Examples of the the word, accomplishment , in a Sentence Context

The word ( accomplishment ), is the 4549 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. False belief that such an act bestows a greatness to the destroyer equal to the, accomplishment ,destroyed. She seeks, then,to ruin Rear den in an effort to prove her own value
  2. Getting a hit. Throwing a no-hitter is rare and considered an extraordinary, accomplishment ,for a pitcher or pitching staff. In most cases in the professional game
  3. In India, selling many millions of albums. Perhaps his most impressive, accomplishment ,is the selling of 250,000 albums in Kerala, a state in the South of India where
  4. Also contains important material. Perhaps Grothendieck's deepest single, accomplishment ,is the invention of the tale and dyadic cohomology theories, which explain an
  5. Considered his contributions to the achievement of the LTBT as his greatest, accomplishment , Despite strict rules from the Soviets about photography at the signing
  6. North America overland to the Pacific Ocean, inscribing a stone marking his, accomplishment ,on the shoreline of Dean Channel near Bella Cooley. His expedition theoretically
  7. And # pre-defined“ earning rules” ( also called metrics) to quantify the, accomplishment ,of work, called Earned Value (EV) or Budgeted Cost of Work Performed (BCWP)
  8. Of his life: that of having regained his sight. " Here, she portrays the, accomplishment ,as both metaphorical and considerably physiological in nature, attributing that
  9. Baseball record. Fans who attended this game received gifts to celebrate this, accomplishment , As of March 30, 2011,the Red Sox have had 631 consecutive sellouts, which is
  10. This genome, rather immodestly dubbed Here by Levy and others., was a landmark, accomplishment ,and as of mid-2010 is probably the highest quality personal genome sequence yet
  11. Identifies it with the observation on the last day of creation that God's, accomplishment ,was" very good" ( God's work on the preceding days was just described as "
  12. Jesus's substitutionary atonement was definite and certain in its design and, accomplishment , This implies that only the sins of the elect were atoned for by Jesus's death
  13. Possible counts: first, participating in a common plan or conspiracy for the, accomplishment ,of crime against peace, second,planning, initiating and waging wars of
  14. Realm, such as Schoenberg, Berg,Hindemith, etc.). The considerable technical, accomplishment ,of his music ought to compel respect, but he seems to have fallen between two
  15. Of the destiny of mankind, designed by God since before Time, and the, accomplishment ,of Portugal. One of the most famous quotes from Mensa gem is the first line from
  16. And Max Stirner's The Ego and Its Own — which Tucker claimed was his proudest, accomplishment , In editing and publishing the anarchist periodical Liberty, he published the
  17. This time the project plan includes pre-defined methods of quantifying the, accomplishment ,of work. At the end of each week, the project manager identifies every detailed
  18. Individual members of the team working together to finish the project. Their, accomplishment ,is collective, and the emphasis is not on their individual identities, yet they
  19. But its population tripled, the increase in GDP may not be deemed such a great, accomplishment ,: the average person in the country is producing less than they were before.
