Examples of the the word, booth , in a Sentence Context

The word ( booth ), is the 5397 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Papa took over the play-by-play (after being studio host) and led a two-man, booth ,with Lynch. Dave Jennings joined the broadcast team in 2002 following his
  2. Window with Caray's caricature was installed in the Wrigley Field broadcast, booth , and a patch with the same caricature along with Brickhouse's trademark" Hey
  3. Played live. Ozzy was singing at the same time, we just put him in a separate, booth ,and off we went. We never had a second run of most of the stuff. " Black
  4. The 1950s and the early 1960s. As Giants players retired to the broadcast, booth ,in the early and 1960s,first Pat Summer all, then Frank Gifford took the color
  5. Where the eponymous protagonists travel through time in a public phone, booth ,(which is NOT" bigger on the inside" ). In that movie, the time machine was
  6. Northern Europe are reflected in Fair Isle Had, a traditional Hanseatic trading, booth ,located not far from the South Harbor traditionally used by residents of the
  7. Shown him leaving his clothes in some covert location (such as a telephone, booth ,) for later retrieval. In the Pre-Crisis comic book title Superman Family
  8. In the Western hemisphere and in English-speaking countries, a kiosk is also a, booth ,with an open window on one side. Some vendors operate from kiosks (see mall
  9. League Park was demolished in 1951,although a portion of the original ticket, booth ,remains. Making the most of the cavernous stadium, Veeck had a portable center
  10. Redmond cannot attend, Murphy provides commentary alongside Daniels in the, booth , Hall of Fame broadcasters Two members of the Red Wings organization have
  11. Trilogy. Instead, the time machine was styled after a 1960s American telephone, booth , Its similarity to the time-travelling British police box-shaped PARIS of the
  12. That are picked on each ticket. Modern keno The ball draw occurs at the" keno, booth ,". The ball draw is typically determined by one of four devices: # Traditional
  13. By crossing out his or her name, but had to do so in a separate voting, booth ,without any secrecy. The consequences for such an act of defiance were
  14. Too, and I started playing with them. Sam, I think, had the door to the control, booth ,open ... he stuck his head out and said,'What are you doing? ' And we said
  15. Announcer seen nationwide on Fox Sports, joined his father Marty in the radio, booth , Retired relief pitcher Jeff Brantley, formerly of ESPN, also joined the
  16. At the Daily Planet. He changes in a super speed spin in the Daily Planets phone, booth ,and once even in his office chair. Debate over true identity A relatively
  17. The camera on the ball. But legend has it that a rat in the left field camera, booth ,had frightened the cameraman, causing him to stay focused on Fisk's" waving
  18. Games; replay is rarely used in lower division games. Every play is subject to, booth ,review with coaches only having one challenge. In the NFL, challenges are only
  19. Zappa's song," I'm the Slime ", was performed with a voice-over by SNL, booth ,announcer Don Pardon, who also introduced" Peaches En Regalia" on the same
  20. Tiles fell and windows shook. At one point, Cronkite was forced to dampen the, booth ,'s plate glass window to prevent it from shattering. This launch showed that
  21. Connection. In the past, a winning ticket needed to be taken to the keno, booth ,for collection immediately after the race results were posted, and drawings
  22. Rival club called The Rink. He came over to my club one night, and into the DJ, booth ,and said to me,'I've got the gimmick that's going to take all the people out of
  23. Louis Cardinals icon for 25 years. Carry also had the benefit of being in the, booth ,during the NL East title run in 1984,which was widely seen due to WGN's
  24. 2002,and may have played a role in his departure from the Knicks' broadcast, booth , The Knicks reportedly wanted Albert to accept a salary commensurate with his
  25. Walk around calling," keno! " And offer to carry players' wagers to the keno, booth ,for processing. The keno runner is handed the wager payment and the“ inside
  26. As Aftermath producer Mahogany told Scratch:" It's like a classroom in the, booth , He'll have three writers in there. They'll bring in something,he'll recite
  27. Players toward season's end. At one point, reliever Kent Mercer phoned the, booth ,during a game and told Stone to" keep out of team business. " Stone left the
  28. For years on color was former Reds' pitcher Joe Vauxhall, who worked in the radio, booth ,from 1967 (the year after his retirement as an active player) until 2004
  29. A festival sessions will be got together in the beer tent or in the vendor's, booth ,of a music-loving craftsman or dealer. When a particularly large musical event
  30. The following broadcasters are honored with microphones by the broadcast, booth ,: Marty Brennan, Waite Host, and Joe Vauxhall. Baseball Hall of Famers Ford C.
  31. Patents. In September 2006,German officials seized MP3 players from SanDisk's, booth ,at the IFA show in Berlin after an Italian patents firm won an injunction on
  32. Many home games on FS Detroit where Ken Daniels and Mickey Redmond are in the, booth , Larry Murphy also provides analysis" between the benches" during games.
  33. Who wants to vote against the sole candidate on the ballot must go to a special, booth ,to cross out the candidate's name before dropping it into the ballot box—an
  34. ENSERG to form the lead broadcasting team while replacing Merlin Olsen in the, booth ,). Walsh returned to Stanford in 1992 (Bob Trump subsequently replaced him on
  35. S rules booklet. After picking wager numbers, recording them at the keno, booth ,and obtaining the“ keno ticket” ( official wager receipt),the player
  36. Such as Cheers and M*A*S*H, but only lasted one season in the Orioles broadcast, booth , Other previous flagship radio stations include WEAL (1090 kHz AM) from
  37. Is a capital crime. This policy, in addition to the existence of the transfer, booth ,and a one-world language and economy, has led to the populace eventually
  38. Robin Ventura and Moose Shown fill in as substitutes in the broadcast, booth , Since 1990,Ken" Hawk" Harrelson has done play-by-play commentary for the
  39. Nightclub in January 1989,where Nirvana was playing a show. Cobain passed by a, booth ,where Love was seated with a friend, and she blurted to him," You look like
  40. The extreme noise and vibrations from the launch nearly shook the broadcast, booth ,apart-ceiling tiles fell and windows shook. At one point, Cronkite was forced
  41. The social consequence of inventing an instantaneous, practically free transfer, booth ,that could take one anywhere on Earth in milliseconds. One consequence not
  42. Mark on the team. Jack Brick house manned the Cubs radio and especially the TV, booth ,for parts of five decades, the 34-season span from 1948 to 1981. He covered the
  43. Air on KYC, with Jim Donovan and former Browns QB Bernie Solar in the, booth , and KYC weekend sports anchor Dave Chudowski as sideline reporter. When
  44. Released by Paramount, the mild-mannered reporter often ducked into a telephone, booth ,or stockroom to make the transformation. Since the shorts were produced during
  45. And operate reliably in a computer-hostile environment such as a projection, booth , Most importantly, they provided a complete solution for content security. The
  46. Conditions. The word Sukkot is the plural of the Hebrew word Sukkot, meaning, booth , Jews are commanded to" dwell" in booth s during the holiday. This generally
  47. Third floor contains interactive exhibits including a pitcher's mound, radio, booth , and children's area where the fundamentals of baseball are taught by former
  48. The first time as one unit. Walter Cronkite covered the launch from a broadcast, booth ,about 4 miles (6 km) from the launch site. The extreme noise and vibrations
  49. With two different stories being shown in tandem. From the projection, booth , the sound would be raised for one film to elucidate that" story" while it
  50. Street maps, cigarettes,and confections. An information kiosk (or information, booth ,) dispenses free information in the form of maps, pamphlets,and other

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