Examples of the the word, bust , in a Sentence Context

The word ( bust ), is the 6623 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hand to stand on (since the only way to avoid losing is for the dealer to go, bust , which is less likely if there are fewer 10s left in the shoe). * It makes
  2. Gail Zappa and Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake In 2002,a bronze, bust ,was installed in German city Bad Doberman, since 1990 location of the Campanile
  3. Computing scientists) named for Alan Turing. *The University of Oregon has a, bust ,of Turing on the side of the Descartes Hall, the computer science building.
  4. Colossal head from a statue of Amenhotep III (1350 BC) *Colossal limestone, bust ,of Amenhotep III (1350 BC) *List of the kings of Egypt from the Temple of
  5. To the U. S. Senate — a ceremony dedicating the replica was held, with the, bust ,installed at the Southeast Anchor Branch Library in Baltimore's Highland town.
  6. Still found on many coins today. Traditionally, the side of a coin carrying a, bust ,of a monarch or other authority, or a national emblem, is called the obverse
  7. Is replete with tales of dramatic upswings and downswings, and this boom and, bust ,pattern has influenced the politics, culture and business climate of the
  8. Hughes Middle School in Long Beach, California,was named in his honor. * A, bust ,length portrait of Hughes by the Swiss-born American portrait painter Adolfo
  9. Sculpture about the 18th and 19th century shipbuilding industry and a, bust ,of shipbuilder Donald McKay in East Boston; blue interior lighting of the Hakim
  10. Congress. *1971 – New York Police Officer Frank Service is shot during a drug, bust ,in Brooklyn and survives to later testify against police corruption. Many
  11. To film in Paris. In 1970 sculptor Alain Gordon used Bar dot as the model for a, bust ,of Marianne, the French national emblem. In 2007, she was named among Empire
  12. S Sacco, and his Mercuric Benvenuto Cellini is represented with his bronze, bust ,of Costco I. of a number of Medici villas, notable as the site of the Platonic
  13. To this day. Her head however, was parted from her body and inserted in a gilt, bust ,from bronze. This bust was later taken to Saint, and carried through that city
  14. Owned in the hills above Budapest. It is now operated as a house museum. *A, bust ,and plaque located at his last residence, in New York City at 309 W. 57th
  15. Then with those of the German explorer Alexander von Humboldt. In 2007 a, bust ,of Gauss was placed in the Valhalla temple. Things named in honor of Gauss
  16. Idol's mother. In the US Generation X was originally referred to as the" baby, bust ," generation because of the drop in the birth rate following the baby boom.
  17. Was strongly affected by the dot-com boom in the late 1990s and subsequent, bust , The proliferation of technology companies has led to the region's nickname,"
  18. Rather than fully formulated in three dimensions,". In 1990 Alston's bronze, bust ,of Martin Luther King Jr. (1970),became the first image of an African
  19. Include: *The Battlefield Palette, ( circa ~3500 to 3000 BC). *Colossal, bust ,of Ra messes II, the " Younger Demon" ( 1250 BC) *Colossal red granite statue
  20. The late-2000's recession in the world, the near-concurrent local property, bust ,with changes in Estonian legislation to increase labor market flexibility (
  21. If the dealer bust s, all remaining player hands win. If the dealer does not, bust , each remaining bet wins if its hand is higher than the dealer's, and loses if
  22. Artist in Chopin Park for the 200th anniversary of Chopin's birth. A bronze, bust ,memorializing Chopin stands at Symphony Circle outside Learns Music Hall in
  23. Cards (" In Bet" ) *First card drawn to the dealer will result in a dealer, bust ,(" Bust It! ") *One or both of the players cards is the same as the dealers
  24. Recent Internet sector and related fields. While the latter part was a boom and, bust ,cycle, the Internet boom is sometimes meant to refer to the steady commercial
  25. About the family origins of Amass: his mother was a certain Tashereniset as a, bust ,statue of this lady, which is today located in the British Museum, shows. A
