Examples of the the word, stack , in a Sentence Context

The word ( stack ), is the 4552 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. A stack one does not need an empty predicate: instead, one can test whether a, stack ,is empty by testing whether it is equal to Λ. Note that these axioms do not
  2. Returns a stack instance, with axioms equivalent to * create () ≠ S for any, stack ’S (a newly created stack is distinct from all previous stack s) * empty (
  3. Is distinct from all previous stack s) * empty (create ()) (a newly created, stack ,is empty) * not empty (push (S, x )) (pushing something into a stack makes
  4. Lists with hash cons. Instead of create (), a functional definition of a, stack ,ADT may assume the existence of a special stack state, the empty stack
  5. Important. Such fundamental topics as binary arithmetic, memory allocation, stack ,processing, character set encoding, interrupt processing, and compiler design
  6. With the following axioms: * top (push (s, x )) = x (pushing an item onto a, stack ,leaves it at the top) * pop (push (s, x )) = s (pop undoes the effect of
  7. Of an appropriate homo topic machinery one can develop a notion of derived, stack ,as such a preheat on the infinity category of derived affine schemes, which is
  8. Stack (functional) For example, a complete functional-style definition of a, stack ,ADT could use the three operations: * push: takes a stack state and an
  9. Its nose to the top of the lunar module still nestled in the S-IVB. The CSM/LM, stack ,then separated from the S-IVB for the trip to the moon. Apollo 10 carried the
  10. s) s or push (s, x ) s for some x. However, since one cannot obtain such, stack ,states with the given operations, they are assumed" not to exist ". Advantages
  11. Pop (s),unless s is a stack state returned by a push. Since push leaves the, stack ,non-empty, those two operations are undefined (hence invalid) when s Λ. On
  12. ADT as parameters. For an example, consider augmenting the definition of the, stack ,ADT with an operation compare (S, T ) that checks whether the stack s S and T
  13. Defined in many ways and variants, not necessarily equivalent. For example,a, stack ,ADT may or may not have a count operation that tells how many items have been
  14. Means that every stack is a finite sequence of values, that becomes the empty, stack ,(Λ) after a finite number of pops. By themselves, the axioms above do not
  15. Software GmbH offers a proprietary implementation of the Applejack protocol, stack , as part of their HELIOS UB2 server. This is essentially a File and Print
  16. Properties of the ADT that are not changed by the operations. Example: abstract, stack ,(imperative) As another example, an imperative definition of an abstract
  17. Again to further stabilize the orbit of the Apollo CSM/Apollo Lunar Module, stack ,and prepare for landing at Hadley. Soon thereafter, Scott and Irwin began the
  18. The effects (and possibly cost) of those operations. For example, an abstract, stack ,data structure could be defined by three operations: push, that inserts some
  19. Imperative) As another example, an imperative definition of an abstract, stack ,could specify that the state of a stack S can be modified only by the
  20. Time no matter how many items have been pushed into the stack , and that the, stack ,uses a constant amount of storage for each element. Abstract data types are
  21. Define a bottom () operation that takes no arguments and returns this special, stack ,state. Note that the axioms imply that In a functional definition of a stack
  22. The stack states can be thought of as being potential states of a single, stack ,structure, and two stack states that contain the same values in the same order
  23. To that instance, which is not explicitly notated. For example, the abstract, stack ,above could have been defined with operations push (x) and pop (), that
  24. Three operations: * push: takes a stack state and an arbitrary value, returns a, stack ,state; with the following axioms: * top (push (s, x )) = x (pushing an item
  25. These axioms do not define the effect of top (s) or pop (s),unless s is a, stack ,state returned by a push. Since push leaves the stack non-empty, those two
  26. Definition of a stack ADT could use the three operations: * push: takes a, stack ,state and an arbitrary value, returns a stack state; with the following axioms:
  27. In some other branches of mathematics, it is customary to assume also that the, stack ,states are only those whose existence can be proved from the axioms in a finite
  28. A functional definition of a stack ADT may assume the existence of a special, stack ,state, the empty stack , designated by a special symbol like Λ or" () "; or
  29. For a create operation. Indeed, there is no notion of" stack instance ". The, stack ,states can be thought of as being potential states of a single stack structure
  30. Be thought of as being potential states of a single stack structure, and two, stack ,states that contain the same values in the same order are considered to be
  31. Location of the problem forced a rollback to the VAB on January 27, 1971. The, stack ,was returned after repairs well before the final countdown had initiated. A
  32. Take the same time no matter how many items have been pushed into the, stack , and that the stack uses a constant amount of storage for each element.
  33. Engine on the Command/Service Module ignited to slow down the CSM/Lunar Module, stack ,into lunar orbit. Following orbit insertion and orbital stabilization, the crew
  34. Variables, is equivalent to: Here it is implicitly assumed that operations on a, stack ,instance do not modify the state of any other ADT instance, including other
  35. Into variables, one passes them as arguments to functions. Example: abstract, stack ,(functional) For example, a complete functional-style definition of a stack
  36. Existence can be proved from the axioms in a finite number of steps. In the, stack ,ADT example above, this rule means that every stack is a finite sequence of
  37. An imperative definition of an abstract stack could specify that the state of a, stack ’S can be modified only by the operations *push (S, x ), where x is some value
  38. Of a stack ADT may assume the existence of a special stack state, the empty, stack , designated by a special symbol like Λ or" () "; or define a bottom ()
  39. Saying that" By making good choices, doing the right thing, we thicken the, stack ,of universes in which versions of us live reasonable lives. When you succeed
  40. With operations push (x) and pop (), that operate on" the" only existing, stack , ADT definitions in this style can be easily rewritten to admit multiple
  41. Essentially two Disk II 5.25-inch drives in a single enclosure designed to, stack ,between the computer and the monitor, and a new controller card to run it. This
  42. Had three networking interface APIs: * AS225 - Is the official Commodore TCP/IP, stack ,API with hard-coded drivers in revision 1 (AS225r1) for the A2065 Ethernet and
  43. There is no need for a create operation. Indeed, there is no notion of ", stack ,instance ". The stack states can be thought of as being potential states of a
  44. A Boolean-valued function empty (S) and a create () operation that returns a, stack ,instance, with axioms equivalent to * create () ≠ S for any stack S (a newly
  45. With axioms equivalent to * create () ≠ S for any stack S (a newly created, stack ,is distinct from all previous stack s) * empty (create ()) (a newly created
  46. Number of steps. In the stack ADT example above, this rule means that every, stack ,is a finite sequence of values, that becomes the empty stack (Λ) after a
  47. Stack is empty) * not empty (push (S, x )) (pushing something into a, stack ,makes it non-empty) Single-instance style Sometimes an ADT is defined as if
  48. Stack state. Note that the axioms imply that In a functional definition of a, stack ,one does not need an empty predicate: instead, one can test whether a stack is
  49. Values x, y,and any distinct stack s S and T, the sequence is equivalent to. A, stack ,ADT definition usually includes also a Boolean-valued function empty (S) and
  50. Repeated entry and exit of user-defined functional operands. This avoids the, stack ,setup and take-down for function calls made by APL's built-in operators such

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