Examples of the the word, agency , in a Sentence Context

The word ( agency ), is the 594 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Generally protected from adverse monetary judgments: a town, state or federal, agency ,may be required to change its laws or behave differently, but not to pay
  2. Does it, for example, apply to the complex issue of fan fiction? If the media, agency ,responsible for the authorized production allows material from fans, what is
  3. Dumping pricing practices * Austrian Development Agency, a development aid, agency ,* Australian Digital Alliance, a copyright advocacy group Air travel * Airline
  4. Stories also take place before Roger Across, and presumably Poirot closed his, agency ,once he had completed them. There is specific mention in" The Capture of
  5. Colonel’s willingness to go into debt and acquire players through free, agency ,had led to one of the quickest free falls in major sports history. He was
  6. Computer, was keen on marketing. From 1977 to 1981,Apple used the Aegis McKenna, agency ,for its advertisements and marketing. In 1981,Chiat-Day acquired Aegis McKenna
  7. Some convincing was James E. Webb, the NASA administrator. With the rest of his, agency ,in support of the new mission, Webb eventually approved the mission change. The
  8. And their Congresses, for implementing that will; and then, with the, agency ,and industry teams that built our spacecraft, the Saturn, the Columbia, the
  9. Partnership with the Institute of Museum and Library Services, a U. S. federal, agency , produced The Heritage Health Index. The results of this work was the report
  10. Selling telecommunications services * Agency Carabobeña de Noticias, a news, agency ,based in Valencia, Venezuela * Aid to the Church in Need, an international
  11. The U. S. channeled funds through Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence, agency ,to the Afghan Mujahideen fighting the Soviet occupation in a CIA program called
  12. NASA Administrator James Webb requested a 30 percent budget increase for his, agency , Kennedy supported an acceleration of NASA's large booster program but
  13. Branch (United States Army) * Amazon Development Agency, a development, agency ,in Brazil * American Decency Association, an American political organization
  14. Underwriting and issuing policies on-site. The next year he founded his own, agency , the Combined Registry Co. As the Great Depression began, Stone reduced his
  15. Formerly of the Central Intelligence Agency, from an attempt by the government, agency ,to enforce a gag order against him. *The ACLU has aided the Florida Justice
  16. Administrative hearings),and to" execute" administrative goals (through, agency ,enforcement personnel). Because the United States Constitution sets no limits
  17. Criticised for its subsequent abolition of the Scorpions, the multidisciplinary, agency ,that investigated and prosecuted organized crime and corruption, and was
  18. Could exert significant g-forces on a crew. A task force of contractors, NASA, agency , representatives,and MSFC researchers concluded that the engines vibrated at a
  19. Colour schemes. Darwin had come to believe that sexual selection,an, agency ,to which Wallace did not attribute the same importance as Darwin did, explained
  20. 1840,Volley B. Palmer established the roots of the modern day advertising, agency ,in Philadelphia. In 1842 Palmer bought large amounts of space in various
  21. Inc. (BCD),a Boston, Massachsuetts based non-profit social services, agency ,In other fields * Compton, also known as the Association of Better Computer
  22. And privileges of employment. Covered entity can refer to an employment, agency , labor organization, or joint labor-management committee, and is generally an
  23. Aspartame as" one of the most thoroughly tested and studied food additives the, agency ,has ever approved" and its safety as" clear-cut ". The weight of existing
  24. Of the decision itself will be examined, usually by a higher body in the, agency , This difference is vital in appreciating administrative law in common law
  25. And the Military Science Center, each of which was formerly a separate, agency ,within the Azerbaijani Defense Ministry. The defense industry has emerged as an
  26. National Directorate of Security (NDS) is the nation's domestic intelligence, agency , which operates similar to that of the United States Department of Homeland
  27. The U. S. blamed Pakistan's government, mainly Pakistani Army and its ISI spy, agency , for many of the well coordinated attacks inside Afghanistan. Other top U. S.
  28. The sitcom Spaced Politics and government * Aeronautical Development Agency,an, agency ,of India's Ministry of Defense * Air Defense Artillery Branch (United States
  29. 2003 – A car-bomb attack on United Nations headquarters in Iraq kills the, agency ,'s top envoy Sergio Vieira de Mello and 21 other employees. * 2003 – A Hamas
  30. And customers' lives and safety, in addition to the costs of the defense, agency ,answering the teller's call for help. But the robber's loss of reputation
  31. Huxley. Huxley's literary legacy continues to be represented by the literary, agency ,headed by Georges Orchards. Awards * 1939 James Wait Black Memorial Prize for
  32. Was authorized to continue broadcasting in Europe by France's media watchdog, agency , On December 13, 2004,France's highest administrative court banned Hezbollah
  33. Brokerage. History W. Clement Stone's mother bought a small Detroit insurance, agency , and in 1918 brought her son into the business. Young Stone sold low-cost
  34. Property is also incompatible with the existence of a state defined as an, agency ,that possesses a compulsory territorial monopoly of ultimate decision-making (
  35. Into economic recession, and its effects lasted until 2004,when ratings, agency ,Standard & Poor's reinstated South Australia's AAA credit rating. Recent
  36. The Corps Polite Aruba (Aruba Police Force) is the island's law enforcement, agency ,and operates district precincts in Oranjestad, Noord, San Nicolas, and Santa
  37. Stone. In the anime and manga series Detective Conan, Mouri Kogoro's detective, agency ,is located above the Poirot café. He's also highlighted in volume 3 of the
  38. This curiosity, by referring all those wonderful appearances to the immediate, agency ,of the gods. " In the work, Smith critically examines the moral thinking of his
  39. We know that South Asia is no longer their primary base,” a U. S. defense, agency ,source said. “ They are looking for a hide-out in other parts of the world, and
  40. In anxious people. As researchers note" a sense of ‘ responsibility,’ or self, agency , in a context of uncertainty (probabilistic outcomes) drives the neural
  41. Branded to examine the relationship between social structure and individual, agency , Also, influential in these issues were Nietzsche, Heidegger,the critical
  42. Governs the activities of administrative agencies of government. Government, agency ,action can include rule making, adjudication,or the enforcement of a specific
  43. Poirot's retirement. Most of the cases covered by Poirot's private detective, agency ,take place before his retirement to grow marrows, at which time he solves The
  44. To set the terms for contracts for players who are not eligible for free, agency , Interest arbitration is now most frequently used by public employees who have
  45. Sen. Charles Sumner's Freedman's Bureau bill that set up a temporary federal, agency ,designed to meet the immediate material needs of former slaves. The law
  46. Deputies; and control the activity of state radio and television, state news, agency ,and other official information media. Armed forces The Albanian Armed Forces (
  47. Effect, this covers the modern definitions of" cause" as either the agent or, agency ,or particular events or states of affairs. More simply again that which
  48. An additional timeline, the device of a" time patrol" is often used. Such an, agency ,has the grim task of saving civilization every day, every hour, with patrol
  49. 28 nature reserves, and four concerted nature reserves (in which a government, agency ,coordinates with the owner of the property for its management),all part of
  50. The Stuttgart Labor Court, a notary’s office, a tax office and an employment, agency , It is seat of the Ostalbkreis district office, of the Allen Deanery of the

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