Examples of the the word, lobbyist , in a Sentence Context
The word ( lobbyist ), is the 8657 most frequently used in English word vocabulary
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- This version of events was confirmed years later by the former Canberra, lobbyist ,Richard Farmer, following the release of sealed Cabinet papers from the period.
- But chose not to act for the good. Wesley Much The incompetent and treacherous, lobbyist ,whom Hank Rear den reluctantly employs in Washington. Later in the novel, he
- Crisis of 1895. The dispute became a diplomatic crisis when Venezuela's, lobbyist ,William L. Scruggs sought to argue that British behavior over the issue
- Diver ** Michael Murphy (New Jersey politician) (born 1949),New Jersey, lobbyist , former Prosecutor and candidate for Governor ** Michael Murphy (priest) (c.
- Not represent a bar to his service in the transition" since" he was not a, lobbyist , and he will recuse himself from any work that presents a conflict of interest
- Thwarted, and maintaining these privileges is the role of an unelected official, lobbyist ,in Parliament called the Remembrance. The power and influence of the City over
- Terry Nichols, set off the bomb. * April 24 – A Unabomber bomb kills, lobbyist ,Gilbert Murray in Sacramento, California. * April 28 – In Daegu, South Korea, a
- The prospect of losing everything. At this point, the French company's chief, lobbyist ,(and a major stockholder),Philippe Bunau-Varilla went into action. Justly
- Dallas, chairman of Forbes Global (New York),and was a paid consultant and, lobbyist ,for Karl-Heinz Schreiber beginning in 1993. He is also chairman of various
- Spokesman for KM. The spokesman said KM declined Ashcroft's offer to work as a, lobbyist ,for the company. Ashcroft was subsequently hired by the National Association of
- Safety of Americans from crime and terror has been achieved. " Consultant and, lobbyist ,In May 2005,Ashcroft laid the groundwork for a strategic consulting firm that
- In some cases, this occurred at the request of a former oil-industry, lobbyist , In June 2008,a report by NASA's Office of the Inspector General concluded
- Close to the George W. Bush administration, such as grain-trading industry, lobbyist ,Dan Astute, who was put in charge of agricultural policy in Iraq. One of the
- Cost of doing so would be too great. Hoover's FBI investigated Hollywood, lobbyist ,Jack Valenti, a special assistant and confidant to President Lyndon Johnson, in
- The scope of the United States embargo against Cuba. In 1999 Otto Reich,a, lobbyist ,in Washington on behalf of Bacardi Rum, drafted section 211 of the 1999 Omnibus
- Conservative activist Grover Nyquist, who ultimately became a registered UNITS, lobbyist ,and an economic adviser to Savimbi's UNITS movement in Angola, and former
- Proof. The fact is Larry O'Brien, elected Democratic Party Chairman, was also a, lobbyist ,for Howard Hughes in a Democratic controlled Congress and the possibility of
- Chief of staff for the White House Council on Environmental Quality, and former, lobbyist ,for the American Petroleum Institute, had personally edited documents
- Then to avoid overdraft fees. Tessa FEDIS, banking industry spokesperson and, lobbyist , contended that" current technology makes real-time notification of overdrafts
- Of companies which stress a pan-European element, for example European, lobbyist ,groups or transnational shipping companies. The design of the European flag was
- After his premiership, Kok retired from active politics and became a, lobbyist ,for the European Union. During the time of his second cabinet, Kok obtained the
- Meeting among herself, Charles T. Canada, and National Right to Life Committee, lobbyist ,Douglas Johnson. Canada could not find this particular abortion practice named
- Of British Airways, Lord King, suggested that Al-Fayed use the services of, lobbyist ,Ian Greer of Ian Greer Associates, who lobbied in parliament on behalf of such
- Leader in March 2007. Since August 2007 he has worked as a part-time corporate, lobbyist ,for the http://www.jkl.se/default_com.asp JKL Group. Personal life Person was
- Highlight the unintended consequences of the same. In politics, for example,a, lobbyist ,might use this word with the implication that the law in question should be
