Examples of the the word, foil , in a Sentence Context

The word ( foil ), is the 8655 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. 3 mm) leatherette hard-covers with the front cover and spine stamped with gold, foil , The interior pages will be printed in black ink, on 90 GSM matte art paper.
  2. Between the tracks; inevitably, other companies eventually sold software to, foil ,this protection. Another Wozniak optimization allowed him to omit Shugart's
  3. First plutonium-239 nitrate (239PuNO3) solution was coated on a platinum, foil ,of about 0.5 cm2 area, the solution was evaporated and the residue was
  4. Dies, photoengraved elsewhere, are mounted in the stamping machine and rolls of, foil ,are positioned to pass between the dies and the case to be stamped. Heat and
  5. Bracknell was drunk and instigated by the devil when he ran upon de Vere's, foil , causing his own death. Cecil later recalled that he attempted to have the jury
  6. Through his discovery and interpretation of Rutherford scattering in his gold, foil ,experiment. He is widely credited with first" splitting the atom" in 1917 in
  7. Setup quite elaborate effects can be achieved by using different rolls of, foil ,on the one book. Cases can also be made from paper which has been printed
  8. Then with the Antiproton Decelerator, passing them through a thin sheet of, foil , and finally capturing them in a Penning-Malmberg trap. The overall cooling
  9. Summer of 1896. Épée and Sabre events have been held at every Summer Olympics;, foil ,events have been held at every Summer Olympics except 1908. Four judges
  10. Nuclear fission of 242mAm,which can be maintained even in a micrometer-thick, foil , Small thickness avoids the problem of self-absorption of emitted radiation.
  11. Tomb at Prittlewell was discovered and excavated in 2003. Finds included gold, foil ,crosses, suggesting the occupant was Christian. If the occupant was a king, it
  12. This method was adopted" so that each contributor might function as a kind of, foil , checking the dominance of any one person’s point-of-view. " In addition to the
  13. French fleet). Some fencers took away the protection and used the sharp, foil ,for duels. German students took up that practice and developed the Parser ("
  14. Pass between the dies and the case to be stamped. Heat and pressure cause the, foil ,to detach from its backing and adhere to the case. Foils come in various shades
  15. Event by a cross-section. Statistically, the centers of the atoms in a thin, foil ,can be considered as points evenly distributed over a plane. The center of an
  16. The real Ban quo. Critics often interpret Banquo's role in the play as being a, foil ,to Macbeth, resisting evil where Macbeth embraces it. Sometimes, however,his
  17. And pressed down to adhere. After case making the stack of cases will go to the, foil ,stamping area. Metal dies, photoengraved elsewhere, are mounted in the stamping
  18. Descended from Ban quo. Analysis Foil to Macbeth Many scholars see Ban quo as a, foil ,and a contrast to Macbeth. Macbeth, for example, eagerly accepts the Three
  19. By the foil . If it is the fraction of impinging atoms getting through the, foil ,which is measured, the result can still be expressed in terms of the equivalent
  20. The blade. Touches hit by the side of the blade do not halt the action. Unlike, foil ,and Sabre, Épée does not use right of way, and allows simultaneous hits by both
  21. Nebulous and ill-defined. The 1904 Thomson model was disproved by the 1909 gold, foil ,experiment, which was interpreted by Ernest Rutherford in 1911 to imply a very
  22. By Wacker and Richardson in March 1988,had a number of changes intended to, foil ,a range of compiler techniques. Yet it was carefully crafted so as not to
  23. Consists of a fully insulated conductor, covered by four strips of aluminum, foil , All of this is further insulated in a tube about 1.6 cm in diameter that is
  24. Attached to a thin foil , and the generated einsteinium is simply washed off the, foil ,after the irradiation. However, the produced amounts in such experiments are
  25. Bombardment inside a cyclotron, the heavy ion target is attached to a thin, foil , and the generated einsteinium is simply washed off the foil after the
  26. The risk of condom failure. Use Male condoms are usually packaged inside a, foil ,wrapper, in a rolled-up form, and are designed to be applied to the tip of the
  27. People do) may cause plumbing blockages and other problems. The plastic and, foil ,wrappers condoms are packaged in are also not biodegradable. However, the
  28. Examples of permanent applications include safety labels for power equipment, foil ,tape for HVAC duct work, automotive interior trim assembly, and sound/vibration
  29. Metals, which is why fats such as butter should never be wrapped in aluminum, foil ,or kept in metal containers. Some fatty foods such as olive oil are partially
  30. Mines, illuminating,colored flare, smoke,incendiary, propaganda,chaff (, foil ,to jam radars: originally known as" window" ) and modern exotics such as
  31. Revealed useful intelligence, including information that allegedly helped, foil ,a terrorist attack on American soil, but that Abu Zubaydah became uncooperative
  32. Strike a steel disc, i. e., that the atomic projectile will be stopped by the, foil , If it is the fraction of impinging atoms getting through the foil which is
  33. Of interaction between particles. When particles in a beam are thrown against a, foil ,made of a certain substance, the cross-section \sigma is a hypothetical area
  34. In practice in laser detonators, exploding-bridgewire detonators, and exploding, foil ,initiators, where a shock wave and then detonation in conventional chemical
  35. Between the tracks; inevitably, other companies eventually sold software to, foil ,this protection. Another Wozniak optimization allowed him to omit Shugart's
  36. Experiment contained about 10 mg of californium-249 deposited on a titanium, foil ,of 32 cm2 area. Californium has also been used to produce other transuranium
  37. Carefully crafted so as not to change the underlying benchmark. This effort to, foil ,compilers was only partly successful. Christine 2.1,released in May of the
  38. Touches which land outside the target area are not scored. However, unlike, foil , these off-target touches do not stop the action, and the fencing continues. In
  39. The hands. Hits with the edges of the blade as well as the tip are valid. As in, foil , touches which land outside the target area are not scored. However, unlike
  40. Of Diego de Almagro I, whose mother was an Indian girl of Panama, became the, foil ,of the conspirators who had put Pizarro to the sword. The marquis was murdered
  41. Up fighting Cherubim on and his group of Legendary Warrior servants, hoping to, foil ,his effort to dominate the Digital World. Later on, they face an even greater
  42. Mother to Jethro. She also was a popular character, often used as a, foil ,for Granny, and became a regular part way through the first season (the end
  43. One-third of French 2-time world record (3x100 relay team) *Claude Netter, foil ,fencer, Olympic champion, silver *Oakum Noah, NBA basketball player (Chicago
  44. Bags, rubble,scrap metal, shoes and handbags, spectacles,textiles, tin, foil , wood and yellow pages. According to recent figures taken in 2008,suggest the
  45. The FIE formats. Weapons Three weapons survive in modern competitive fencing:, foil , épée, and Sabre. The patroon and the heavy cavalry-style Sabre, both popular
  46. Europe between mid-17th and early 20th century. The three Olympic weapons are, foil , épée, and Sabre. In competition, the validity of touches is determined by the
  47. Fraction of its volume, which he assumed to be at the very center. In the gold, foil ,experiment, Hans Geiger and Ernest Mars den (colleagues of Rutherford working
  48. Then a dueling sword. Fencers blunted (or" foil ed" ) its point by wrapping a, foil ,around the blade or fastening a knob on the point (" blossom ", French fleet
  49. In bear gardens, particularly in the Southward neighborhood near London. The, foil ,was invented in France as a training technique in the middle of the 18th
  50. 2009 | access date December 10, 2009} } Thanks to his allies, Batman is able to, foil ,Darkseid's final plan and return to the present. After Bruce's return, he

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