Examples of the the word, applause , in a Sentence Context

The word ( applause ), is the 8838 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. The chairman" call the next witness ". At that point, the gallery erupted in, applause ,and a recess was called. Edward R. Murrow, See It Now One of the most prominent
  2. They spare Kevin with Mallory telling him he is free. They leave to a rapturous, applause ,from the" audience. " Mickey and Mallory soon get" married" on the side of a
  3. Her attitudesand performed Friedrich Schiller's" Maria Stuart" with great, applause ,in several German cities, affirmed that a cross which she wore on her neck was
  4. Kills him with an Ion Nebulizer (blaster pistol) and receives even greater, applause , Later that year Galaxy Quest is revived, starring the original cast, along
  5. At my disposal ". The King addressed the Assembly and received enthusiastic, applause ,from members and spectators. With this capstone, the National Constituent
  6. In Juvenal's account, he seems to have relished the scandalous self-display, applause ,and the disgrace he inflicted on his more sturdy opponent by repeatedly
  7. Of enthusiasm impressively genuine in contrast to the conventional, applause ,which new music, good and bad, ordinarily arouses. " Critics believed that An
  8. Taken from the wooden sticks that clowns slapped together to promote audience, applause , Slapstick films involve aggressive, physical and visual action, including
  9. Cries, booing,and whistling by the offended parties, countered by cheers and, applause ,by the more forward-thinking contingent. Such interruptions continued through
  10. Into the Galaxy Quest convention. They emerge from the wreck to enthusiastic, applause ,from the audience, who assume the crash is part of the entertainment, and when
  11. Walked over and turned Beethoven around to accept the audience's cheers and, applause , According to one witness," the public received the musical hero with the
  12. With the Devil and bring the show to a rousing conclusion and earn a round of, applause , While Punch and Judy, as with the tale of Robin Hood, might follow no one
  13. Also added to Hague's troubles when speaking out strongly against the Euro to, applause , Hague himself, although a witty performer at PMS, was dogged in the press and
  14. Comments made about Mexico prior to the tournament by Ramsey, but spontaneous, applause ,rang around the Guadalajara, Jalisco stadium as Banks got back into position to
  15. Wild as Letterman stood up and proudly invited Carson to sit at his desk. The, applause ,was so protracted that Carson was unable to say anything, and he finally
  16. Agrippina was also present with Lucius. Agrippina and Lucius received greater, applause ,from the audience than Messaging and Britannic us did. Many people began to show
  17. Remote district, and became, as he himself tells us, a ‘ tale-teller. ’ The ‘, applause ,of my companions,’ he says, ‘ was my recompense for punishments incurred for
  18. With both earlier and later tests is not clear, but strangely, a sample of, applause ,is notably absent from this test. Layer II audio files typically use the
  19. The momentum sending him cascading to the ground. It was only when he heard the, applause ,and praise of captain Bobby Moore and then looked up and saw the ball trundling
  20. From applauding, but that Monroe's performance had resulted in spontaneous, applause ,from the audience. Monroe severed contact with her drama coach, Natasha Less
  21. In the air, hats,raised hands, so that Beethoven, who could not hear the, applause , could at least see the ovation gestures. At that time, it was customary that
  22. Impulses) like percussive sounds: triangle, glockenspiel and audience, applause , This is one reason that MP2 audio continues to be used extensively. The MPEG-2
  23. Political purposes, my opponent's youth and inexperience," which generated, applause ,and laughter, even from Mondale himself. That November, Reagan was re-elected
  24. Found it to be a waste of time: Asher Pairs“ got a huge and sustained round of, applause ,… when he got up at the end of the polling and asked ‘ And who here believes
  25. Mood. Hope started by saying" Why,it's Grouchy Marx, ladies and gentlemen! (, applause ,) Grouchy, what brings you here from the hot desert? " Grouchy retorted," Hot
  26. Publicly suggested the idea of reviving the Olympics. His speech met general, applause , but little commitment to the Olympic ideal he was advocating for, perhaps
  27. To Norman Lloyd, who played Kinney the Poet," it stopped the show. " The, applause ,lasted more than ten minutes and the production was widely acclaimed. In the
  28. Love and two friends performed at Hawthorne High School, drawing tremendous, applause ,for their version of dewdrop group The Olympics' " Fully Gully ". Brian also
  29. There was an impressive silence like our McAllen Friends Meeting. There was no, applause ,when he stopped speaking. " According to historian Shelby Foot, after Lincoln
  30. Artifacts such as ringing or pre-echo are usually heard. A sample of, applause ,compressed with a relatively low bit rate provides a good example of
  31. Matches and lighter fluid, he dashed over and snatched the flag to thunderous, applause , When he came up to bat in the next half-inning, he got a standing ovation from
  32. Half an hour before returning a verdict of" not guilty ". " A sudden burst of, applause ,arose in the court" reported The Argus, but was instantly checked by court
  33. According to historian Shelby Foot, after Lincoln's presentation,the, applause ,was delayed, scattered,and" barely polite. " In contrast, Pennsylvania
  34. Eponyms The phrase" " has been used to refer to intoxicating things, such as, applause , The" Circe effect ", coined by the entomologist William P. Decks, refers to
  35. Startled sports commentators as Alexander and the dog land in the field to wild, applause , In the summer of 2005,he appeared with Lee Iaccoca in ads for DaimlerChrysler
  36. Gigantic creations with the most absorbed attention and broke out in jubilant, applause , often during sections, and repeatedly at the end of them. " The whole audience
  37. Histories to the assembled spectators in one sitting, receiving rapturous, applause ,at the end of it. According to a very different account by an ancient
  38. Singing" This is your guest, to follow that star ... ". During the crowd's, applause ,that follows the song, he pretends to strangle Kermit until he realizes the
  39. Carson was unable to say anything, and he finally returned backstage as the, applause ,continued (it was later explained that Carson had laryngitis, though Carson
  40. Won his queen which resulted in the audience of several hundred bursting into, applause , In October 2001,she tied for first with GM Look van Well in the Assent
  41. Of his Ninth Symphony, he had to be turned around to see the tumultuous, applause ,of the audience; hearing nothing, he wept. Beethoven's hearing loss did not
  42. Had to have been hundreds of years old, looked as if they had just died. The, applause ,of the people was mingled with the derision of the court party. Theology
  43. Skies" and" My Mammy ". Historian Scott Lyman wrote," As the film ended and, applause ,grew with the houselights, Sam Goldwyn's wife Frances looked around at the
  44. Assiduously to literature. He occasionally gave speeches in public with great, applause ,; he had the charge of exhibiting gladiatorial shows and wild beast events in
  45. As of performance or achievement. Conspicuous success. Great acclamation or, applause ,;: flayed; biological graphic or model with skin removed; élan: a distinctive
  46. His disciples finished his work. " At which time the opera closed to thunderous, applause , ) Toscanini's laying down the baton has been misinterpreted by some
  47. Turn showcase in Manchester, Lennon,McCartney and Harrison walked on stage to, applause , but when Best walked on, the girls screamed. Best was surrounded at the stage
  48. Comes on for three minutes and walks off to a round of spontaneous, applause , " The play was a moderate success, but times were hard. Many Broadway theaters
  49. Republican in Name Only," and to Sarah Pain, whose " biggest current, applause ,line — Republicans are not just the party of no, but the party of hell no —
  50. The Party. Then I briefly spoke in that vein to the Party leadership. Stormy, applause , All are instantly at the phones. Now people will act. The result of Goebbels ’

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