Examples of the the word, faithful , in a Sentence Context

The word ( faithful ), is the 5575 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Cleric, a member of an institute of consecrated life, or by any other Christian, faithful ,; even by the mother or father, if another person is not available who knows how
  2. Or region of the diocese some time during Great Lent and give Anointing for the, faithful , together with the local clergy. Anglican churches The 1552 and later editions
  3. Nephrite believers were called" the children of Christ ". At another place,the, faithful ,members of the church at the time of Captain Moroni (73 BC) were called "
  4. Sound of the bell, put the demons to flight, protect from storms, and call the, faithful ,to prayer. *Baptism of Ships: at least since the time of the Crusades, rituals
  5. Everywhere except in the small and rapidly diminishing area that remained, faithful ,to Benedict XIII. The scandal of the Great Schism created anti-papal sentiment
  6. To be a public rather than a private sacrament, and so as many of the, faithful ,who are able to are encouraged to attend. It should be celebrated in the church
  7. The voice of the Son of God, and all who were in the tombs would come out,the, faithful ,to the resurrection of life, and the un faithful to the resurrection of judgment
  8. In mistakes and anachronisms. The author thus uses Daniel as a symbol for the, faithful ,Jew serving Yahweh, and the use of various pagan kings are symbols of
  9. Fast to My name ", not denying" My faith" even in the days of Antipas," My, faithful ,martyr ". #### Admonished to repent for having held the doctrine of Balsam, who
  10. Caring for Charles Hermite during his illness and leading Hermite to become a, faithful ,Catholic. It also inspired Cauchy to plead on behalf of the Irish during the
  11. The better to emphasize the restricted nature of the characters' lives. Though, faithful ,to the play, this adaptation of Russian material to a completely Japanese
  12. He had heard the demons complaining of the efficacy of the prayers of the, faithful , and especially the monks of Clung, in rescuing their victims. Upon returning
  13. The subject due to his Sovereign. As the subject owes to his king his true and, faithful ,allegiance and obedience, so the Sovereign is to govern and protect his
  14. As general housemaids after the retirement of her long-time maid-housekeeper ", faithful ,Florence. " In her later years, Miss Marple has a live-in companion named
  15. Have avoided by recantation. Moreover, one also marvels when he sees how the, faithful ,God (who, after all, overflows with goodness) raises from the dead several
  16. The most celebrated work of his novitiate. The terseness of style and the, faithful ,imitation of nature which characterized them called forth the warmest
  17. De Troy. Other examples The following organized their elections by allegedly, faithful ,Catholics, none of whom was a recognized cardinal. The smallest such conclave
  18. For having Ben's Klan costume, a crime punishable by death. Ben and their, faithful ,servants rescue him, and the Cameron's flee. When their wagon breaks down, they
  19. Against Saint Athanasius. In May 357 the Roman laity, which had remained, faithful ,to Tiberius, demanded that Constantius, who was on a visit to Rome, should
  20. In 1974 in the cinematic version of Murder on the Orient Express. It was a very, faithful ,adaptation of the novel. Finney is, so far, the only actor to receive an
  21. Rejoins its risen body to be judged by Him in the Last judgment. The 'good and, faithful ,servant' will inherit eternal life, the un faithful with the unbeliever will
  22. Filmmaker relocated the story from Russia to Hokkaido, but it is otherwise very, faithful ,to the original, a fact seen by many critics as detrimental to the work. A
  23. Other clergy. Laity All baptized members of the church are called Christian, faithful , truly equal in dignity and in the work to build the church. Some non-ordained
  24. Pipes, and with his rustic melody gave great satisfaction to himself and his, faithful ,follower, Midas,who happened to be present. Then Apollo struck the strings of
  25. God and Joshua commanding the conquest and at the end warning of the need for, faithful ,obedience of the Law (Torah) revealed to Moses. Almost without exception
  26. The custom of setting apart a special day for intercession for certain of the, faithful ,on November 2 was first established by St. Oil of Clung (d. 1048) at his
  27. Performing pieces from Charpentier and Lully, among others that are extremely, faithful ,to the original 17th century creations. Literature and philosophy Baroque
  28. Apostolic succession for many Protestants, then,is construed as the ", faithful ,succession" of apostolic teaching. Many Protestants point to episodes
  29. As opposed to a stiffer, more static pose, is thought to be the most, faithful ,depiction of Alexander. Personality Some of Alexander's strongest personality
  30. Towards the Crown is that of allegiance. At common law allegiance is a true and, faithful ,obedience of the subject due to his Sovereign. As the subject owes to his king
  31. Shows in his work. Critique Edward Gibbon judged Minus" an accurate and, faithful ,guide, who composed the history of his own times without indulging the
  32. 512 Athlon (1.65 GHz). Max: 794 FLOPS. According to the Bible, Amnon (,", faithful ,") was the oldest son of David, King of Israel, with his wife, Ahinoam, who is
  33. Catholic celebration is associated with the doctrine that the souls of the, faithful ,who at death have not been cleansed from the temporal punishment due to venial
  34. Sheol as divided into four compartments for four types of the dead: the, faithful ,saints who await resurrection in Paradise, the merely virtuous who await their
  35. Since. Up to the time of the revolution the promise was," to be true and, faithful ,to the king and his heirs, and truth and faith to bear of life and limb and
  36. Of Christ Cathedral of the Diocese of Berlin (Patriarchate of Moscow). The, faithful ,of the different religions and denominations maintain many places of worship in
  37. Al-Rahman probably was quite happy to see his call answered by waves of Umayyad, faithful ,and family. He was finally reacquainted with his son Sulaiman, whom he last saw
  38. Mitre. Eastern bishops do not normally wear an episcopal ring; the, faithful ,kiss the bishop's hand. To seal official documents, he will usually use an
  39. Explains that kingship can be a blessing rather than a curse if they remain, faithful ,to their god. On the other hand, total destruction of both king and people will
  40. Not been ordained, and all nuns are members of the laity among the Christian, faithful , Only those Benedictine monks who have been ordained as a deacon or priest are
  41. Transporter, a transmembrane protein * ABC strategy for" Abstinence, be, faithful , use a condom ", a sex education strategy Motorcycles Music Songs and albums *
  42. Chapters 23-24) Joshua charges the leaders of the Israelites to remain, faithful ,to Yahweh and the covenant, warning of judgement should Israel leave Yahweh and
  43. Institute),which later became the INSERT. All Souls' Day commemorates the, faithful ,departed. In Western Christianity, this day is observed principally in the
  44. By sending his people into exile, but in Joshua Israel is obedient, Joshua is, faithful , and God fulfills his promise and gives them the land. Yahweh's war campaign
  45. Been in use since that time –" I do sincerely promise and swear that I will be, faithful ,and bear true allegiance to His Majesty ..." In Islam The word used in the
  46. Of Christ (). Just as her sins were forgiven because of her penitence, so the, faithful ,are exhorted to repent of their sins. In the same narrative, Jesus says," in
  47. Verona, in the Republic of Venice, but who spent his adult life and career as a, faithful ,subject of the Habsburg monarchy. Salary was a pivotal figure in the
  48. They would find us more observant daughters, more affectionate sisters, more, faithful , wives,more reasonable mothers – in a word, better citizens. It is
  49. Continue to rise exponentially, upscale guitar enthusiasts have demanded, faithful ,recreations and luthiers are working to fill that demand. Baldassarre Fossa (
  50. Depicts a bagpiper. Derrick's illustrations are considered to be reasonably, faithful ,depictions of the attire and equipment of the English and Irish population of

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