Examples of the the word, salesman , in a Sentence Context

The word ( salesman ), is the 8653 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. He took a number of others, including working as a traveling insurance, salesman , remaining in the United States until 1967. While in Dallas, Texas,where the
  2. Fall asleep, so instead he begins thinking about his job. He is a traveling, salesman , and he hates traveling because he dislikes worrying and getting up early.
  3. Hidden throughout the game. The game is thus reminiscent of the traveling, salesman ,problem. Players move using transportation cards. Elves can travel on a wide
  4. As having private means, although he describes himself as" a traveling, salesman ,in wines and spirits. " Cottar is an eccentric figure, silent and secretive
  5. Blogs ". Early life and family Poll is the son of Frederik George Poll (a, salesman ,) and Anna Jane Poll. Poll Sr. held a number of jobs, and the Polls lived in
  6. And Alfred Lacan's three children. His father was a successful soap and oils, salesman , His mother was ardently Catholic—his younger brother went to a monastery in
  7. London, England,the eldest child of Thomas Carey Byton (1870–1920),a, salesman ,of cutlery, and his wife, Theresa Mary Harrison Byton (1874–1950). There
  8. Problem in NP can be transformed mechanically into an instance of the traveling, salesman ,problem, in polynomial time. The traveling salesman problem is one of many such
  9. Data General (DG) in 1968. The fourth founder, Herbert Rich man, had been a, salesman ,for Fair child Semiconductor and knew the others through his contacts with
  10. Driver in North Carolina, short order cook, cab driver, lithographer,book, salesman , floorwalker in a department store, door-to-door brush salesman , and as a
  11. Of time in terms of the size of the problem to solve. Take the travelling, salesman ,problem, for example. It can be solved in time O (n^2 2^n) (where n is the
  12. Helped him out of a problem several years ago in regard to a demented cat, salesman , Of course, it wasn't the cat salesman who was demented: he sold demented cats
  13. Joined in, the sketch was introduced by Cathy Baker. * Samples Sales: Used car, salesman ,role for Junior Samples, with Misty Rowe as his later assistant, in his guise
  14. Touched. After his naval service, Bogart worked as a shipper and then bond, salesman , He joined the Naval Reserve. More importantly, he resumed his friendship with
  15. Ago in regard to a demented cat salesman . Of course, it wasn't the cat, salesman ,who was demented: he sold demented cats. He apparently sold Costs a cat that
  16. For many NP-complete problems, such as the knapsack problem, the travelling, salesman ,problem and the boolean falsifiability problem, that can solve to optimally
  17. Had only minimal formal schooling before attempting a career as a traveling, salesman , Worried about how the itinerant life might negatively impact his soul, he
  18. Al during the show by bringing them tools. Although revealed to be an excellent, salesman ,and TV personality, Tim Taylor is spectacularly accident-prone as a handyman
  19. In leaving the hills as it meant separation from her" sweetie ", traveling, salesman , Jazzbo Deep. Late in the season it was explained in an episode that Dethrone
  20. Gets into more than he can handle, however,when he believes he has witnessed a, salesman ,(Raymond Burr) commit a murder, and when his glamorous girlfriend (Grace
  21. Are NP-complete, such as some types of integer programming, and the travelling, salesman ,problem, to name two of the most famous examples. Efficient solutions to these
  22. Light (1987). An eminent astrophysicist and her brother, a small-town Buick, salesman , discover how they grew so far apart and the bonds of love that still keep them
  23. Gregor Samoa Gregor is the protagonist of the story. He works as a traveling, salesman ,in order to provide money for his sister and parents. He wakes up one morning
  24. Of Varese on the cover). Not having enough money with him, he persuaded the, salesman ,to sell him the record at a discount. And local Pacheco groups),and modern
  25. Cash register business to Jacob H. Expert of Cincinnati, a china and glassware, salesman , who formed the National Manufacturing Company. In 1884 Expert sold the company
  26. Consider the following instance of the decision version of the traveling, salesman ,problem: Is there a route of length at most 2000 kilometers passing through all
  27. Then worked as a copywriter for an advertising agency and as an encyclopaedia, salesman , He kept writing short fiction but found it impossible to get published. In
  28. About the computer) and the original invoice showing 'Steven' as the, salesman , The computer was brought to Turin University where it was used to run BASIC.
  29. An example of this would be Franz Kafka's story Metamorphosis, in which the, salesman ,Gregor Samsa's plans for supporting his family and rising up in rank by hard
  30. Down in 1961. ) He was the only child of Winfield Scott Lovecraft, a traveling, salesman ,of jewelry and precious metals, and Sarah Susan Phillips Lovecraft, who could
  31. Distinguished Service Cross recipient *Lessie Cummins: inventor, mechanic, salesman , and founder of engine manufacturer Cummins, Inc. *Robert Barton: longest
  32. Rome a year later. The couple settled in Rimini where Urban became a traveling, salesman ,and wholesale vendor. Fellini had two siblings: Riccardo (1921–1991),a
  33. That is, it isn't just yes or no. Notable examples include the traveling, salesman ,problem and the integer factorization problem. It is tempting to think that the
  34. Own voice in Donald's Dream Voice (May 21, 1948). He works as a door-to-door, salesman ,but his customers do not understand a word he is saying. His attempts at
  35. Lost '. A spy could be an engineer, a maintenance man, a cleaner, a insurance, salesman ,or an inspector. Basically anyone who has legitimate access to the premises. A
  36. In the German Empire on 14 March 1879. His father was Hermann Einstein,a, salesman ,and engineer. His mother was Pauline Einstein (née Koch). In 1880,the family
  37. Instance of the traveling salesman problem, in polynomial time. The traveling, salesman ,problem is one of many such NP-complete problems. If any NP-complete problem is
  38. Both couples are deeply unhappy with their marriages. Buddy, a traveling, salesman , is having an affair with a girl on the road; Sally is still as much in love
  39. Sleeping cars, bridges and oil derricks. He built further wealth as a bond, salesman ,raising money for American enterprise in Europe. He earned most of his fortune
  40. 1993. Advertising, marketing,and packaging Mike Markka, a retired Intel, salesman ,who provided early critical funding for Apple Computer, was keen on marketing.
  41. History. For a brief time Morris held small jobs, first as a cable television, salesman ,and then as a term-paper writer. His unorthodox approach to applying for grad
  42. Polynomial time. For instance, the decision problem version of the travelling, salesman ,problem is NP-complete, so any instance of any problem in NP can be transformed
  43. Two NP-complete optimization problems: graph partitioning and the travelling, salesman ,problem. (In a display of authorial equity, the former is usually called the
  44. Began with working in Germany as assistant in his father's business as a dairy, salesman , In 1779 at age 16 he emigrated to London, where he learned English while
  45. Who leads a double life as a married man, whose wife believes he is a computer, salesman , Schwarzenegger was cast as Harry Tasked, a spy charged with stopping a plan by
  46. The size of the network to visit—let's say the number of cities the travelling, salesman ,must visit exactly once). As the size of the network of cities grows, the time
  47. Up to the front door and the door being flung open to reveal the fast-talking, salesman ,standing behind the counter surrounded by the junk he was trying to sell. The
  48. And universities across the western world. The story begins with a traveling, salesman , Gregor Samoa, waking to find himself transformed into a monstrous insect-like
  49. Book salesman , floorwalker in a department store, door-to-door brush, salesman , and as a youngster, an actor in several productions at the Cleveland Play
  50. Tools, cars and sports (especially the local Detroit teams). He is a former, salesman ,for the fictional Bin ford Tool company, and is very much a cocky

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