- The mayor of Bakersfield from 1981 to 1985,and her husband, the then petroleum, lobbyist ,Joe Shell, lived in Sacramento during the 1970s. In addition to Huntington
- Aviation Administration in the Clinton administration; she is now a Washington, lobbyist , Her lobbying clients have included American Airlines, Lockheed Martin, and
- Was considering organizing a new territory in the Rocky Mountains, eccentric, lobbyist , George M. Willing suggested the name" Idaho," which he claimed was derived
- Of Japan (d. 1948) Date unknown * M. Louise Gross, American politician and, lobbyist ,(d. 1951) * Richard Spikes, African American inventor (d. 1962) Deaths
- To decide the issue. (In December 2007,German-Canadian businessman and, lobbyist ,Warhead Schreiber told the House of Commons Ethics Committee that he and
- Influential people. In September 1859,Judah was chosen to be the accredited, lobbyist ,for the Pacific Railroad Convention. The convention approved his plan to survey
- Married to Democratic New Mexico Senator Jeff Binman, as a Washington, lobbyist , paying her $2.5 million between January and June 1999 to try to block
- His seat due to the famous political-corruption scandal involving the convicted, lobbyist ,Jack Abram off. In the state legislature, Plumas County is part of the 3rd
- That continues today. In 2003 and 2004,Unisys retained the influential, lobbyist ,Jack Abram off, paying his firm $640,000 for his services in those two years. In
- State election in South Australia; the Australian Reform Party, led by the gun, lobbyist ,Ted Crane, was active in rural Victoria and New South Wales; The Australians
- HBO drama Big Love, for a multi-episode arc, as a powerful Washington’D. C., lobbyist , In 2006,she narrated the audiobook of the classic 1960 Harper Lee novel To
- The second taxing authority in Florida to do so. The county has hired a federal, lobbyist ,to represent its interests. Brevard expected to have 100,000-300,000 more
- Served as U. S. Ambassador to Germany from 2001 to 2005,and then worked as a, lobbyist ,in Washington’D. C. He was re-elected to the Senate by a large margin in 2010
- Chambers of labor, commerce and agriculture, as well as by trade unions and, lobbyist ,groups sometimes exercise significant influence on the Federal Government.
- Brought up during the American political scandals of Congressman Tom Delay and, lobbyist ,Jack Abram off. Non-native islanders are not allowed to own land, but can lease
- Campaign and, separately,by Howard Hughes, to serve as Hughes' public-policy, lobbyist ,in Washington. O'Brien was elected national chairman of the DNC in 1968 and
- Golf course and a massive new bridge to the mainland. He hires Palmer Stoat,a, lobbyist , to expedite the project. By random happenstance, Stoat incurs the wrath of
- In the country several years in a row. Chris W. Cox is the NRA's chief, lobbyist ,and principal political strategist, a position he has held since 2002. During
- Character named" Mallory ". Also, when Flaherty becomes an environmental, lobbyist ,in Washington D. C., he meets a conservative senator from Ohio named Alex P.
- From the University of California, Berkeley in 1971. Tenenbaum served as a, lobbyist ,for the Sierra Club. He moved to the Netherlands to live with his wife, who is
- After the 2000 census. During that redistricting process, Sanchez hired, lobbyist ,Michael S. Berman, brother of California Democratic Congressman Howard Berman
- 1972,newspaper columnist Jack Anderson disclosed a memo of ITT's Washington, lobbyist , Data Beard, which revealed a relationship between ITT's providing funds for
- Guilty to four criminal charges, including illegally acting as an unregistered, lobbyist ,of the Iraqi government of Saddam Hussein. Testimony about Kemp became
- Had the FBI wiretap a congressional staff member, three executive officials,a, lobbyist , and a Washington law firm. US Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy received the
- Industry as one-sided and hostile. Activist Cash, a website hosted by Washington, lobbyist ,Richard Berman, has castigated them as" self-anointed watchdogs," "
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