Examples of the the word, molecular , in a Sentence Context

The word ( molecular ), is the 4153 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Based on phylogenetic research is in a state of flux. Recent morphological and, molecular ,data has shown that several of these ordinal and higher-level groupings
  2. An NH4+ abundance of 3×10−7 and an electron abundance of 10−7 typical of, molecular ,clouds, the formation will proceed at a rate of 1.6×10−9 cm−3s−1 in a molecular
  3. Well as the Gentiles and the extinct Bennettitales. Detailed morphological and, molecular ,studies have shown that the group is not actually monophyletic. Some more
  4. Antimony forms two series of halves, and. The trivializes, and are all, molecular ,compounds having trigonal pyramidal molecular geometry. The trifluoride is
  5. Slowly boiled to get rid of the higher fractions, leaving a material of higher, molecular ,weight which is thermoplastic and when layered on objects, became quite hard
  6. Long time. Mass spectrometry Alkanes have a high ionization energy, and the, molecular ,ion is usually weak. The fragmentation pattern can be difficult to interpret
  7. The inside of the ring to show six electrons floating around in delocalized, molecular ,orbitals the size of the ring itself. This also represents the equivalent
  8. Star formed, ammonia is an invaluable tool in understanding this surrounding, molecular ,material. Since this molecular material can be spatially resolved, it is
  9. 2×10−5,HBO+/H₂ 2×10−9,and total densities of n 105,typical of cold, dense, molecular , clouds. Clearly, between these two primary reactions, equation (1) is the
  10. And with the external factors, research is underway to unravel possible, molecular ,mechanisms underlying anxiety and comorbid conditions. One candidate gene with
  11. Molecular clouds, the formation will proceed at a rate of 1.6×10−9 cm−3s−1 in a, molecular ,cloud of total density 105 cm−3. All other proposed formation reactions have
  12. Nucleoside triphosphate used in cells as a coenzyme. It is often called the ", molecular ,unit of currency" of intracellular energy transfer. ATP transports chemical
  13. Molecular cores form around newly forming stars embedded in larger clouds of, molecular ,material on the scale of several hundred pc (giant molecular clouds; EMCS).
  14. And atomic physics are often considered in the wider context of atomic, molecular , and optical physics. Physics research groups are usually so classified.
  15. And Zingiberales. Although some phylogenetic reconstructions based on, molecular ,data have suggested that Asparagus may be paraplegic, with Orchidaceae
  16. That turbulent or systematic velocities do not increase in the central cores of, molecular ,clouds. Microwave radiation from ammonia was observed in several galactic
  17. Larger clouds of molecular material on the scale of several hundred pc (giant, molecular ,clouds; EMCS). Safety precautions The U. S. Occupational Safety and Health
  18. Authorities (Woods,1993; McKenna and Bell,1997) in the Dasyproctidae, but, molecular , studies have demonstrated that they do not form a monophyletic group (Rowe and
  19. Of greenhouse gases. Related processes are known as sweetening. Safety Low, molecular ,weight amines are toxic, and some are easily absorbed through the skin. Many
  20. Tool in understanding this surrounding molecular material. Since this, molecular ,material can be spatially resolved, it is possible to constrain the
  21. The US Civil War. *In the Neal Stephenson novel The Diamond Age, ubiquitous, molecular , nanotechology is described to make use of" rod logic" similar to that
  22. Of regions has made ammonia one of the most important molecules for studies of, molecular ,clouds. The relative intensity of the ammonia lines can be used to measure the
  23. Were present in their current form in the nebula that collapsed out of a, molecular ,cloud to form the Solar System. The rest are the result of radioactive decay
  24. Now placed in Gilliesieae, the rest being assigned to Allied. In 1996,a, molecular ,phylogenetic study of the RBC gene showed that Acanthus was misplaced in
  25. 2 Li + 2 NH3 → 2 LiNH2 + H₂ Self-dissociation Like water, ammonia undergoes, molecular ,autoionization to form its acid and base conjugates: :2 (l) (a) + (a)
