Examples of the the word, commence , in a Sentence Context

The word ( commence ), is the 4654 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. That human souls" are immortal and after a prescribed number of years they, commence ,a new life in a new body. " One modern scholar has speculated that Buddhist
  2. 2011 Rockhopper Exploration announced plans are under way for oil production to, commence ,in 2016,through the use of Floating production storage and offloading (PSO)
  3. Focused on the quest for atonement with God. The fast and other prohibitions, commence ,on 10 Tishri at sunset - sunset being the beginning of the day in Jewish
  4. Japan invades Singapore. *1945 – World War II: The United Kingdom and Canada, commence ,Operation Veritable to occupy the west bank of the Rhine. *1946 – The first
  5. Of the last week, month,or year which corresponds to that on which it began to, commence , But if there is no corresponding day in the last month, the period ends with
  6. Also lost the potential advantage of the larger guns on his ships: they could, commence ,firing at a longer range than the German ships. *Failing to ensure that signals
  7. Each House formally sends its reply to the Speech, legislative business may, commence , appointing committees, electing officers, passing resolutions and considering
  8. Defeat Ottoman troops at the Battle of Kenya. *1844 – The Rockdale Pioneers, commence ,business at their cooperative in Rockdale, England,starting the Cooperative
  9. Island declaration on Nov. 10 2009,pledging to show moral leadership and, commence ,greening their economies by voluntarily committing to achieving carbon
  10. For an upcoming North American tour, the band's first since 1977,scheduled to, commence ,on 17 October. During the journey Botham had asked to stop for breakfast, where
  11. The increasing popularity of imported Foster's Lager, it was decided to, commence ,local brewing of the product by Courage. Australian market While popular in
  12. If Konoe's negotiations did not bear fruit by mid-October, Japan would, commence ,hostilities against the United States, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom.
  13. Heinrich. Whatever its outcome, a great Jewish emigration will, commence , But what is going to happen to these Jews? Do you imagine there will be
  14. Of any decisions by the Prosecutor not to open an investigation or not to, commence ,a prosecution, so that these victims can file submissions before the Pre-Trial
  15. Of the ecosystems. A new dialog to correct the wrongs committed should, commence , The Tonga are … trying to find solutions to their predicament and to rise out
  16. The given temperature),boiling and the rest of the distillation process can, commence , This technique is referred to as vacuum distillation, and it is commonly found
  17. Point, in military aviation the point in the air from which bombing runs, commence ,* Integrated project (EU),a type of research project * International Paper
  18. Portugal, to the value of 100 million US dollars. Repayment was originally to, commence ,in 1988,but ETA then decided to postpone the start of repayments until 1998.
  19. Fetcher),and assigning War Department corps area commanders the task to, commence ,enrollment. The first CCC http://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/enroll enrolled was
  20. At the end of 1952. In 1953,Hawks went to the University of Oxford to, commence ,a Bachelor of Arts at University College. He soon found he was covering much
  21. It through the patrol sector allocated to U-32. After receiving the order to, commence ,the operation,U-32 moved to a position east of May Island at dawn on 31 May.
  22. Cards, so that any irregularity can be corrected before the auction and play, commence , In some countries, the rules require that after the hand is played for the
  23. Inherited color blindness can be congenital (from birth),or it can, commence ,in childhood or adulthood. Depending on the mutation, it can be stationary
  24. Between Ebbs Vale Parkway and Cardiff, with services to Newport scheduled to, commence ,by 2011. (The Barry-Bridgend route was included in the closures proposed in
  25. For a military conflict with the eastern empire but before he could, commence ,the planned intervention, he died early in 422. In 420–422,another Maximus (
  26. On February 28, 2014.:" If a period fixed by weeks, months,and years does not, commence ,from the beginning of a week, month,or year, it ends with the ending of the
  27. 2011 Rockhopper Exploration announced plans are under way for oil production to, commence ,in 2016,through the use of Floating production storage and offloading (PSO)
  28. Either hosted in Australia or provided from Australia" that was due to, commence ,from 20 January 2008,known as Clean feed. Clean feed is a proposed mandatory ISP
  29. Supporting tour. Shortly before the satellite-linked interview was scheduled to, commence , the death of the Spanish dictator General Franco was announced. Bowie was
  30. Synagogues end with Avon ` slam instead. Saccharin Shabbat morning prayers, commence ,as on week-days. Of the hymns, Psalm 100 (Minor Today, the psalm for the
  31. Area with Margaret Fisher and Phil Kaufman. Before his tour was scheduled to, commence ,in October 1973,Parsons decided to go on one more excursion. Accompanying him
  32. Issue of when formal prosecution begins. Once adversarial criminal proceedings, commence ,the right to counsel applies to all critical stages of the prosecution and
  33. From Italian forces during Operation Compass. *1944 – World War II: The Allies, commence ,Operation Shingle, an assault on Anti, Italy. * 1946 – Creation of the Central
  34. States President Franklin D. Roosevelt and One was proposed for Honolulu, to, commence , as early as May. There was only one problem with the document. Each side
  35. Of the North, especially of Scandal (16-24). He lets the history of the Goths, commence ,with the emigration of Berg with three ships from Scandal to Gothiscandza (25
  36. Moves to Los Angeles to write a B-movie. He settles down in his hotel room to, commence ,writing, but suffers writer's block until he is invaded by the man (John
  37. From war when it finds us unprepared for it. ": *" Never did a government, commence ,under auspices so favorable, nor ever was success so complete. If we look to
  38. Stick. This may be used to offer a tactical advantage, or to allow for play to, commence ,if no goalkeeper or kit is available. Tactics The basic tactic in hockey, as in
  39. Continued until 1960. This period also saw the process of Decolonization, commence ,with the end of the British Raj, and the independence of other colonies in
  40. Modify data maintained and used in the daemon. When the action necessary to, commence ,the request was completed, a simple procedure return instruction returned
  41. Over being" cheated" out of war in 1938,in early 1939,Hitler decided to, commence ,the destruction of the rump state of Czechoslovakia (as Czechoslovakia had
  42. The only difference being the national markings. This allowed delivery to, commence ,within nine months of commitment to the program. On 2 March 2006,the
  43. singer's closest associates and friends claim that Parsons was preparing to, commence ,divorce proceedings at the time of his death; the couple had already separated
  44. Of opioid rotation. If that does not work, then testosterone replacement should, commence , Recreational use Hydrocodone presents much of the same side effects as other
  45. An instrument nowadays usually starts with setting an A; historically it would, commence ,from a C or an F. Some modern instruments are built with keyboards which can be
  46. Island declaration on Nov. 10 2009,pledging to show moral leadership and, commence ,greening their economies by voluntarily committing to achieving carbon
  47. Votes are cast,e.g. the precinct, the poll site; and (7) The process shall, commence ,immediately upon the close of polls and preferably shall conclude without
  48. Domestic passenger services using 40–50 seat commuter aircraft may feasibly, commence , Cycling Ballarat has a long history of cycling as a form of transport and
  49. British Virgin Islands government publications had traditionally continued to, commence ,with" The Territory of the Virgin Islands ", but recently, more legislation
  50. The predominating idea of which is that the reformation of the Church ought to, commence ,with the sanctity of the pope. Temporal matters are merely accessories; the

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