Examples of the the word, anxious , in a Sentence Context

The word ( anxious ), is the 5683 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. But without producing their healing effects; while the patient, yielding to the, anxious ,looks of all around him, waived his usual objections to medicines, and took
  2. Date=November 4,2007} } In the same web chat, Amy noted that she is ", anxious ,to get back in the studio after the book is finished, and reinvent myself as an
  3. And of all reformers he was the most conservative, the least abstract, always, anxious , to preserve and renovate rather than to innovate. In politics, he resembled the
  4. Although such use is controversial and only recommended for those who are very, anxious , Midazolam is the most commonly prescribed for this use because of its strong
  5. Was ratified by the U. S. Senate on February 25, 1831,and the President was, anxious ,to make it a model of removal. The U. S. agent William Ward, who was
  6. Appears to harbor some reservations about Masonic ritual, whilst being, anxious ,to avoid causing offense to Freemasons inside and outside the Church of England
  7. In both central government and local government. In the former, the Rump was, anxious ,not to offend the traditional ruling class whose support it needed for survival
  8. The dead sons their salvation. A descendant of these sons, King Bhagiratha, anxious ,to restore his ancestors, undertakes rigorous penance and is eventually granted
  9. Poison due to Mithridates. Determined to finish the job, Prince Kutuzov became, anxious ,about the possibility that Rasputin might live until the morning, leaving the
  10. With Russia, and his aid was eagerly solicited by both England and Napoleon, anxious ,to checkmate one another in the East. Preferring the friendship of France
  11. Or neurological meaning. In this connection there was also the point that I was, anxious ,to prove that spiritual progress did not depend on religious or moral codes
  12. Now, he has no command. " Nevertheless, as dusk came the Allied commander was, anxious ,for a quick conclusion. The French infantry fought tenaciously to hold on to
  13. Loyalists; would splinter the Congress; and" would keep the rebels harassed, anxious , and poor, until the day when, by a natural and inevitable process, discontent
  14. Effect. This allows the criminal to perform the robbery without becoming, anxious , Flunitrazepam is also known to induce anterograde amnesia making police
  15. Characters this way round; for example D: which refers to being shocked or, anxious , Japanese style Users from Japan popularized a style of emoticons that can be
  16. Fishing boat to nuclear fallout, with disastrous results. It is in this, anxious ,atmosphere that Kurosawa's next film, Record of a Living Being, was conceived.
  17. Pricking himself with a golden arrow. Meanwhile,Psyche's parents were, anxious ,that their daughter remained unmarried. They consulted an oracle who told them
  18. Her with the dance she has been rehearsing for the costume party, as she is so, anxious ,about performing. She dances so badly and acts so worried that Torvald agrees
  19. Refused to advance any further. Meanwhile, the Whom king became extremely, anxious ,for peace. At last a treaty was concluded at Ghilajharighat in January 1663
  20. And Dutch word for fear or anxiety (anguish is its Laminate equivalent, and, anxious , anxiety are of similar origin). It is used in English to describe an intense
  21. Had deposited on behalf of the child Ladislav. The Dowager Queen Constance was, anxious ,for her son's life, and she escaped with King Ladislav to the court of Leopold
  22. Arrest, not only out of concern for Mandelstam's fate, but also because he was, anxious ,that it might be thought that he, Boris Leonidovich had talked about the poem
  23. Matthew Hopkins. In 1946, he became a member of the society's council, and, anxious , to achieve academic acceptance, claimed to have doctoral degrees from the
  24. In 1829, he returned to Bologna. His mother had died in 1827,and he was, anxious ,to be with his father. Arrangements for his subsequent return to Paris on a new
  25. It was regarded as an almost miraculous fertilizer. American farmers were so, anxious ,to acquire it that a lively smuggling trade with Nova Scotia evolved, resulting
  26. Had enjoyed a steady stream of product from Presley for over a decade, grew, anxious , as his interest in spending time in the studio waned. After a December 1973
  27. Was necessary to proceed cautiously, and he assured Pope Adrian VI that he was, anxious ,to reform the Order and punish the knights who had adopted Lutheran doctrines.
  28. Intent, and no longer apply once fighting ended. They were also increasingly, anxious ,to secure the freedom of all slaves, not just those freed by the Emancipation
  29. Of pain during anal sex include inadequate lubrication, feeling tense or, anxious , lack of stimulation, as well as lack of social ease with being gay and being
  30. Irate due to the cold (or, in Australia and New Zealand, hot ) weather, and, anxious , for bargains. They may limit entrances, restrict the number of patrons in a
  31. His son Chiang Ching-kuo, former classmate of Deng Xiaoping in Moscow, were, anxious , to stop the Communist advance. Under the political control of Deng Xiaoping
  32. The severity of a patient's anxiety, based on 14 parameters, including, anxious , mood,tension, fears,insomnia, somatic complaints and behavior at the
  33. Supporter, the French King, and offered his services to the Emperor. Charles, anxious ,to secure such a famous fighter, gladly assented to Albert's demands and gave
  34. May exchange their ardor in the waging of war for agriculture; lest they may be, anxious ,to acquire extensive estates, and the more powerful drive the weaker from their
  35. Soon adopted Indicates as his son. After the King's Peace 387 BC, Sparta was, anxious ,to re-establish its presence in the north of Greece. In 385 BC, Bardylis and
  36. A leisurely summer day in 1882,and he immediately wrote it down. He was so, anxious ,to capture the tune in his head, he asked fellow passenger friend Harry Martin
  37. Road. Altogether, around 120 people claimed the credit for killing Gala, being, anxious , to win Otho's favor and hoping to be rewarded. A list of their names was
  38. Duties, including supervision of the numerous screen tests of actresses, anxious ,to portray Scarlett O'Hara. Zukor favored Hepburn for the role, but Selznick
  39. Who had always been depicted on the stage as thin-lipped puritans—a libel I was, anxious ,to refute ... as for the two leading characters, Julie with her courage and
  40. This suggests a link between circuits responsible for fear and also reward in, anxious ,people. As researchers note" a sense of ‘ responsibility,’ or self agency, in
  41. S funeral. Like the other X-Men he is deeply saddened by Kurt's death and, anxious ,about the arrival of Cable and Hope. Xavier is seen using his powers to help
  42. Telephone service in cooperation with a state enterprise. The government is, anxious ,for greater U. S. investment, and President Obi ang visited the U. S. three
  43. Window. Alex wakes up in hospital, where he is courted by government officials, anxious ,to counter the bad publicity created by his suicide attempt. With Alexander
  44. And excessive worry, chronic anxiety, and constant, irrational thoughts. The, anxious ,thoughts and feelings felt while suffering from GAD are difficult to control
  45. Sold to him by the Latin king of Constantinople Baldwin II in 1238,who was, anxious ,to obtain support for his tottering empire. He visited Muslim principalities in
  46. And everyone else is rational then I have nothing to fear and no reason to feel, anxious ,about being free. " However, Kierkegaard advocated rationality as means to
  47. Received considerable negative criticism upon its release—a release which RCA, anxious ,to maintain the established commercial momentum, did not welcome, and which
  48. Out of high school in his junior year; he said," I was seventeen and extremely, anxious ,to see the world, so I did it. " Over the next four years, Grohl toured
  49. Prodigious, unexpected,mingled with admiration and with some indefinable, anxious ,fear ". Flaubert, recently attacked similarly for Madame Bovary (
  50. Of thick iron armor. Loire prompted further innovation from the Royal Navy, anxious ,to prevent France from gaining a technological lead. The superior armored

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