Examples of the the word, incomplete , in a Sentence Context

The word ( incomplete ), is the 5581 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In addition to their presence in fossil fuels they are also formed by, incomplete ,combustion of carbon-containing fuels such as wood, coal,diesel, fat,tobacco
  2. Stealing (tagged out attempting to steal a base). A batter with this sort of, incomplete ,plate appearance starts off the team's next turn batting; any balls or strikes
  3. A system like Aramaic must be either a syllabify (as argued by Gel) or an, incomplete ,or deficient alphabet (as most other writers have said); rather, it is a
  4. Tools left much to the programmer's own implementation, as documentation was, incomplete , Writing game-code was often an endurance exercise in the tedious assembler. In
  5. And coating/coding are pronounced the same. For many speakers, this merger is, incomplete ,and does not occur after; these speakers tend to pronounce writer with and
  6. To the higher incidence and severity of its associated complications, such as, incomplete ,abortion, sepsis,hemorrhage, and damage to internal organs. The legality of
  7. Which good skull material was known at the time. This method of reconstructing, incomplete ,skeletons based on the more complete remains of related dinosaurs continues in
  8. Complete calendars provide a way of naming each consecutive day, while, incomplete , calendars do not. The early Roman calendar, which had no way of designating the
  9. One of which, Gustav V, survived until 1970. The Soviets scrapped four large, incomplete ,cruisers in the late 1950s,whilst plans to build a number of new
  10. Cephalopods – and shelled) and testate (mollusks). In some respects, this, incomplete , classification is better than that of Linnaeus, who crowded the invertebrate
  11. Of Germany released what is considered to be the most comprehensive (yet still, incomplete ,) collection of Haley's 1946-1950 recordings as part of its Haley box set Rock
  12. Marsh, a Professor of Paleontology at Yale University, described and named an, incomplete ,(and juvenile) skeleton of Apatosaurus Ajax in 1877. Two years later, Marsh
  13. Of Shared. However, the sarcophagus also contains Alhazred's personal, incomplete ,copy of the Necronomicon, written in the Arabic alphabet. Shrewsbury then uses
  14. Confusingly, this same half-shift was initially predicted by Einstein with an, incomplete ,version of general relativity. By the time of the 1919 eclipse Einstein had
  15. The spinal cord and with projections that link the vertebrae. Hagfish have, incomplete ,briefcases and no vertebrae, and are therefore not regarded as vertebrates, but
  16. Growth retardation, pulmonary hyperplasia, patent ducts arterioles, and, incomplete , ossification of the skull. Contraindications and precautions The ACE inhibitors
  17. Is another feature not often found in word processors. However, due to the, incomplete ,compatibility with Microsoft Word, one cannot transfer a complete table. When a
  18. In the First Balkan War. Background The background to the wars lies in the, incomplete ,emergence of nation-states on the European territory of the Ottoman Empire
  19. Arch villain" and racist. The belief that Lincoln was racist was caused by an, incomplete ,picture of Lincoln, such as focusing on only selective quoting of statements
  20. The Birmingham Walk of Stars, with the public invited to vote. Bibliography (, incomplete ,list) *Bill Oddie's Introduction to Birdwatching (Subdued Books,2002)
  21. Principal regions have been assembled, with abundant information, it would be, incomplete ,if the article mentioned only the foods and beverages already cited. For
  22. CM-012 to Kennedy Space Center on August 26, 1966,there were 113 significant, incomplete ,planned engineering changes, and an additional 623 engineering change orders
  23. a million incl. Karina, Zezuru, Kalanga, Korekore, Ndau, Manyika) This list is, incomplete ,; an attempt at a full list of Bantu languages (with various conflations and a
  24. New Testament. After the Christian couple Priscilla and Aquila corrected his, incomplete ,Christian doctrine, his special gifts in preaching Jesus persuasively made him
  25. 1936–1938,published posthumously 1971) * The First Man (Le premier home) (, incomplete , published posthumously 1995) Short stories * Exile and the Kingdom (L'evil
  26. A portable assembly library for Win32 and Linux platforms, but it is yet very, incomplete , Some higher level computer languages, such as C and Bowland Pascal, support
  27. From observations made since the invention of the calendar. Complete and, incomplete ,calendars may be either complete or incomplete . Complete calendars
  28. Administrative records on both sides, but especially the French, are simply too, incomplete ,to support Curry's assertion that nine thousand Englishes were pitted against an
  29. Tail (WAS) (Dictionary of the Afrikaans Language),which is as yet, incomplete ,owing to the scale of the project, but the one-volume dictionary in household
  30. Before Perey's discovery of francium, there were at least three erroneous and, incomplete ,discoveries. Eka-francium The next element below francium is expected to be
  31. Worlds and is the country or capital city of the Norse Gods surrounded by an, incomplete ,wall attributed to a Hrimthurs riding the stallion Svadilfari, according to
  32. Temperatures resulted in evaporation of the product and lower ones lead to an, incomplete ,transformation. Lithium was chosen among other alkali metals because its
  33. Institutions sketched above — assembly, officeholders,council, courts — are, incomplete ,without the figure that drove the whole system, Ho boulomenos, he who wishes
  34. Calendar. Complete and incomplete calendars may be either complete or, incomplete , Complete calendars provide a way of naming each consecutive day, while
  35. Basque as Spanish. Many Basques regard designation as an" ethnic minority" as, incomplete , favoring instead the definition as a nation. In modern times, as a European
  36. And the complicated statistical analysis of samples where multiple, but, incomplete , peptides from each protein are detected. Analysis of mutations in cancer In
  37. Bulk of Grothendieck's published work is collected in the monumental, and yet, incomplete , Elements de geometric Angelique (EGA) and Seminary de geometric Angelique
  38. Menu ID 0&LanID 0, incomplete , support (some AGP cards do not work with AGP Express) and reduced
  39. Of Newton's words: The argument that the motion is absolute, not relative, is, incomplete , as it limits the participants relevant to the experiment to only the pail and
  40. Similar diminutives). For example," Gaza" from Gary. In informal speech, incomplete ,comparisons are sometimes used, such as" sweet as ". " Full "," fully" or "
  41. Academy at West Point, has recently argued that archival records are too, incomplete ,to substantially change his view that the English were outnumbered about 4–1.
  42. Is similar. The other common oxide is carbon monoxide (CO). It is formed by, incomplete ,combustion, and is a colorless, odorless gas. The molecules each contain a
  43. Contrary but complementary, both maintaining elements of the true church, but, incomplete , without the other; such that a true catholic and evangelical church might come
  44. Be found here - this list is predominantly of those from eastern India and is, incomplete ,). Many more died of harsh treatment, as well as through the harsh living and
  45. Stream affects the completeness of the combustion reaction. Less air yields an, incomplete ,and thus cooler reaction, while a gas stream well mixed with air provides
  46. And generally for equilibrium (Hotelling's law),financial equilibrium and, incomplete ,markets. Proof outlines A proof using homology The proof uses the observation
  47. Is a complete defense to assault. In other jurisdictions, mutual consent is an, incomplete ,defense, with the result that the misdemeanor is treated as a petty misdemeanor
  48. Only after it has exited the tube at the top. This reduced mixing produces an, incomplete ,reaction, producing a cooler but brighter yellow which is often called the "
  49. Within the solar system. The 1976 definition of the astronomical unit is, incomplete , in particular because it does not specify the frame of reference in which time
  50. Less than or equal to x. It can also be represented in terms of the regularized, incomplete ,beta function, as follows:: \begin F (k; n, p ) & \Pr (X \LE k) I_ (n-k

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