Examples of the the word, expedition , in a Sentence Context

The word ( expedition ), is the 5583 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Career and at a mature age, Afonso de Albuquerque was sent on his first, expedition ,to India with his cousin Francisco de Albuquerque. Each commanded three ships
  2. The 1777 campaign. Saratoga campaign The first of the 1777 campaigns was an, expedition ,from Quebec led by General John Burgoyne. The goal was to seize the Lake
  3. The United States, where he hoped he would be able to get support for a second, expedition ,to Kangchenjunga. Before departing, Crowley visited his friend Elaine Simpson
  4. Also hoped to raise awareness about global warming and climate change. A second, expedition ,led by Andrew Regan and Andrew Moon departed in November 2010. The Moon-Regan
  5. York City might be on the way. It was not: Howe had instead sailed away on his, expedition ,to capture Philadelphia. American militiamen flocked to Gates' army, swelling
  6. After Other became King of the Germans, he accompanied him on a disastrous, expedition ,to Bohemia in 1126,when he suffered a short imprisonment. Albert's
  7. Arriving in America, he found no support for his proposed mountaineering, expedition , and so set sail to return to Britain, arriving there in June 1906. The AWAY
  8. Decided to study film. Film school student Upon return from the research, expedition ,in 1954,Tchaikovsky applied at the State Institute of Cinematography (VIA)
  9. Cruelty, in the massacre of the citizens of Sousa; and also by another, expedition ,of the The bans under Epaminondas into Thessaly, to rescue Leonidas. According
  10. The group travelled to British India to undertake the task. Throughout the, expedition , there was much argument between Crowley and the others who felt that he was
  11. In this passage Lewis Carroll incorporated references to the original boating, expedition ,of 4 July 1862 during which Alice's Adventures were first told, with Alice as
  12. On the continent is not only possible but also often more practical. The, expedition ,also hoped to raise awareness about global warming and climate change. A second
  13. Of Barcelona. From the winter of 1124 to September 1125,he was on a risky, expedition ,to Peña Cadillac deep in Andalusia. In the great raid of 1125,he carried away
  14. But the seasonal distribution is the most consistent of any area. In 2009 an, expedition ,from University of Colorado, discovered four small glaciers in the 'Cursed '
  15. That prediction was claimed confirmed by observations made by a British, expedition ,led by Sir Arthur Eddington during the solar eclipse of 29 May 1919.
  16. M. S. Golden and assistant navigator I. Fyodor on August 21, 1732 during, expedition ,of Siberian Cossack A. F. Shestakov ADB Belorussian explorer D. I. Pavlutsky (
  17. Carroll incorporated references to everyone present on the original boating, expedition ,of July 4,1862, during which Alice's Adventures were first told, with Alice as
  18. Became the chief seat of the Barbary pirates. In October 1541 in the Algiers, expedition , the King of Spain and Holy Roman Emperor Charles V sought to capture the city
  19. Kootenai against Botanizes While the Byzantine troops were assembling for the, expedition , Alexios was approached by the Donkeys faction at court, who convinced him to
  20. Raid in Kent Alfred dispatched his fleet to East Anglia. The purpose of this, expedition ,is debated, though Asset claims that it was for the sake of plunder. The
  21. Gruff app Rhydderch, Rhys app Rhydderch, and Gruff app Llewellyn. Ealdred's, expedition ,was betrayed by some Welsh soldiers who were serving with the English, and
  22. To the continent may need to follow the laws of the country in which their, expedition ,is organized, or the country from which it departs. Lyrics of Antioch was a
  23. Period, despite having lost almost all the notes from his South American, expedition , he wrote six academic papers (which included" On the Monkeys of the Amazon "
  24. Rejected, and Davis ordered Beauregard to attack the fort before a relief, expedition ,could arrive. After a heavy bombardment on April 12–13, 1861 (with no
  25. Achieved another breakthrough on April 10–11, 1862,when a joint Army-Navy, expedition ,reduced a major masonry fortification at Fort Pulaski guarding Savannah
