Examples of the the word, persist , in a Sentence Context

The word ( persist ), is the 5107 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. North Atlantic in the following spring and summer. About half of El Niño events, persist ,sufficiently into the spring months for the Western Hemisphere Warm Pool (WHWP
  2. Functions such as mallow from a region of memory called the heap; these blocks, persist ,until subsequently freed for reuse by calling the library function free These
  3. Such as cigarette smoking, are present. These effects have been demonstrated to, persist ,below 50 parts per billion. Analyzing multiple epidemiological studies on
  4. Of dentistry, and accusations of quackery among some dental practitioners, persist ,today. Priority patients UK NHS priority patients include patients with
  5. Related to the lack of sanitation, which developed countries solved long ago, persist ,in Brazil. These problems are sometimes worse in middle-sized and small cities
  6. System that also had a mixed base of twelve and twenty, the remnants of which, persist ,in many places. The importance of 12 has been attributed to the number of lunar
  7. To more successful academic outcomes, instead of depending on luck or fate, persist ,and achieve academically at a higher level. Therefore, it is important to
  8. Control. *Durability - Effects of successful (committed) transactions must, persist ,through crashes (typically by recording the transaction's effects and its
  9. Opportunities or self-determination. Although core difficulties tend to, persist , symptoms often become less severe with age. Acquiring language before age six
  10. Leading to landslides, a major geological hazard. Landslide danger may, persist ,while emergency personnel are attempting rescue. Fires Earthquakes can cause
  11. Occur during a gradual dosage reduction, but are typically less severe and may, persist ,as part of a protracted withdrawal syndrome for months after cessation of
  12. In stimulating the economy. Extremely serious health and sanitary conditions, persist , and the educational system remains in desperate condition. Although the abuses
  13. Relations with Libya improved with the presidency of Idris Debt, strains, persist , Chad has been an active champion of regional cooperation through the Central
  14. By chemical erosion. These fractures form high, narrow,straight passages that, persist ,in widespread closed loops. *The longest surveyed underwater cave is System
  15. Are that (1) brain structures encoding personality and long-term memory, persist ,for some time after clinical death, ( 2) these structures are preserved by
  16. And psychological problems as a result of benzodiazepine use, which can, persist ,even after withdrawing. Although antidepressants with anxiolytic properties
  17. A pervasive theme in the works of existentialist philosophy, however,is to, persist ,through encounters with the absurd, as seen in Camus' The Myth of Sisyphus ("
  18. By most scientists. Whether biological traces of memory or personhood might, persist ,after clinical death is obviously a question of interest. Similarly, outside of
  19. Have an opportunity to make a genuine informed decision. Ultimately, those who, persist ,in rejecting God condemn themselves, by cutting themselves off from the
  20. Become oxidized to the brown pigment hemoglobin. This stable red color can, persist ,much longer than in normally packaged meat. Typical levels of carbon monoxide
  21. 1930,Crowley dined with Aldous Huxley in Berlin, and to this day rumors, persist ,that he introduced Huxley to peyote on that occasion. Other drug use Crowley
  22. All serious scholarly works were written in Latin (a tradition that would, persist ,for several hundred years more, until the waning years of the Enlightenment)
  23. Villages appeared all over the state, although hunter gather groups would, persist ,for long after the era. Recent excavations in the Soconusco region of the state
  24. The blood libel adorns the Cathedral, and discovered that these beliefs, persist ,among Catholic and Orthodox Christians of all social classes. *In an address
  25. In which patients become blind but claim to be able to see normally, and, persist , in this claim in spite of all evidence to the contrary. In economics, currency
  26. Groups, associated political rebels, armed gangs, and various government forces, persist ,in the Great Lakes region. United States The Bosporus () or Bosporus (, { {
  27. His view that the idea of a non-material soul that could enter a body and then, persist ,after death is just that, an imagined idea. For Crick, the mind is a product of
  28. Biomass, about half of its carbon can be reduced to charcoal, which can, persist ,in the soil for centuries, and makes a useful soil amendment, especially in
  29. Across the world, and that both old and new expressions of antisemitism, persist , Causes Dean Phillip Bell documents and enumerates a number of categories of
  30. For some elements, allotropes have different molecular formulae which can, persist ,in different phases – for example, two allotropes of oxygen (Doxygen,O2 and
  31. On the Moon. Processes of erosion on the Moon are minimal and so craters, persist ,almost indefinitely. Since the Earth could be expected to have roughly the same
  32. Primarily in the Balkan peninsula, Scandinavia,and Russia; a small number also, persist ,in other countries across Europe (Austria, Pyrenees etc.),but in these areas
  33. regularly; i.e., that patterns in the behavior of objects will, persist ,into the future, and throughout the unobserved present. This persist ence of
  34. Clark Kent, the side of the character he most identifies with. Different takes, persist ,in the present. Overview Through the popularity of his Superman alter ego, the
  35. People is a common stage of development in young people. For others, it may, persist ,into adulthood and become social anxiety or social phobia. " Stranger anxiety "
  36. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will, persist ,... Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of
  37. Of the Small Button quail, last recorded in Spain in 1981. A few birds might, persist ,in Morocco. * Tahiti Small Button quail, Turnix salvation suluensis (Tahiti
  38. Is distinct from that of Germany or Switzerland. Distinctions in vocabulary, persist , for example, in culinary terms, where communication with Germans is frequently
  39. Rallying to the pope's defense, while all others in the background reliefs, persist ,in performing their respective earthly duties. The subject was apt for a papal
  40. Of patients will experience a notable protracted withdrawal syndrome, which can, persist ,for many months or in some cases a year or longer. Protracted symptoms tend to
  41. Occultist Plaster Crowley dined with Huxley in Berlin, and to this day rumors, persist ,that Crowley introduced Huxley to peyote on that occasion. He was introduced to
  42. Maintains the support of a majority of the court. The majority may, persist ,through some combination of belief that the old decision is right, and that it
  43. Introduced the most widely accepted definition:" which a species is able to, persist ,and maintain stable population sizes. " The Hutchison niche is defined more
  44. Spent on goods and services can cause inflation. This would not be expected to, persist ,over time due to increases in supply, unless the economy is already at a full
  45. And moneyed) persons until it was destroyed by fire in May 1888. Many rumors, persist ,between Fulham fans of past tenants of Craven Cottage. Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
  46. The possibility that brain structures encoding memory and personality may still, persist ,or be inferable. Whether sufficient brain information still exists for cryonics
  47. Transitoriness): Wave forms of human language dissipate over time and do not, persist , A hearer can only receive specific auditory information at the time it is
  48. Although some coaches still have mid mounted engines. Front-engined buses still, persist ,for niche markets such as American school buses, some minibuses, and buses in
  49. Are as follows: * concentration gradients can develop relatively fast and, persist ,for a long time in the system * chemo tactic and chemo kinetic activities are
  50. Several years),adjustments tend to occur. While unsustainable imbalances may, persist ,for long periods (cf, Singapore and New Zealand’s surpluses and deficits

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