Examples of the the word, herein , in a Sentence Context

The word ( herein ), is the 5579 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The sixth, called the labrum (upper lip). In true insects (class Insects, herein ,) the mouth parts are exposed or prognathous, while in other groups they are
  2. Five years from the passing of this act, muskets for arming the militia as, herein ,required, shall be of bores sufficient for balls of the eighteenth part of a
  3. Although noting in the introduction to 'The Protestors' that 'Some recorded, herein ,perhaps did not have" all the truth" — so the writer has been reminded ', and
  4. Were going to become a bit of a theme for next year. Soon after the theme as, herein ,described was announced, it was proposed by Satsuma that the second aspect
  5. Old colliers respecting the coal, ancient collieries, faults re which I must, herein ,omit; but I must be rather particular in describing the house, through it's
  6. A wretched man, : that has borne children, ( i.e. the horse Leaner): should, herein ,enter. " *Loki::" Cease now, Njörðr!: in bounds contain thyself;: I will no
  7. Is understood to not be the Duke in regard to mainland Normandy described, herein , by virtue of the Treaty of Paris of 1259,the surrender of French possessions
  8. RD),assigning the number 1 to the Gregorian calendar epoch. The arithmetic, herein , by using the same ordinal day numbering epoch, is fully compatible with all
  9. Distributed among group members. Most of the information about unreleased games, herein ,was gleaned from postings to alt. Games. Video. Tiger. Game-com. Hacking and
  10. Article 1 Section I gives Congress only those" legislative powers, herein ,granted" and proceeds to list those permissible actions in Article I Section 8
  11. Group had been considered a separate family, Danaidae, and the tribes placed, herein ,were sometimes considered distinct subfamilies in the Nymphalidae. There are
  12. Broad. Horticulturist Robert F. Glabella of Gardens has further clarified, herein ,these definitions by replacement of the words" cup" with" corona "," petals
  13. Full well;: thou art not free from vices:: of the Æsir and the Alpha, : that are, herein ,: each has been thy paramour. " *Freya::" False is thy tongue.: Henceforth it
  14. e. g., Confessional Lutheranism (see also subsection Confessional Lutheranism, herein ,below). Other conservative Lutherans, however,may favor High Church
  15. Of religion or to any particular religious belief or creed.: Nothing, herein ,shall be deemed to infringe upon the individual freedom of belief which is
  16. In Congress, the executive and judiciary may not enact laws). The language ", herein ,granted" in Article I's vesting clause has been interpreted to mean that the
  17. 59 % believe that the culture of Arabs is primitive. The privileges mentioned, herein ,covers—few of which—the economical and education aspects of Malaysians, e. g.
  18. Each consisting of three areas and a boss fight. Unique features are described, herein ,: * A foot pedal which performs multiple functions: when the pedal is released
  19. J. C. Bose) has transmitted signals to a distance of nearly a mile and, herein ,lies the first and obvious and exceedingly valuable application of this new
  20. I, Section I of the United States Constitution vests" all legislative powers, herein ,granted" to the Congress of the United States. " Establishing a national
  21. Sentences of legion 77 in the Coptic version included at the end of legion 30, herein , *P. OXY. 654: fragments of the beginning through legion 7,legion 24 and
  22. By many to be the" inventor of radar ". (The hyphenated name is used, herein ,for consistency, although this was not adopted until he was knighted in 1942. )
  23. Or association or body of individuals, whether incorporated or not, but nothing, herein ,contained shall affect any law for the time being in force relating to transfer
  24. Be the Duke of Normandy in regard to the French region of Normandy described, herein , by virtue of the Treaty of Paris of 1259,the surrender of French possessions
  25. With the Congress, which is vested only with those legislative powers ", herein ,granted;" however, there is substantial contemporary disagreement about the
  26. Project. The complaint states that," The defendant's actions as described, herein ,were taken because of race and because of community opposition that city
  27. In by Sarastro's Moorish slave Monostatos. (Trio:" Du fans Launched, nur, herein , ". ) Pasadena, sent ahead by Amino to help find Lamina, enters. Monostatos
  28. Paperback editions) may cut one or two stories from the line-up. Statistics, herein ,refer to the original editions only. Collections published during Sturgeon's
  29. Tab. It is prescribed as a part of the uniform and when not worn as directed, herein ,will be habitually kept in the possession of the owner. The tag will be issued
  30. Any act aimed at the destruction of the rights and freedoms set forth, herein , Preamble The Universal Declaration begins with a preamble consisting of seven
  31. Tier of broadside guns to the old carrack-style structure. The description, herein ,should thus not be too closely attributed to the ship as originally built in
  32. May be negotiated between them, and to the use by the Executive of the moneys, herein ,appropriated, neither slavery nor involuntary servitude shall ever exist in any
  33. Expressions. Some of the properties that allow this manipulation are listed, herein , In what follows,c1 and c2 denote arbitrary complex numbers, c* denotes the
  34. Coming into Honduras to help stop their decline. Whence the massacres listed, herein ,next. Under President Zelaya's term, the government stated that it would
  35. Of age of eighteen years, and under the age of forty-five years (except as is, herein ,after excepted) shall severally and respectively be enrolled in the militia
  36. A complex phenomenon or model or mathematical expression, as is later set out, herein , Disorganized complexity vs. organized complexity One of the problems in
  37. Christina and Christopher, writing " It is my intention to make no provision, herein ,for my son Christopher or my daughter Christina for reasons which are well
  38. Incorporation:" ... Your petitioners further represent that the territory, herein ,described and bounded is not more than two (2) square miles, and that no part
  39. Direct, tax shall be laid, unless in proportion to the census or enumeration, herein ,before directed to be taken. " Capitation here means a tax of a uniform, fixed
  40. The state they represent. Article I, Section 1,reads," All legislative powers, herein ,granted shall be vested in a Congress of the United States, which shall consist
  41. Then as though on the point of giving them back to their kith and kin. He sees, herein ,that you bear in mind the changes of fortune and the instability of all human
  42. So additionally to bravery of Ethiopian soldiers, the special role, herein ,played the Russian military advisers and volunteers of Leontiev's mission. So
  43. Have you ever given public expression, written or oral, to the views, herein ,expressed as the basis for your claim made above? If so, specify when and where
  44. Ocean from Europe to settle on the plains and gently rolling countryside, herein , Many of those who decided to settle in the Roth say area were of Norwegian
  45. Garden plants and many wild forms. The genus Characters is sometimes included, herein ,whole or in part. Elysium has recently ascribed to a monogeneric calciferous
  46. To redress, will be the better conserved by the entry of a nolle prosequi, herein , Such a course is suggested to the Attorney General. Attorney General L. D.
  47. The authority of the Arizona mission hierarchy and are therefore not included, herein , Building Restoration No group of structures in the United States elicits the
  48. The article. The Vesting Clause (Section One) vests" all legislative powers, herein ,granted" to the Congress. Sections Two and Three deal with the House of
  49. And he may repair to the court at his pleasure. Mr Raleigh was a great mean, herein ,'. As May notes, however,Oxford never regained his position as a courtier of
  50. And from which the author has developed the Losing Trick Count described, herein , ' From this we may speculate that Elwell's ideas filtered through

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