Examples of the the word, corrupt , in a Sentence Context

The word ( corrupt ), is the 4656 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Of Racially Based Measures Act was passed. Criticism Controversy over, corrupt ,members The most prominent corrupt ion case involving the ANC relates to a
  2. Movement. For example, some see the World Bank and the IMF as, corrupt ,bureaucracies which have given repeated loans to dictators who never do any
  3. The legislature. According to Transparency International, Botswana is the least, corrupt ,country in Africa and ranks similarly close to Portugal and South Korea. The
  4. Arthur Laurent's and music and lyrics by Stephen Sondheim. The story concerns a, corrupt ,mayoress, an idealistic nurse, a man who may be a doctor, and various officials
  5. Star-crossed lovers and angry parents, love triangles, family ties, sacrifice, corrupt , politicians,kidnappers, conniving villains, courtesans with hearts of gold
  6. From the farm. Thereafter, Napoleon spreads rumors to make him seem evil and, corrupt , even claiming that he secretly sabotaged the animals' efforts to improve the
  7. The only way to run a profitable business in such systems is to have help from, corrupt ,government officials. These advocates point to the higher levels of interaction
  8. Energized the revolution, as Britain was increasingly seen as hopelessly, corrupt ,and hostile to American interests. Britain seemed to threaten the established
  9. Compassion is the major motivator to moral expression. Malice and egoism are, corrupt ,alternatives. Punishment According to Schopenhauer, whenever we make a choice
  10. Evolutionary thinkers, on the grounds that contemporary society was too, corrupt ,and unjust to allow any reasonable determination of who was fit or unfit. In
  11. Federal Indian policy, that relied heavily on congressional patronage and, corrupt ,agents, after the American Civil War. Lincoln is largely responsible for the
  12. A commentary on Porphyry's Synagogue may also be his, but it is somewhat, corrupt ,and contains later interpolations. In De Interpretation, Ammonius contends
  13. Be counted for Sacraments of the Gospel, being such as have grown partly of the, corrupt ,following of the Apostles, partly are states of life allowed in the Scriptures;
  14. Which could be bought. Allotment therefore was seen as a means to prevent the, corrupt ,purchase of votes, and it gave citizens a unique form of political equality as
  15. As names of horses of the sun mentioned by 'Homers. ' The passage is miserably, corrupt ,: but it may not be accidental that the first three syllables make Abraham. The
  16. That rebel against God?: Do you renounce the evil powers of this world which, corrupt ,and destroy the creatures of God?: Do you renounce all sinful desires that draw
  17. Film as a fantasy figure who magically reverses the historical triumph of the, corrupt ,merchant class over the samurai class. Featuring Satsuma Akamai in his first
  18. But nowadays, tourists in Acapulco have been facing problems with local, corrupt ,police who steal money by extortion, and intimidate visitors with threats to
  19. Which chose Adams. Jackson's supporters denounced this result as a ", corrupt ,bargain" because Clay gave his state's support to Adams, who subsequently
  20. Shrewdness of the farmer idealized in Hesiod's Works and Days, subjected to, corrupt ,leaders and unreliable neighbors. Typically, he devises a complicated and
  21. Two Mexicans who are mistaken for government inspectors from Mexico City by the, corrupt ,mayor of a small town. It is a humorous political critique, aimed squarely at
  22. And broken, Tweed now agreed to testify about the inner workings of his, corrupt ,Ring to a special committee set up by the Board of Alderman, Mayor Smith Fly
  23. To Steiner, is dual in nature. Two spiritual adversaries endeavor to tempt and, corrupt ,humanity away from thinking and doing the good. Lucifer and his counterpart
  24. The loss of the first thirteen books, the remaining eighteen are in many places, corrupt ,and lactose. The sole surviving manuscript from which almost every other is
  25. Trials. Chaplin's second wife, Lita Grey, later asserted that Chaplin had paid, corrupt ,government officials to tamper with the blood test results. She further stated
