Examples of the the word, forge , in a Sentence Context

The word ( forge ), is the 5106 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A die on its face onto the work piece. Process The workpiece is placed into the, forge , Then the impact of a hammer causes the heated material, which is very
  2. Forge-welding, but a well-designed gas forge is hot enough for any task. Finery, forge ,A finery forge is a water-powered mill where pig iron is refined into wrought
  3. Or natural gas as the fuel. One common, efficient design uses a cylindrical, forge ,chamber and a burner tube mounted at a right angle to the body. The chamber is
  4. The Continental Congress had charged the commissioners to travel to Europe and, forge ,alliances with other European powers that could help break the British naval
  5. Effects (hardening, annealing,and drawing temper as examples). The, forge ,fire in this type of forge is controlled in three ways: amount of air, volume
  6. A still closer shot of it. (As the mill is where the elder lives, these shots, forge ,a mental association in the viewer's mind between that character and the mill.
  7. Amounting to a hole in the ground with a pipe leading into it. Gas, forge ,A gas forge typically uses propane or natural gas as the fuel. One common
  8. Body of water. The slack tub also provides water to control the fire in the, forge , Types of forge s Coal/coke/charcoal forge A forge typically uses bituminous
  9. Rivalries that have divided Gabonese politics in the past, Bongo sought to, forge ,a single national movement in support of the government's development policies
  10. Have evolved in one form or another as the essential features of this type of, forge ,: *Their — a pipe through which air can be forced into the fire *Bellows or
  11. Has lost its superpower status as it faced serious challenges in its efforts to, forge ,a new post-Soviet political and economic system. Scrapping the socialist
  12. Built out of a coffee can utilize a cheap, simple propane torch. A small, forge ,can even be carved out of a single soft firebrick. The primary advantage of a
  13. Have fostered development of a variety of forge s of this type, from the coal, forge ,described above, to simpler constructions amounting to a hole in the ground
  14. On the restoration of the old Soviet ways. Ultimately, Gorbachev could not, forge ,a compromise among these forces and the consequence was the dissolution of the
  15. Which he strongly denied. A forge is a hearth used for forging. The term ", forge ," can also refer to the, although the term smithy is then more commonly used.
  16. For a constitutional monarchy. He instead remained defiant by attempting to, forge ,an alliance with Scotland and escaping to the Isle of Wight. This provoked the
  17. Geneva and the Savoy dynasty. In 1519,the Grand Council of Geneva attempted to, forge ,an alliance with Fribourg, but the Duke of Savoy responded with invasion of the
  18. A forge to accommodate different shapes of work. The major variation from the, forge ,and fire just described is a 'back draft' where there is no fire pot, and the
  19. The fuel is coal, coke or charcoal the basic design has remained the same. A, forge ,of this type is essentially a hearth or fireplace designed to allow a fire to
  20. Shoes, though he accurately enumerated everything connected with an army, forge ,in the time. There are early literary references in the Koran, circa AD 632, too
  21. Tribal rivalries that divided Gabonese politics in the past, Bongo sought to, forge ,a single national movement in support of the government's development policies
  22. And the most spirit. They practice military pursuits only. Their weapons others, forge ,for them, and again others provide horses; others too serve in the camps, those
  23. But a well-designed gas forge is hot enough for any task. Finery forge s A finery, forge ,is a water-powered mill where pig iron is refined into wrought iron. Forging
  24. When disagreement and the consequent discussion would be more fruitful. To, forge ,a consensus, the leaders of ruling coalition parties can agree to silence their
  25. Catalan *Catalan Atlas, a work of cartography in the 14th century *Catalan, forge , an early type of open-hearth furnace *Catalan vault, an architectural feature
  26. Of a horseshoe can significantly affect the horse's gait. Farriers may, forge ,custom shoes to help horses with bone or musculature problems in their legs, or
  27. Water to control the fire in the forge . Types of forge s Coal/coke/charcoal, forge ,A forge typically uses bituminous coal, industrial coke or charcoal as the fuel
  28. Scenarios are expressions of the ancient human desire to, as she calls it,", forge ,the gods ". The Afro Celt Sound System is a
  29. In the 1930s as being influenced by Nazism, which he strongly denied. A, forge ,is a hearth used for forging. The term" forge " can also refer to the
  30. Annealing, and drawing temper as examples). The forge fire in this type of, forge ,is controlled in three ways: amount of air, volume of fuel, and shape of the
  31. Including sedentary agricultural peoples. In steppe society, clans could, forge ,new alliances and subservience by incorporating other clans, creating a new
  32. 44 years on the throne provided welcome stability for the kingdom and helped, forge ,a sense of national identity. She was the second child of Henry VIII of England
  33. Hephaestus worked with the help of the Catholic Cyclopes, his assistants in the, forge , He also built automatons of metal to work for him. This included tripods that
  34. The shape of the fire. In a typical, but by no means universal, coal, forge , a fire pot will be centered in a flat hearth. The their will enter the fire pot
  35. Amounting to a hole in the ground with a pipe leading into it. Gas forge A gas, forge ,typically uses propane or natural gas as the fuel. One common, efficient design
  36. Regardless of previous political affiliation, to participate. Bongo sought to, forge ,a single national movement in support of the government's development policies
  37. Advantage of a gas forge is ease of use, particularly for a novice. A gas, forge ,is simple to operate compared to coal forge s, and the fire produced is clean
  38. To make the Commerce Department a powerful service organization, empowered to, forge ,cooperative voluntary partnerships between government and business. This
  39. Heart. The smith can also adjust the length and width of the fire in such a, forge ,to accommodate different shapes of work. The major variation from the forge and
  40. Even be carved out of a single soft firebrick. The primary advantage of a gas, forge ,is ease of use, particularly for a novice. A gas forge is simple to operate
  41. Cannot produce enough heat to enable forge -welding, but a well-designed gas, forge ,is hot enough for any task. Finery forge s A finery forge is a water-powered mill
  42. Not a problem since higher quality steels which normally are difficult to, forge ,can be used. These crankshafts tend to be very expensive due to the large
  43. June of the following year, and the Kansas Pacific arrived two months later to, forge ,the second line across the continent. In 1872,rich veins of silver were
  44. The worth of a hundred oxen. " Virgil imagines the Cyclopes in Hephaestus ', forge , who" busily burnished the aegis Athene wears in her angry moods--a fearsome
  45. To control the fire in the forge . Types of forge s Coal/coke/charcoal forge A, forge ,typically uses bituminous coal, industrial coke or charcoal as the fuel to heat
  46. Were granted independence after the Second World War, but France still tries to, forge ,cultural and educational bonds between the areas, particularly with Lebanon.
  47. 1" back to the server (since the" password_ok 1" response is easy to, forge ,). Browser and plugin coding errors JavaScript provides an interface to a wide
  48. After his death, which suggests that it is a forge ry. Nora admits that she did, forge ,the signature,to spare her dying father further worry about her (she
  49. Metal shoe without heating it, or hot shoe, in which he places the metal in a, forge ,before bending it. Hot shoeing can be more time-consuming, and requires the
  50. Can be more time-consuming, and requires the farrier to have access to a, forge ,; however, it usually provides a better fit, as the mark made on the hoof from

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