Examples of the the word, worthy , in a Sentence Context

The word ( worthy ), is the 4353 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Music" and its white cousin," hillbilly music ", were not considered to be, worthy ,of consideration as art, rather as a low-cost product to be sold and soon
  2. Class ought to be allowed to vote, on the ground that a loyal negro is more, worthy ,than a disloyal white man. " The Confederacy seized his slaves. Vice presidency
  3. And to perceive the patients at the clinic, whom he at first despised, as, worthy , of compassion and dignity. Yugo Okayama, who plays Sumoto, was an extremely
  4. Abandoned the right to bestow it. When the family of Charles ceased to produce, worthy ,heirs, the pope gladly crowned whichever Italian magnate could best protect him
  5. Of crucifixion. Augustine believed that salvation is available to those who are, worthy ,of it, through faith in Christ. In the 13th century Saint Thomas Aquinas aimed
  6. The Lion of the tribe of Judah, from the" Root of David ", is the only one, worthy ,to open this scroll. (5:1-5) ### When the" Lamb having seven horns and seven
  7. Abdel-Rahman III's assumption of the Caliph title | quote = We are the most, worthy ,to fulfil our right, and the most entitled to complete our good fortune, and to
  8. British Library) quintupled in size and became a well-organized institution, worthy ,of being called a national library, the largest library in the world after the
  9. You with water; but One mightier than I is coming, whose sandal strap I am not, worthy ,to lose. He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire ". Many in this
  10. Members volunteer general custodial work for local church facilities. All, worthy ,males are generally considered for the priesthood and are ordained to the
  11. The virgin birth is worthy of God. Which human birth would have been more, worthy ,of God, than the one, in which the Immaculate Son of God maintained the purity
  12. Is more important than all other aims in man's life; and therefore it is quite, worthy ,of the profound seriousness with which everyone pursues it. What is decided by
  13. An aka, or " effective one ". For this to happen, the deceased had to be judged, worthy ,in a trial, in which the heart was weighed against a" feather of truth ". If
  14. To the decisions of questions of right; such as whether a citizen was really, worthy ,of retaining his rank, whether he had not committed some act as justly
  15. One, though highly varied; its diversity of race and culture are seen as, worthy ,of appreciation and acceptance. Doctrines of racism, nationalism,caste, social
  16. That at one time he considered it as" merely the ravings of a maniac, no more, worthy ,nor capable of explanation than the incoherence of our own nightly dreams. "
  17. Expanded city, like Rome, into 14 regions, and ornamented it with public works, worthy ,of an imperial metropolis. Yet, at first,Constantine's new Rome did not have
  18. And the second docking of two manned spacecraft. The mission proved the LM, worthy ,of manned spaceflight. Further, tests on the Apollo 10 mission would prepare the
  19. In a spiritual state, known as Purgatory, in which those souls who are not, worthy ,of hell, but not quite ready for heaven, go through a final process of
  20. Information about a level of French society not hitherto considered a, worthy ,subject for painting. The pictures are note worthy for their formal structure
  21. Material existence. We must make good the demands of reason and create a life, worthy ,of ourselves and of the goals we only dimly perceive. " (Last paragraph of
  22. Who thoroughly evaluated young hopefuls to determine whether they were, worthy ,of being tendered a contract. He also accepted the title of president after
  23. Phillips, both of whom championed Massed as the Afghan resistance leader most, worthy ,of U. S. support under the Reagan Doctrine. Still, the Soviet army and the
  24. Is the virginity of Mary and her role as Mother of God. * The virgin birth is, worthy ,of God. Which human birth would have been more worthy of God, than the one, in
  25. Examine his religion (). This view corresponds with the notion that" the only, worthy ,religion in the world is an examined religion. " A habit religion, such as that
  26. Recommendation of the Council for the Arts, none of the new entries were felt, worthy ,enough, so the contest ended with the suggestions for Advance Australia Fair
  27. Commanders and the resistance which they offered to the invaders was neither, worthy ,of the efficient military organization of the Atoms nor of the reputation which
  28. Knowledge being already profound by current standards, he thought me, worthy ,of the highest initiation in his power to confer; special powers were obtained
  29. Peter's reaction when the Gentiles received the Holy Spirit before baptism is, worthy ,of note. Comparative summary of Baptisms of Denominations
  30. Canonized. " Blessed" Beatification is a statement by the church that it is ", worthy ,of belief" that the person is in heaven, having come to salvation. This step
  31. After consultation with the suffragan bishops, declared whether the defunct was, worthy ,of the name of 'martyr' and public veneration. Acts of formal recognition
  32. Karmas which limit the capabilities of the soul. Jainism views every soul as, worthy ,of respect because it has the potential to become Buddha (Parramatta – "
  33. By the early Catholic Church, and therefore many of his works were deemed, worthy ,of preservation. Subsequent Roman writers quoted liberally from his works" DE
  34. And feeble. The immense nausea of advertisements. There are but three beings, worthy ,of respect: the priest, the warrior and the poet. To know, to kill and to
  35. The Island of Sakhalin),a work of social science – not literature –, worthy ,and informative rather than brilliant. Chekhov found literary expression for
  36. Of contemporaries and teammates of the committee members over seemingly more, worthy ,candidates. In 2001,the Veterans Committee was reformed to comprise the living
  37. Of firmness, diligence and neatness ... the ingenious watercolor ... is also, worthy ,of praise. " Friedrich completed the first of his major paintings in 1807,at
  38. The nineties Bosnian conflict written by international authors. A few books, worthy ,of mention are: *Slaughterhouse: Bosnia and the Failure of the West by David
  39. The Ionian period is finite. After each man's mortal life ends, he is judged, worthy ,of Ionian life or Ionian punishment. That is, after the period of the eons, all
  40. To be sure that the individual is Orthodox in their faith, has led a life, worthy ,of emulation, and that the reports of miracles attributed to their
  41. War. Pygmalion and Galatea Pygmalion was a sculptor who had never found a woman, worthy ,of his love. Aphrodite took pity on him and decided to show him the wonders of
  42. Meaning" being in balance ", and hence" having (the same) value (as) ",", worthy ,"," proper ". Among the ancient Greek philosophers an axiom was a claim which
  43. Phrase in a moment of desperation did not leave him; he began to ask if he was, worthy ,of God's mercy or in any way redeemable as he had not only neglected his faith
  44. Canonization lived and died in such an exemplary and holy way that he or she is, worthy ,to be recognized as a saint. The Church's official recognition of sanctity
  45. Trial, in which the heart was weighed against a" feather of truth ". If deemed, worthy , the deceased could continue their existence on earth in spiritual form. Burial
  46. With a Roman Catholic majority, papal acceptance of evolutionary creationism as, worthy ,of study has essentially ended debate on the matter for many people. In the
  47. Word (axioms),a verbal noun from the verb (Ohioan),meaning" to deem, worthy ,", but also" to require ", which in turn comes from (axis),meaning" being
  48. Frequently in their election, and when they did, they generally nominated more, worthy ,candidates for the office. The writing in the document was ambiguous, skirted
  49. Would permit God's priests to reside there, provided that they might be deemed, worthy ,of such a favor and that the emperor would send them suitable preachers. " (
  50. At the museum associated with the chapel, there are a number of Columbus relics, worthy ,of note, including the armchair which the" Admiral of the Ocean Sea" used at

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