  26. The Mausoleum of Halicarnassus. The Amazons are also said to have undertaken an, expedition ,against the island of Luke, at the mouth of the Danube, where the ashes of
  27. Learning the location of the then secret" spice islands ", Albuquerque sent an, expedition ,of three ships sailing east to find them, led by trusted António de Abreu with
  28. To seize the throne. These troops, returning home from a disastrous military, expedition ,to Crane in Libya, suspected that they had been betrayed in order that Aries
  29. But were ambushed and scattered at the Battle of Brisbane. When a second relief, expedition ,approached, this time led by Benedict Arnold, St. Leger's Indian support
  30. Escaped to Quebec City and began preparing that city for an attack. The second, expedition , led by Colonel Arnold, went through the wilderness of what is now northern
  31. Kingdom and under the protest of Diego Mendes, who claimed the command of the, expedition , Albuquerque eventually centralized the Portuguese government in the Indian
  32. For Non-Ferrous Metals and Gold. He participated in a year-long research, expedition ,to the river Create near Turukhansk in the Krasnoyarsk Province. During this
  33. xvii.1.11) that much later the Emperor Julian undertook a punitive, expedition ,against the Alemannic, who by then were in Alsace, and crossed the Main (Latin
  34. V. Wesley, and Dr Jules Jacot-Guillarmod. Together the Eckenstein-Crowley, expedition ,attempted to climb the mountain K2,which at that time no other Europeans had
  35. And a Concept Ice Vehicle designed by Lotus. This time the team used the, expedition ,to raise awareness about the global environmental importance of the Antarctic
  36. Scientific explorations include the Challenger expedition , the German Meteor, expedition , Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory and the United States
  37. As well as a linguist, a botanist, other specialists. The findings of the, expedition ,set new standards for ethnographic description. A decade and a half later
  38. Of Lyon occurs during the French Revolution. *1794 – Joseph Whitney leads an, expedition ,to search for the Northwest Passage near Juneau, Alaska. *1844 – The Quorum of
  39. Another European contact with Alaska occurred in 1741,when Vitus Bering led an, expedition ,for the Russian Navy aboard the St. Peter. After his crew returned to Russia
  40. From Richard America of Bristol, England,financier of John Cabot's 1497, expedition , Cabot is believed the first Western European on the mainland. In the event
  41. Until he had avenged the death of her brothers. However, during Amphitryon's, expedition ,against the Mafias and Telecons, Zeus visited Alcmena disguised as
  42. According to this hypothesis, in 1648 several coaches of Season Dezhnyov's, expedition ,were thrown to Alaska by storm and founded this settlement. This hypothesis is
  43. MGM's Eskimo/Male The Magnificent, starring Alaska Native Ray Male. In 1932 an, expedition ,set out from MGM's studios in Hollywood to Alaska to film what was then billed
  44. Crowley was afflicted with influenza, malaria,and snow blindness, while other, expedition ,members were similarly struck with illness. They reached an altitude of before
  45. Several porters were subsequently killed in an accident. Returning from this, expedition , he met up with Rose and Lilith in Kolkata before being forced to leave India
  46. Example, an Anglican chaplain, Robert Wolf all, with Martin Frobisher's Arctic, expedition ,celebrated the Eucharist in 1578 in Frobisher Bay. The first Anglican church in
  47. Carteret, Andrew Moon, Richard Griffiths, Gunnar Edilson and Andrew Miles. The, expedition ,successfully showed that wheeled transport on the continent is not only
  48. Known as transatlantic trade). Scientific explorations include the Challenger, expedition , the German Meteor expedition , Columbia University's Lamont-Doherty Earth
  49. Was to give the hands of two of his daughters in wedlock to the leaders of the, expedition ,and bestow royal privileges to the others. Thus, the royal heiress Errata of
  50. At the South Pole on the 12th of December 2005. The team members on that, expedition ,were Andrew Regan, Jason De Carteret, Andrew Moon, Richard Griffiths, Gunnar

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