Examples of the the word, confine , in a Sentence Context

The word ( confine ), is the 4256 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The USSR, plus 4-5 millions passed through" labor colonies ", which meant to, confine ,the prisoners serving short (less than 3 years) terms. The total population
  2. A plasma inside the solenoid will experience an inward force that would, confine ,it in the center of the helix. However, in this case the plasma would see no
  3. By contrast, the Fascist and Nazi regimes of Italy and Germany tended to, confine ,their coercive activities to purely political aims, without any serious attempt
  4. N of the t_i, and we want their total effect to be less than \var epsilon. If we, confine ,each of them to an interval of length less than \var epsilon/n, then the
  5. Criminal" The label of" crime" and the accompanying social stigma normally, confine ,their scope to those activities seen as injurious to the general population or
  6. Which far exceed the speed of light. However, there is no reason that one must, confine ,one's self to this strict conceptualization, that electrons move in paths the
  7. Be received with caution, as the author is prone to exaggerate, and does not, confine ,himself to what came within his own observation. " However, Beckingham and
  8. Then anything else. A postmodernism that lives up to its name must no longer, confine ,itself to the premodern preoccupation with" things" nor with the modern
  9. Ordering systems) as well as monotonic. A separator is a device used to, confine ,a hot plasma with magnetic fields in order to sustain a controlled nuclear
  10. Controversy, while completing the effort begun by Thomas Jefferson in 1784 to, confine ,slavery within the borders of the states. In July 1862,Congress passed and
  11. Raider" to the opposite team's half, where the goal is to tag or wrestle (", confine ,") members of the opposite team before returning to the home half. Tagged
  12. To a depression on the potential energy surface that is deep enough to, confine ,at least one vibrational state ". And is so loosely bound that it is only
  13. Of diplomacy and negotiation. ) A tokamak is a device using a magnetic field to, confine ,a plasma in the shape of a torus (doughnut). Achieving a stable plasma
  14. Success unless one fundamental principle is borne in mind constantly - it must, confine ,itself to a few points and repeat them over and over. " This idea is consistent
  15. In the mundane details of ordinary country lives. Eliot did not, however, confine , herself to her bucolic roots. Loyola, an historical novel set in late 15th
  16. In freedom. To try to suppress their feelings of anxiety and dread, people, confine , themselves within everyday experience, Sartre asserts, thereby relinquishing
  17. And set out what the limits of government should be: That the State ought to, confine ,itself to what regards the State, or the creatures of the State, namely,the
  18. Extra dimensions. These force carrier particles are strings with endpoints that, confine ,them to their planes. Further testing is needed in order to show that extra
  19. The hopelessness of her quest for freedom. She realizes that marriage would, confine ,her, the freedom she attempted killed someone, and her love for Lo would
  20. Which they will have. " The early liberals believed that the state should, confine ,its role to protecting individual liberty and property, and opposed all but the
  21. Severe defeats upon them, about 232 forcing them to settle permanently and to, confine ,themselves to the region to which they had already given their name. The theme
  22. Served as governor of a colony in Borneo and found that" he could not, confine ,himself to the tame life that prosy civilization affords ". When Clunies-Ross
  23. Confine their work to Lower Canada (present-day Quebec) while the later would, confine ,themselves to Upper Canada (present-day Ontario). In 1828 Upper Canadian
  24. Fields created by convection cells in the solar atmosphere. These fields, confine ,the plasma and transport it into the narrow necks of the coronal funnels, which
  25. That time, however,it was difficult to see how such a model could permanently, confine ,quarks. Han and Nam bu also assigned each quark color an integer electrical
  26. A low percentage of my cases, included situations in which families elected to, confine ,and sometimes abduct a 'cultist' to a deprogramming. " (Kent & Smart,2002
  27. Military command of the operations and De Vetch was to stay in Mogadishu and, confine ,himself to other colonial matters. In the case of any military development, the
  28. But to leave all declamatory speeches in praise 3481of divine music, I will, confine ,myself to my proper subject: besides that excellent power it hath to expel many
  29. North and East of Sri Lanka in 11 mass killings Expulsion of civilians did not, confine ,to Muslim community. Sri Lanka population census of 1981 recorded 19,334
  30. Racial" groups in the Holocaust. The Nazis established ghettos to, confine ,Jews and sometimes Roman into tightly packed areas of the cities of Eastern
  31. Entangled in polarization. Other methods include the use of a fiber coupler to, confine ,and mix photons, use of quantum dots to trap electrons until decay occurs, use
  32. Establishing, to a level of confidence tantamount to certainty, that QCD will, confine ,quarks. Since then, QCD has been the established theory of the strong
  33. Space, and the core thus serves to greatly reduce the magnetizing current, and, confine , the flux to a path which closely couples the windings. Early transformer
  34. Nutrient be kept away from the other ingredients to prevent nucleation and, confine ,growth to the seed crystals. Growth occurs by a diffusion-reaction process
  35. Nature" is reprobate as" utterly dishonorable to Natural Science. ": If I, confine ,my retrospect of the reception of the 'Origin of Species' to a twelvemonth, or
  36. Differ, again,in their length: for Tragedy endeavors, as far as possible, to, confine , itself to a single revolution of the sun,or slightly to exceed this limit;
  37. Of novels and theatrical works: Cedar (1904),L'edema (1908),Sing all, confine ,(1911),Colombo e sparkier (1912),Anne all vent (1913),L'intended
  38. Perpetuated through cycles of revenge. In contrast, Thucydides claims to, confine ,himself to factual reports of contemporary political and military events, based
  39. Changing world; a world that will help mold the self but not necessarily, confine ,it. Rather, the self has opportunity for maturation based on its encounters
  40. Is then injected into a glass bulb. A magnetic field and laser beams cool and, confine ,the atoms. Although the atoms remain in the trap for only about 20 seconds
  41. Agriculture, not only to ensure the best use of irrigation water but also to, confine ,the planting of cotton in favor of food grains. However, the government's
  42. II's ability to leak rapidly through tiny openings, it is very difficult to, confine ,liquid helium. Unless the container is carefully constructed, the helium II
  43. The most prominent teachers of the next generation issued. He did not, however, confine , his activity to Cæsarea, where he originated several ritualistic rules (Yer.
  44. Although it did not go on display until 1986. During this period Klimt did not, confine ,himself to public commissions. Beginning in the late 1890s he took annual
  45. From the Maritime but by 1820 had agreed, with the Episcopal Methodists, to, confine , their work to Lower Canada (present-day Quebec) while the later would confine
  46. Vessels were exposed for sale ". Caused John to order the bishops of Gaul to, confine ,him in a monastery; until a new bishop should be appointed, he bade the clergy
  47. Order,i.e. functions of functions:" We can decide that mathematics is to, confine ,itself to functions of functions which obey the above assumption" ( PM 2nd
  48. Heliotrope: A separator configuration in which a helical coil is used to, confine ,the plasma, together with a pair of PF coils to provide a vertical field. TF
  49. Who obliged Alexander to restore the conquered towns to the Thessalian, confine ,himself to Pherae, join the Boeotian League, and become a dependent ally of
  50. Materials with a higher permeability than air increase the magnetic field and, confine ,it closely to the inductor, thereby increasing the inductance. Low frequency

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