Examples of the the word, alcohol , in a Sentence Context

The word ( alcohol ), is the 2035 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Languages. Examples of such words include admiral, adobe,alchemy, alcohol , algebra, algorithm,alkaline, almanac,amber, arsenal,assassin, banana,candy
  2. Shall wear clothes. # No animal shall sleep in a bed. # No animal shall drink, alcohol , # No animal shall kill any other animal. # All animals are equal. Later
  3. We never learn anything about her husband, but we do know that she hates, alcohol ,and public appearances, and has a great fondness for apples until she is put
  4. Soon after, Napoleon and Squealer indulge in the vices of humans (drinking, alcohol , sleeping in beds, trading ). Squealer is employed to alter the Seven
  5. Alcohols are usually described with a clarifying adjective, as in isopropyl, alcohol ,(propan-2-ol) or wood alcohol (methyl alcohol , or methanol). The suffix -of
  6. May be referred to as methylated spirits or" surgical spirits ". The simplest, alcohol ,is methanol, which was formerly obtained by the distillation of wood and
  7. Beverage control state; the government holds a monopoly on the sale of, alcohol , However, counties can declare themselves" dry "; the state does not sell
  8. Such as methanol). Ethanol in this form is known generally as denatured, alcohol ,; when methanol is used, it may be referred to as methylated spirits or "
  9. Adjective, as in isopropyl alcohol (propan-2-ol) or wood alcohol (methyl, alcohol , or methanol). The suffix -of appears in the IUPAC chemical name of all
  10. Of salt in a cup of warm water. Vodka, gin and other hard liquors (with, alcohol ,content of 35 % or more) can be used as an alternative to Listerine
  11. For alkyl groups. Ethanol and propel alcohol are primary alcohol s; isopropyl, alcohol ,is a secondary one. The prefixes sec- (or s-) and term- (or t-)
  12. Alcohol, ethyl alcohol . Propel alcohol may be propel alcohol or isopropyl, alcohol , depending on whether the hydroxyl group is bonded to the 1st or 2nd carbon on
  13. The corresponding alkyl group followed by the word" alcohol ", e. g., methyl, alcohol , ethyl alcohol . Propel alcohol may be propel alcohol or isopropyl alcohol
  14. Formula for which is CnH2n+1OH. Of those, ethanol (C2H5OH) is the type of, alcohol ,found in alcohol ic beverages, and in common speech the word alcohol refers
  15. English words more recognizably of Arabic origin include" algebra ",", alcohol ,"," alchemy "," alkali "," zenith" and" nadir ". Some words in common use
  16. A carbonyl (C=O bond). Carboxylic acids can be reduced to the corresponding, alcohol ,; the replacement of an electronegative oxygen atom with two electromotive
  17. RR'R"COM, where R, R ', and R" stand for alkyl groups. Ethanol and propel, alcohol ,are primary alcohol s; isopropyl alcohol is a secondary one. The prefixes sec- (
  18. In 2008,focused on a possible connection between mouthwashes that contain, alcohol , and an increased risk of oral cancer. McCullough and Farah also state that the
  19. Alcohol ", e. g., methyl alcohol , ethyl alcohol . Propel alcohol may be propel, alcohol ,or isopropyl alcohol , depending on whether the hydroxyl group is bonded to the
  20. Which doubles as a bacterial inhibitor). Sometimes a significant amount of, alcohol ,(up to 27 % vol) is added, as a carrier for the flavor, to provide" bite ".
  21. Double and triple bonds;" -one" represents a ketone;" -of" represents an, alcohol ,or OH group;" -OXY-" means an ether and refers to oxygen between two carbons
  22. Linear and short),by oxidizing the terminal carbon atom. The product is an, alcohol , that could be next oxidized to an aldehyde, and finally to a carboxylic acid.
