Examples of the the word, gay , in a Sentence Context

The word ( gay ), is the 2045 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Legal proceedings. In her own defense, Bardot wrote in a letter to a French, gay ,magazine, saying," Apart from my husband—who maybe will cross over one day as
  2. High-tech workers; blue-collar workers; businesspeople; and, a sizeable GLBT, gay ,community. The city is home to development centers for many technologies
  3. Gay basketball played in gay , lesbian,bisexual and transgender communities in, gay ,basketball leagues. The sport of basketball is a major part of events during
  4. Oral sex and mutual masturbation are more common than anal stimulation among, gay ,men in long-term relationships, By the 1950s in the United Kingdom, it was
  5. In 1985. *2005 – The Oregon Supreme Court nullifies marriage licenses issued to, gay ,couples a year earlier by Multnomah County. *2007 – At least 200,000
  6. Energy (light) is converted to heat. Sexuality * In the bandana code of the, gay ,leather subculture, wearing a black bandana means that one is into the Sexual
  7. December 2011. It was brought forward six months in order to have a debate on, gay ,marriage well ahead of the next election. The national Leader of the Labor
  8. Gay fetish festivals in Europe. Annual gay highlights in Berlin are also the, gay ,and lesbian street festival in Berlin-Schöneberg (Lesbisch-schwules States
  9. And Ernie, from the children's television show Sesame Street, enter into a ", gay ,marriage. " He went on to say that the LGBT moniker ought to be replaced with "
  10. Lesbisch-schwules States) and Kreuzberg Pride in June. The largest, gay ,areas in Berlin are located in Schoenberg close to Nollendorfplatz and in
  11. Access to contraception and abortion. *Full civil rights for LGBT (lesbian, gay , bisexual and transgender) people, including government benefits for same-sex
  12. Implemented Don't ask,don't tell, a controversial intermediate step to full, gay ,military integration. After a failed health care reform attempt, Republicans
  13. Folsom Europe Berlin" are the biggest gay fetish festivals in Europe. Annual, gay ,highlights in Berlin are also the gay and lesbian street festival in
  14. Gallery, homoerotic drawings of male nudes, were rejected for being too openly, gay , In Popism, furthermore,the artist recalls a conversation with the filmmaker
  15. Biographer Lawrence Putin," deserves a place in any wide-ranging anthology of, gay ,poetry. " A third hobby of his was the game of chess, and he joined the
  16. Lay, Director-General of WTO *1948 – Michael Lesser, Canadian lawyer and, gay ,rights advocate * 1949 – Brenda Russell, American singer/songwriter * 1951 –
  17. BRE. In AME the word fag (short for faggot) is a highly offensive term for a, gay ,male but in BRE it is a normal and well-used term for a cigarette, for hard
  18. Basketball leagues in the United States or Canada. * Gay basketball played in, gay , lesbian, bisexual and transgender communities in gay basketball leagues. The
  19. Published in the British Medical Journal (BMJ),states that two thirds of, gay ,men have anal sex. Pain during receptive anal sex is formerly known as
  20. Warhol had being accepted socially by the then more famous (but closeted), gay , artists Jasper Johns and Robert Rauschenberg. De Antonio explained that Warhol
  21. And Chaos Communication Congress. Gay life Berlin has a long history of, gay ,culture and influence on popular entertainment, and according to some authors
  22. This desire openly and graphically in his poetry. He also struck a note for, gay ,marriage by listing Peter Trotsky, his lifelong companion, as his spouse in
  23. And political organizations, supporting causes ranging from abortion rights to, gay ,visibility. " Starting in 2003,DiFranco was nominated four consecutive times
  24. Orientation asexuals ". However, some asexuals who identify as straight, gay , lesbian, or bi before asexual, or simply prefer that terminology, will
  25. Another study that examined pain during insertive and receptive anal sex in, gay ,men found that 3 % of tops (insertive partners) and 16 % of bottoms (
  26. Sex with men engage in anal sex. The 1994 Baumann study suggests that 80 % of, gay ,men practice it and 20 % never engage in it at all. The National Institutes of
  27. Fetish clubs. " Easter in Berlin" and" Folsom Europe Berlin" are the biggest, gay ,fetish festivals in Europe. Annual gay highlights in Berlin are also the gay
  28. Move garnered criticism from the left (for being too tentative in promoting, gay ,rights) and from the right (who opposed any effort to allow gay s to serve).
  29. North American churches of the Anglican Communion, such as the ordination of, gay ,and lesbian people to the priesthood and episcopate, have created further
  30. Predominantly of foreign descent. The city has an active and visible, gay ,and lesbian community which the city officially attempts to promote and nurture
  31. Published in 2000. In it, he discusses his lengthy career and his many, gay ,affairs and long-term relationships, including those with Farley Granger and
  32. Or anxious, lack of stimulation, as well as lack of social ease with being, gay ,and being closeted. Research has found that psychological factors can in fact
  33. His lifelong companion, as his spouse in his Who's Who entry. Subsequent, gay ,writers saw his frank talk about homosexuality as an opening to speak more
  34. Reject Texas Constitutional Amendment Proposition 2 that effectively outlawed, gay ,marriage and status equal or similar to it and did so by a wide margin (40 %
  35. In terms of overall numbers of survey respondents, seven times as many women as, gay ,men said that they engaged in anal intercourse, with this figure reflecting the
  36. The University of Manchester building on Whitworth Street and the Canal Street, gay ,village. The memorial statue, depicts the" father of Computer Science "
  37. Overwhelmingly voted (64 %) against the California ballot proposition banning, gay ,marriage, blacks overwhelmingly approved (70 % in favor) it, more than any
  38. Openness about homosexuality. Ginsberg was an early proponent of freedom for, gay ,people. In 1943,he discovered within himself" mountains of homosexuality. "
  39. Paddock, British former deputy assistant commissioner and most senior openly, gay ,police officer * 1959 – Dave Ridgeway, Canadian football player * 1959 – Paula
  40. Seattle, with 12.8 % of the city's total population recognizing themselves as, gay , lesbian, or bisexual. According to the 2000 United States Census (revised in
  41. Taylor, and films like Blow Job, My Hustler and Lonesome Cowboys) draw from, gay ,underground culture and/or openly explore the complexity of sexuality and
  42. And Lonesome Cowboys, a raunchy pseudo-western. These and other titles document, gay ,underground and camp culture, and continue to feature prominently in
  43. Of Defense directive known as" Don't Ask,Don't Tell ", which allowed, gay ,men and women to serve in the armed services provided they kept their sexuality
  44. The city was the Gay Capital of Europe. Today, the city has a huge number of, gay ,clubs and festivals, such as Easter fetish week (Easter in Berlin)
  45. Gay-related issues. Although many groups in the early to mid-80s had an openly, gay ,image, Bronski Beat was one of the first groups to address the issues of gay
  46. Explore the complexity of sexuality and desire. Many of his films premiered in, gay ,porn theaters. The first works that he submitted to a fine art gallery
  47. Film Month. In October, Midtown Atlanta is host to the popular Out on Film, gay ,film festival, attracting filmmakers and fans from around the world. Cuisine
  48. Jason Hazard, American baseball player * 1989 – Ian Jackson, Amazing married, gay ,guy but not stereotypical from England * 1991 – Candela Veteran, Argentine
  49. Fredrik Larson, Swedish drummer (Millencolin) *1974 – Dean Phoenix American, gay ,pornographic actor * 1975 – Jacques Jones, American baseball player *1976 – Tim
  50. Was unsure whether co-star James Stewart ever realized that his character was, gay , In later years, Hitchcock asked him to script both Torn Curtain (1966) and

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