  26. Only traditional no-op machine instructions; any instruction that does not, corrupt ,the machine state to a point where the shell code will not run can be used in
  27. The cancellation of all debt and mortgages; while previous governors have been, corrupt ,and oppressive, he has been righteous and just. *6. Sanballat accuses Nehemiah
  28. Howard K. Beale) argued that the Republican Party in the 1860s was a tool of, corrupt ,business interests, and that Johnson stood for the people. They rated Johnson "
  29. From initial premises in a plot. In The Knights for instance,Cleon's, corrupt ,service to the people of Athens are originally depicted as a household
  30. Has excited suits or proceedings at law in at least three instances, and with a, corrupt ,or malicious intent to vex and annoy. " * Revised Code of Washington 9.12.010:
  31. What's good for General Bull moose is good for everybody! " Bullmoose's, corrupt ,interests were often pitted against those of the pathetic Lower Slobbovians in
  32. Programmer error. This includes situations such as incorrect, inappropriate or, corrupt ,data, unavailability of needed resources such as memory, operating system
  33. Record of good economic governance, Botswana was ranked as Africa's least, corrupt ,country by Transparency International in 2004,ahead of many European and Asian
  34. And technical assistance, and a cautious foreign policy. It is rated the least, corrupt ,country in Africa, according to an international corrupt ion watchdog
  35. Citing in particular the Chaney Crisis over Turkey and Lloyd George's, corrupt ,sale of honors amongst other grievances, and Lloyd George was forced to resign
  36. Found themselves protected from the rapacity of their superiors who had grown, corrupt ,under the safety and opulence of Manuel I rule. However, as Androids' rule
  37. Adventurers as roguish heroes of low social class who live by their wits in a, corrupt ,society. Novels such as Amarillo de Tormes were influential across Europe.
  38. Unless thoroughly diluted, bitumen never fully solidifies and will in time, corrupt ,the other pigments with which it comes into contact. The use of bitumen as a
  39. System and appoints judges. Bulgaria's judiciary remains one of Europe's most, corrupt ,and inefficient. Law enforcement organizations are mainly subordinate to the
  40. For a better world, even if the path there is not clear. Separation from a, corrupt ,social system in order to alleviate human suffering, as Canada does, is the
  41. In office until February 1997,when a populace alienated by the BSP's failed, corrupt ,government demanded its resignation and called for new elections. A caretaker
  42. Greed and myopia destroy any possibility of a Utopia. While this novel portrays, corrupt ,leadership as the flaw in revolution (and not the act of revolution itself)
  43. Year. The world must know these facts about the Zionist entity and its terrible, corrupt ,creed. The world should know this. " Views of the Catholic Church The attitude
  44. October 1947,Li'l Abner met Rockwell P. Squeeze blood, head of the abusive and, corrupt ,Squeeze blood Comic Strip Syndicate. The resulting sequence," Jack Jawbreaker
  45. That children imitated crimes committed in comic books, and that these works, corrupt ,the morals of the youth. Wertheim criticized Batman comics for their supposed
  46. Mike Income, is a revenge drama about a young man who climbs the hierarchy of a, corrupt ,Japanese company with the intention of exposing the men responsible for his
  47. Power is vested in both the government and parliament. Chad is one of the most, corrupt ,countries in the world. Executive branch A strong executive branch headed by
  48. Police commissioner James Gordon (Pat Single),the police department remains, corrupt , Reporter Alexander Knox (Robert Who) and photo-journalist Vicki Vale (Kim
  49. The Assyrian invasion of Judah as Yahweh's punishment on the kingdom's, corrupt ,rulers, including a prophecy that the Temple will be destroyed. The prophecy
  50. Many voters believed the" man of the people" had been robbed by the ", corrupt ,aristocrats of the East. " Election of 1828 Jackson resigned from the Senate in

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