  26. Fluoride (AmF4) is obtained by reacting solid americium (III) fluoride with, molecular ,fluorine:: \math rm Another known form of solid trivalent americium chloride
  27. Its extremely short half-life. The halogens get darker with increasing, molecular ,weight and atomic number: fluorine is nearly colorless, chlorine is
  28. Amines are toxic, and some are easily absorbed through the skin. Many higher, molecular ,weight amines are highly active biologically. External links
  29. Very reactive and have little biological activity. Alkanes can be viewed as a, molecular ,tree upon which can be hung the interesting biologically active/reactive
  30. The trivializes, and are all molecular compounds having trigonal pyramidal, molecular ,geometry. The trifluoride is prepared by the reaction of with HF: is a powerful
  31. Combinations) of multiple orbitals. See Linear combination of atomic orbitals, molecular ,orbital method. The quantum number n first appeared in the Bohr model where it
  32. Space. Thermodynamics near absolute zero At temperatures near 0 K, nearly all, molecular ,motion ceases and, when entropy S, ΔS 0 for any adiabatic process. Pure
  33. Stars. Ammonia has been detected in the Draco Nebula and in one or possibly two, molecular ,clouds, which are associated with the high-latitude galactic infrared cirrus.
  34. This Hatred–Rock approximation, which is one way to reduce the complexities of, molecular ,orbital theory. Hydrogen-like atoms The simplest atomic orbitals are those that
  35. Activist and autobiographer (b. 1904) *1997 – John Ken drew, British, molecular , biologist,recipient of the Nobel Prize in Chemistry (b. 1917) *1999 – Norman
  36. Velocity components allow for the separation of distinct regions of, molecular ,gas which can trace outflows and hot cores originating from forming stars.
  37. Alkanes form the upper layer in an alkane-water mixture. Molecular geometry The, molecular ,structure of the alkanes directly affects their physical and chemical
  38. Of electrons surrounding the molecule, which increases with the alkane's, molecular ,weight Under standard conditions, from CH4 to C4H10 alkanes are gaseous; from
  39. Formation. The dense material surrounding CHIP regions is likely primarily, molecular , Since a complete study of massive star formation necessarily involves the
  40. Alkane molecule, the coexistence of an alkane and water leads to an increase in, molecular ,order (a reduction in entropy). As there is no significant bonding between
  41. Liquid, but has an average structural order relative to each other along the, molecular ,axis, unlike water or chloroform, which contain no structural ordering of the
  42. Of the structure is in its proper place, whether it is a single atom or a, molecular ,grouping. For substances which have two (or more) stable crystalline forms
  43. Of the axon closely adjoins the membrane of the target cell, and special, molecular ,structures serve to transmit electrical or electrochemical signals across the
  44. Series of organic compounds in which the members differ by a constant relative, molecular ,mass of 14. Each carbon atom must have 4 bonds (either C-H or C-C bonds),and
  45. Are also present. The Aster ales can be characterized on the morphological and, molecular ,level. Synapomorphies include the oligosaccharide insulin, a nutrient storage
  46. Picture is consistent with the picture within our Milky Way galaxy — hot dense, molecular ,cores form around newly forming stars embedded in larger clouds of molecular
  47. Selection with desirable traits, self-pollination and cross-pollination, and, molecular , techniques that genetically modify the organism. Domestication of plants has
  48. That lack the particular type of small-scale interrupted order associated with, molecular ,matter. Rare and theoretical forms While isotopes with atomic numbers higher
  49. Just as ordinary photosynthesis uses water as electron donor, producing, molecular , oxygen ). Researchers conjecture that, over the course of history, these
  50. That the boiling point has almost a linear relationship with the size (, molecular ,weight) of the molecule. As a rule of thumb, the boiling point rises 20 - 30

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