  26. 1802,at the personal request of Napoleon, Canova returned to Paris to model a, bust ,of the first consul. The artist was entertained with munificence, and various
  27. To political direction or pressure may encourage economic cycles (" boom and, bust ,"),as politicians may be tempted to boost economic activity in advance of an
  28. Him to win acceptance and financial independence. His first sculpture was a, bust ,of his father in 1860,and he produced at least 56 portraits between 1877 and
  29. However, was parted from her body and inserted in a gilt bust from bronze. This, bust ,was later taken to Saint, and carried through that city in a procession to the
  30. Street porter. The unconventional bronze piece was not a traditional, bust , but instead the head was" broken off" at the neck, the nose was flattened
  31. Is found in California card rooms. In this form of the game, a player, bust ,does not always result in an automatic loss; depending on the casino, the
  32. At its center. * Four faces flank the two bronze plaques on either side of the, bust ,of Lincoln memorializing his Gettysburg Address at Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. *
  33. That combine the physical and the spiritual. He was also a fine sculptor of, bust ,portraits in high demand among the powerful. Bernini's Corner chapel: the
  34. Carried through that city in a procession to the Dominican church. Behind the, bust ,walked Lap,Catherine's mother, who lived until she was 89 years old. By then
  35. Russell was commissioned by a committee including A. J. Layer. It consists of a, bust ,of Russell in Red Lion Square in London sculpted by Marcella Quinton. Titles
  36. Anson. A public house in Mot spur Park is named The Earl Beatty in his honor. A, bust ,of Beatty rests on Trafalgar Square in London, alongside those of Bellicose and
  37. Still push if the dealer bust s as well, although the dealer typically has to, bust ,with a higher total. *Double Exposure Blackjack deals the first two cards of
  38. 1991,Atchison was inducted into the Hall of Famous Missourians, and a bronze, bust ,depicting him is on permanent display in the rotunda of the Missouri State
  39. From Henry Salt, British Consul General in Egypt, beginning with the Colossal, bust ,of Ra messes II in 1818,laid the foundations of the collection of Egyptian
  40. Magdalena. The last performance which issued from his hand was a colossal, bust ,of his friend, the Count Cicognara. In May 1822 he paid a visit to Naples, too
  41. That a correction or" credit crunch" – commonly called a" recession" or ", bust ," – occurs when credit creation cannot be sustained. They claim that the money
  42. Of the International Academy of Humanism, and a Fellow of CSICOP. * A sculpted, bust ,of Francis Crick by John Sherrill House, which incorporates the DNA Double
  43. 10's left in the shoe). * It makes hitting safer, since the only way of going, bust ,is to draw a 10,and this is less likely with a 10 already in the hand. However
  44. Mateo's counties, have emerged from the economic downturn caused by the dot-com, bust , In 2010,there were more than 663,000 millionaires in the state, more than any
  45. Symbol of democracy and freedom by many people in Czechoslovakia ". In 1995,a, bust ,of Zappa by sculptor Konstantinos Bogdan was installed in the Lithuanian
  46. César CEDEAO, and Clint Hurdle on opening day. Hurdle was an immediate, bust , and rookie Eddie Milner took his place in the starting outfield early in the
  47. Gives importance to its contents, whether an inscribed plaque, a cult object,a, bust ,or the like, by assuming the tectonic vocabulary of a little building that sets
  48. Hospital and the Golden State Mutual Life Insurance Building. In 1990 Alston's, bust ,of Martin Luther King, Jr. became the first image of an African American
  49. Album, Jim Morrison and the other members of the Doors are shown posing with a, bust ,of Plaster Crowley. The later rock musician Ozzy Osbourne released a song
  50. Various commemorative stamps with artistic illustrations, and by erecting a, bust ,of Avicenna based on anthropological research by Soviet scholars. Near his

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