  20. The" last, the best hope for victory," indicating that while peace is a laudable, accomplishment , it can also mean a capitulation to an enemy intent on committing horrendous
  21. Was to represent the entire inhabited land known to the ancient Greeks. Such an, accomplishment ,is more significant than it at first appears. Anaximander most likely drew this
  22. Runs with the specific number of runners already on base. Although it is a rare, accomplishment , it is largely dependent on circumstances outside the player's control, such
  23. Manchester United added the 1999 Champions League crown to their double,an, accomplishment ,known as The European treble. Two years later, in 2000–01,Liverpool won the FA
  24. To a foreign nation. " The charge against Charles I stated that the king," for, accomplishment ,of such his designs, and for the protecting of himself and his adherents in his
  25. That won the day for him at Tours. Hanson emphasizes that Martel's greatest, accomplishment ,as a general may have been his ability to keep his troops under control. Iron
  26. Expert chess player and a champion fencer. Possibly his greatest chess, accomplishment ,was winning clear first in the 1958 Santa Monica Open. With writers such as
  27. And religions, minor amputations or mutilations are considered a ritual, accomplishment , Unlike some non-mammalian animals (such as lizards that shed their tails
  28. Of trained physical strength, equally enthroned in placid triumph of scientific, accomplishment ,", because " the building of Hoover Dam belongs to the sagas of the daring. "
  29. Professor in 1879. To attain the latter rank at the age of 34 was a notable, accomplishment , but Cantor desired a chair at a more prestigious university, in particular at
  30. Bacterium genome, and introducing this into another cell, analogous to the, accomplishment ,of Card Wimmer's group, who synthesized and ligated an RNA virus genome and
  31. Global communication possible for the first time. The telegraph's greatest, accomplishment ,was to expand information boundaries, allowing data to reach its destination
  32. A number 1 bestseller in Europe and Australia, represented a new level of, accomplishment ,in both songwriting and studio work, prompting rave reviews from more
  33. Vs. despair. When reflecting on their life, they either feel a sense of, accomplishment ,or failure. Physically, older people experience a decline in muscular strength
  34. Of success" because they believe" gaining entrance into the Ivy League is an, accomplishment ,unto itself. " It is also an ideological belief that only those who attended
  35. Professional and student orchestras. He once said that the" most hopeful, accomplishment ," of his administration as mayor was the creation of the High School of Music &
  36. Foul play (never once receiving a yellow or red card). As a result of this, accomplishment ,he was honored in 1990 with the FIFA Fair Play Award. In a senior career which
  37. Table his experience as a senior officer in the Air Force Reserve. His greatest, accomplishment ,was arguably the passage of the Goldwater-Nichols Act of 1986,which
  38. Kingdoms through marriage over a century after the Targaryen invasion. This, accomplishment ,has allowed Done to retain a small measure of independence. Lords of the
  39. Costs has been alluded to in popular music. Arguably his most honorable, accomplishment ,was having his named mentioned in the Mac Are song" Mafioso"-"Got game like
  40. National debt, the only time in U. S. history that has been accomplished. The, accomplishment ,was short-lived. A severe depression from 1837 to 1844 caused a tenfold
  41. Daniels of Carolina Beach on February 6,1982. To congratulate Saran on his, accomplishment , the Twin Galaxies Intergalactic Scoreboard searched for him for four years
  42. Feat of strength ": a masterly or brilliant stroke, creation,effect, or, accomplishment , .;: lit. Everything (else) following;" at once,"" immediately" ( according
  43. As" deliciously Perry. " Todd McCarthy in Variety wrote that" the real, accomplishment ,of the film lies in the amazing physical realization of an imaginative universe
  44. AFC Championship Game the previous season. Marvin Lewis was rewarded for the, accomplishment ,with the NFL Coach of the Year Award. Meanwhile, Paul Brown Stadium was built
  45. Although conservative, William I was far more pragmatic. His most significant, accomplishment ,was naming Otto von Bismarck as chancellor in 1862. The combination of Bismarck
  46. 20, 1969,at 20:17:39 UTC. The United States mission is considered the major, accomplishment ,in the history of space exploration. Launched from the Kennedy Space Center
  47. Reformed theologian who began writing early in the 20th century, whose chief, accomplishment ,was to counter-act the influence of the Enlightenment in the churches. The
  48. The release of the Mozilla (then Netscape) source code in 1998 was an early, accomplishment , Raymond has spoken in more than fifteen countries on six continents, including
  49. Truce with King Philip II of Spain and so was unable to acknowledge Drake's, accomplishment ,officially. Drake was considered a hero in England and a pirate in Spain for
  50. The same season Joe DiMaggio hit successfully in 56 consecutive games,an, accomplishment ,both unprecedented and unequaled. Both Williams and DiMaggio would miss playing

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