that stretch, only the and teams even managed to top .500.
  25. Possible—those who dispute that premise, such as libertarian socialists, ( who, contend ,that" business ethics" is an oxymoron) do so by definition outside the
  26. The service sector when the economy recovered from recessions. Some economists, contend ,that the U. S. is borrowing to fund consumption of imports while accumulating
  27. The parents involved received poor guidance from church leaders, while others, contend ,that the process of healing through Christian Science was not done correctly.
  28. Do not consider themselves a right-wing element of the political spectrum. They, contend ,that the Boers of the South African (ZAR) and Orange Free State republics
  29. Of the presidency and the National Assembly in national elections, but rivals, contend ,that these have been unfair. Freedom House ranks Cameroon as" not free" in
  30. Ken" Hawk" Harrelson fired La Russia after a poor start. The club wouldn't, contend ,again until 1990,the final year in Old Mickey Park. 1990s:" Good Guys Wear
  31. Or dilemmas is inadequate, some activists and academics contend . Activists also, contend ,that the news media present distorted images of African Americans. To combat
  32. In 1996,with all four Blake Street Bombers returning, the Rockies expected to, contend , but an injury to Walker hurt the team. Walker played in only 83 games and
  33. American news, concerns or dilemmas is inadequate, some activists and academics, contend , Activists also contend that the news media present distorted images of African
  34. Congress and the northern public for these actions. In addition, Lincoln had to, contend ,with reinforcing strong Union sympathies in the border slave states and keeping
  35. He showed towards his second wife, the last years of his life, he had to, contend ,with the son of his first marriage, the future Peter IV. Children By Teresa
  36. Part of the Afrocentric debate. Afrocentrism scholars such as Sheikh Anti Drop, contend ,that Ancient Egypt was primarily a" black civilization ". One source cited in
  37. To the contrary for many years. However, a minority of relativists continued to, contend ,that black holes were physical objects, and by the end of the 1960s,they had
  38. In the United States but not in Canada. Users of these unlicensed services, contend ,that they are not directly breaking any laws by simply using the equipment. The
  39. Flight, and the Harmon International Trophy in 1954. Some aviation historians, contend ,that American pilot George Welch broke the sound barrier before Yeager, while
  40. With al-Qaida. Pg. 35,36 Respondent The United States Government does not, contend ,that Petitioner Abu Zubaydah was a" member" of al-Qaida in the sense of
  41. In Parliament, received £12,325,the majority of the funding. (Some, contend ,that all of this money was properly accounted for as compensation for loss of
  42. Herdsmen themselves do not consider Theorist as a variant of Ásatrú and, contend ,that the two religions are very different. The term Theorist encompasses Norman
  43. Resistances with which both Menelik and Ra's Refer/Hail Selassie would have to, contend ,". Film *Ada (film) (1999). Documentary directed by Hail German.
  44. Within the armed forces. Post 1990 Following administrations had to, contend ,with the guerrillas, paramilitaries,narcotics traffickers and the violence and
  45. The philosophers of cosmology John Barman, Ernan McMullin and Jesús Fostering, contend ,that" in its weak version, the anthropic principle is a mere tautology, which
  46. By 16:15 as the 5th Battle Squadron finally came into range, so that he had to, contend ,with gunfire from the four battleships astern as well as Beatty's five
  47. The arm and lectured him for not showing proper respect. Knight's supporters, contend ,he was the victim of a media smear campaign organized by enemies in the IU
  48. Others, much less disagreeable; for I might, if it did not sound conceited, contend ,that every one of the detached statements which constitute the Upanishads, may
  49. Been misrepresented. Later reports on Bonds's leaked grand-jury testimony, contend ,that he admitted to unknowingly using" the cream" and" the clear ". Perjury
  50. System; prior to this both systems were in use. Some World-systems analysts, contend ,capitalism first arose in Song dynasty China by following Kondratiev waves to

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