  23. Identification of the substance is important. In other less formal contexts,an, alcohol ,is often called with the name of the corresponding alkyl group followed by the
  24. Groups without using the suffix. Simple alcohol s The most commonly used, alcohol ,is ethanol, with the ethane backbone. Ethanol has been produced and consumed
  25. Is still not enough evidence to suggest that using mouthwash that contains, alcohol ,will increase the risk of mouth cancer ". Studies conducted in 1985,1995,and
  26. The substance includes a hydroxyl functional group and, so,can be termed an, alcohol , But many substances (such as citric acid, lactic acid, and sucrose) contain
  27. No animal shall drink alcohol " is changed to" No animal shall drink, alcohol ,to excess" when the pigs discover the farmer's whiskey. " Beasts of England "
  28. Possible for alcohol ics to abuse mouthwash. Recently, the possibility that the, alcohol ,used in mouth rinses acts as a carcinogen was raised, but there is to date no
  29. Alkyl group followed by the word" alcohol ", e. g., methyl alcohol , ethyl, alcohol , Propel alcohol may be propel alcohol or isopropyl alcohol , depending on
  30. With a clarifying adjective, as in isopropyl alcohol (propan-2-ol) or wood, alcohol ,(methyl alcohol , or methanol). The suffix -of appears in the IUPAC chemical
  31. Attended a Separate Baptists church, which had high moral standards and opposed, alcohol , dancing, and slavery. As an adult, Thomas never formally joined a church.
  32. Although breath alcohol levels return to normal after 10 mins; in addition, alcohol ,is a drying agent and may worsen chronic bad breath. Furthermore, it is
  33. The type of alcohol found in alcohol ic beverages, and in common speech the word, alcohol ,refers specifically to ethanol. Other alcohol s are usually described with a
  34. It is possible to fail a breathalyzer test after rinsing although breath, alcohol ,levels return to normal after 10 mins; in addition, alcohol is a drying agent
  35. Followed by the word" alcohol ", e. g., methyl alcohol , ethyl alcohol . Propel, alcohol ,may be propel alcohol or isopropyl alcohol , depending on whether the hydroxyl
  36. Violent crimes are also at high levels in the state; this is in part linked to, alcohol ,abuse. Alaska also has the highest rate of sexual assault in the nation. The
  37. However, counties can declare themselves" dry "; the state does not sell, alcohol ,in those areas. *List of counties in Alabama Politics The current governor of
  38. Such as London dry gin, work especially well as the flavorings can mask the, alcohol ,smell. However, such use can be problematic in households with children.
  39. Work in co-operation with the provincial government. Alberta also privatized, alcohol ,distribution. The privatization increased outlets from 304 stores to 1,726;
  40. Then free of accusations of law-breaking (such as" No animal shall drink, alcohol ," having" to excess" appended to it and" No animal shall sleep in a bed "
  41. Is added, as a carrier for the flavor, to provide" bite ". Because of the, alcohol ,content, it is possible to fail a breathalyzer test after rinsing although
  42. Although the ADA has placed its Seal of Approval on many mouthwashes containing, alcohol ,(in addition to regular dental check-ups). Mouthwash may also be used to help
  43. In the US and some other countries, because of legal and tax restrictions on, alcohol ,consumption, ethanol destined for other uses often contains additives that make
  44. Tertiary alcohol s, respectively,from the primary one. For example, isopropyl, alcohol , is occasionally called sec-propyl alcohol , and the tertiary alcohol (CH3)3COH
  45. And phenols used in plastic products, pesticides,brominated flame retardants, alcohol , smoking, illicit drugs, vaccines,although no links have been found, and some
  46. Called with the name of the corresponding alkyl group followed by the word ", alcohol ,", e. g., methyl alcohol , ethyl alcohol . Propel alcohol may be propel alcohol
  47. Discovered to have been sleeping in the old farmhouse. " No animal shall drink, alcohol ," is changed to" No animal shall drink alcohol to excess" when the pigs
  48. Mth Sunday 27 On This Day in Canada ---- In chemistry,an, alcohol ,is any organic compound in which a hydroxyl functional group (-OH) is bound
  49. Bolded: # No animal shall sleep in a bed with sheets. # No animal shall drink, alcohol ,to excess. # No animal shall kill any other animal without cause. Eventually
  50. Formerly obtained by the distillation of wood and, therefore,is called" wood, alcohol ,". It is a clear liquid resembling ethanol in smell and properties, with a

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