Examples of the the word, exceptional , in a Sentence Context

The word ( exceptional ), is the 4550 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Is a childhood friend, and the first love, of Deign Haggard. A child prodigy of, exceptional ,talents, Francisco was dubbed the" climax" of the d'Antonia line, an already
  2. Election. State of emergency Many constitutions allow the declaration under, exceptional ,circumstances of some form of state of emergency during which some rights and
  3. Of which Sybil and Vivian Grey are perhaps the best-known today. He is, exceptional ,among British Prime Ministers for having gained equal social and political
  4. In a section of the bay to add an olympic-size swimming pool and an, exceptional ,roller coaster which must have given riders a tremendous view of the bay. The
  5. And after World War II. His books had an important influence on research,an, exceptional ,situation in mathematics. (In one famous case, the influence was possibly
  6. And the Thirty Years War. Schweitzer, the pastor's son, grew up in this, exceptional ,environment of religious tolerance, and developed the belief that true
  7. And secondary schools contribute to both quality of life and the beginnings of, exceptional ,labor pools to come. Austin's area households enjoy diverse options in education
  8. In brakes for military aircraft because of its hardness, high melting point and, exceptional ,heat dissipation. Environmental considerations have led to substitution by
  9. Interesting case is the two relatively-prime numbers 14157 and 5950. But, exceptional ,cases must be identified and tested. Will" Inelegant" perform properly when R
  10. Still dominate the entire snowmobile industry. The snowmobiles produced were of, exceptional ,quality and performance, earning a better reputation than the rival Polaris and
  11. Remains of Hindu art. Forty columns support the roof, but no two are alike, and, exceptional , creativity is shown in the execution of the ornaments. Magazine, the city's
  12. And pleasant project ", while Creek characterized it as" a perfect blend of, exceptional , lovable compositions ". ABBA's follow-up single," Honey, Honey ", peaking at
  13. The" Massacre in Merino ". Karpov's tournament career reached a peak at the, exceptional ,Montreal" Tournament of Stars" tournament in 1979,where he finished joint
  14. Number of modern species are capable of bipedal movement for a short time in, exceptional ,circumstances. Several non-archosaurian lizard species move bipedally when
  15. Dealt with through financial and other operations, both at home and abroad. In, exceptional ,circumstances, the Bank may act as the lender of last resort by extending
  16. The Battle of Nations (1813) and the Battle of Gettysburg (1863) were, exceptional ,in lasting three days. ) This was mainly due to the difficulty of supplying
  17. Show affection. On the other hand, the scope of gastronomic dishes on offer is, exceptional ,; people can choose among a great variety of cuisines, prices and flavors. As a
  18. Son of Andalusia" ) is granted by the Junta of Andalusia to those whose, exceptional ,merits benefited Andalusia, for work or achievements in natural, social,or
  19. Is unique in its unusually high proportion of lagerstätten. These are sites of, exceptional ,preservation, where 'soft' parts of organisms are preserved as well as their
  20. One also who had learned how to command by having practiced obedience. In some, exceptional ,cases an abbot was allowed to name his own successor. Caspian speaks of an
  21. In Venice. While Vivaldi is most famous as a composer, he was regarded as an, exceptional ,technical violinist as well. The German architect Johann Friedrich Armand on
  22. Up his parachute to another * 1st Lt William R. Layla, Jr. –" heroism and, exceptional ,flying skill" * Sgt Archibald Mathias (engineer-gunner) – awarded
  23. As above, and not by whether the instrument is actually made of brass. Thus, as, exceptional , cases one finds brass instruments made of wood, like the Alford, the cornet
  24. Numerous factors. It is currently scheduled to be printed in late 2011 after ", exceptional ,weather circumstances" delayed the printing. It will use the older Gallic an
  25. Was 25; Bede's early ordination may mean that his abilities were considered, exceptional , There might have been minor orders ranking below a deacon; but there is no
  26. Book, the Americas are portrayed as a" land of promise ", the world's most, exceptional ,land of the time. The book states that any righteous society possessing the
  27. Then the emperor. In Italy medieval communes had quite a statelike power. In, exceptional ,cases like Venice, Genoa or Lübeck, cities themselves became powerful states
  28. Either plant or animal life. Characteristics Physical properties Beryllium has, exceptional ,flexural rigidity (Young's modulus 287 GPA) and a reasonably high melting
  29. Designers for their cars, but BMW has made efforts to gain recognition for, exceptional ,contributions to and support of the arts, including art beyond motor vehicle
  30. As building blocks in bio-mimetic hierarchical composite materials given their, exceptional ,mechanical properties (~1TPa in modulus, and ~100 GPA in strength). Initial
  31. Most celebrated fossil fields, and the best of its kind. It is famous for the, exceptional ,preservation of the soft parts of its fossils. At (Middle Cambrian) old it is
  32. Of Honor, was conferred upon him by the French Government in 2007,for his ", exceptional ,career in the world of cinema and beyond ". In 1999,Bachchan was voted the
  33. Ultra vires by a court, and struck down as unconstitutional. In addition, exceptional ,procedures are often required to amend a constitution. These procedures may
  34. A serious problem for the empirical account, though Hume brushes it aside as an, exceptional ,case by stating that one may experience a novel idea that itself is derived
  35. Likely not the best player in the Negro Leagues at the time, Robinson was an, exceptional ,talent, was college-educated, and had the marketable distinction of serving as
  36. Point through the now infinitely small entrance pupil. It is seen (ignoring, exceptional ,cases) that the pencil does not meet the refracting or reflecting surface at
  37. The other discipline notably benefits from its unique mix of elements. The most, exceptional ,park in this regard is Coors Field, home of the Colorado Rockies. It's high
  38. Crew member Terry Noemi confirms this view. “ Akira Kurosawa’s editing was, exceptional , the inimitable work of a genius ... No one was a match for him. ” She claimed
  39. And/or ethnicity. " In its extreme form, it " attributes to the Jews an, exceptional ,position among all other civilizations, defames them as an inferior group and
  40. Of natural selection and his work on zoo geography marked him out as an, exceptional ,figure. He was undoubtedly one of the greatest natural history explorers of the
  41. By Japanese films. He was amazed by how every character on the screen is, exceptional ,and how everyday events such as a Samurai cutting bread with his sword are
  42. Feelings of the Gothic soldier who attempted her dishonor. But even these, exceptional ,instances show that Rome was not entirely spared the horrors which usually
  43. Are completely blind. Some ants such as Australia's bulldog ant, however,have, exceptional ,vision. Two antennae (" feelers" ) are attached to the head; these organs
  44. The Indo-European family, the numerals are remarkably stable. This is a rather, exceptional ,case; especially words for higher numbers are often borrowed wholesale. (
  45. Filmmakers have sometimes accused his work of elitism, because of his focus on, exceptional , heroic individuals and groups of men. In her commentary on the deluxe DVD
  46. Certificate, he took an entrance examination, which he failed, although he got, exceptional ,marks in mathematics and physics. The Einsteins sent Albert to Aarav, in
  47. The time, was designed by Francesco Laura. His devotion to the classics was, exceptional ,even for the time. For example, Alfonso halted his army in pious respect before
  48. Memoir, Confessions of an Actor, that," A new young actor in the company of, exceptional ,promise named Anthony Hopkins was understudying me and walked away with the
  49. Viscous, and thus form a large cavity which may become the home of an agate of, exceptional ,size; thus a Brazilian geode lined with amethyst and weighing 35 tons was
  50. And other private boaters. They are generally good in all bottoms, but not, exceptional ,in any. The CQR design has a hinged shank, allowing the anchor to turn with

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