Examples of the the word, coming , in a Sentence Context

The word ( coming ), is the 4355 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In the Gospel of John passage“ You heard me say, ‘ I am going away, and I am, coming ,back to you. ’ If you loved me, you would be glad that I am going to the Father
  2. The birth of Christianity, some of the Jewish apocrypha that dealt with the, coming ,of the Messianic kingdom became popular in the rising Jewish Christian
  3. Empire then retained a precarious grip on the east of the country until the, coming ,of the Arabs in the 8th century. Middle Ages The Berber people controlled much
  4. New generation hopes to be the one to see the world destroyed, another world, coming , and the saints governing a new earth. Schweitzer concludes that the 1st
  5. His creator) becomes increasingly bemused by the vulgarism of the up and, coming ,generation's young people. In Hickory Hickory Dock, he investigates the
  6. Souls, as those of infants or virtuous individuals who lived before the, coming ,of Christ. In other Christian denominations it has been described as an
  7. It. Causality, The Four Causes Aristotle suggested that the reason for anything, coming ,about can be attributed to four different types of simultaneously active causal
  8. A major attack. This gave David critical time to prepare his own troops for the, coming ,battle. The Battle of Ephraim Wood A fateful battle was fought in the Wood of
  9. The restoration of many of the country's roads, though. Many companies are, coming ,into the country from China and surrounding nations to help improve road
  10. Disasters that marked the 1780s. Historians link those disasters to the, coming ,of the French Revolution. The Dutch clearly lost on all points. The Spanish had
  11. Autocratic and Antony more the villain by proclaiming that the civil wars were, coming ,to an end, and that he would step down as triumvir if only Antony would do the
  12. It to dispatch a series of victims, the first clue to the murder method, coming ,from the victims' loss of hair. So accurate was her description of thallium
  13. In the 1990s,some scholars have advanced the concept of New antisemitism, coming ,simultaneously from the left, the right, and radical Islam, which tends to
  14. Foreign Asiatic settlers began to seize control of the delta region, eventually, coming , to power in Egypt as the Hyssop. Second Intermediate Period and the Hyssop
  15. Were complaints that" Abbey performed slickly ... but with a zero personality, coming ,across from a total of 16 people on stage" ( Melody Maker). One of the Royal
  16. Accordion's arrival in Colombia comes from a story of a ship wreck that was, coming ,from Germany to Argentina. The wreck happened over the Magdalena river in the
  17. Will feel proud, : Seeing Barlow and Bates with the urn, the urn;: And the rest, coming ,home with the urn. In February 1883,just before the disputed Fourth Test, a
  18. But the fighting would be renewed in conflicts along the frontier in the, coming ,years, the largest being the Northwest Indian War. The British would continue
  19. Design to politics and economics which are mostly also available for students, coming ,from other countries. Housing The housing market is heavily regulated. In
  20. Significant heat exchange. The term" adiabatic" literally means impassable, coming ,from the Greek roots ἀ- (" not" ), διὰ- (" through" ), and βαῖνειν (" to
  21. The British West Indies, although on some islands, Carnival may celebrate the, coming ,of Lent. Its festive pageants, shows,contests and other activities are a major
  22. Dynasty. Escaped from Spain because of expressing his opinions too freely and, coming ,in conflict with the Inquisition, leaving behind a palace and his beloved.
  23. Sound made is" alpha ", because it is very plain and simple — the air, coming ,off the mouth does not require any motion of the tongue — and therefore this is
  24. Soils, also derived from weathering in silk, are of varied fertility, the best, coming ,from the granite, sandstones and limestones, the poorest from the glasses
  25. Crowley first heard a disembodied voice talking to him, claiming that it was, coming ,from a being known as Always, the true nature of whom Crowley never understood.
  26. View of most economic philosophy. Free Banking advocates see themselves as, coming ,directly from Hayek's later progress, especially his work The
  27. To the 2009 Warhol biography, Pop,The Genius of Warhol, was payment for, coming ,up with the idea of the soup cans as subject. For his first major
  28. Now becomes agreeable and tries hard to make friends. He appears to relish the, coming ,of the plague, and Narrow thinks this is because he finds it easier to live
  29. Some standing here which shall not taste of death till they see the Son of man, coming ,in his kingdom" ( Matthew 16:28) (or," ... until they see that the kingdom
  30. And the glory of the Lord appeared to all the multitude: And behold a fire, coming ,forth from the Lord, devoured the holocaust, and the fat that was upon the
  31. Be marked by headstrong disobedience. As a youth, Newton began a pattern of, coming ,very close to death, examining his relationship with God, then relapsing into
  32. Had an expansive moment in the Interwar period, with key contributions, coming ,from the Polish-British Bronisław Malinowski and Meyer Fortes A. R.
  33. Line from one side of the screen to the other, with the actors at the end, coming ,forward a little and standing more in profile than the others. The purpose of
  34. In the Pale language, of the kings of Sri Lanka. It covers the period from the, coming ,of King Vijaya of Ceiling (ancient Odessa) in 543 BC to the reign of King
  35. Noted that in the Gospel of Mark, Jesus speaks of a" tribulation ", with his, coming ,in the clouds with great power and glory" ( St Mark),and states when it will
  36. Conductivity, tensile strength, etc.) An example of anisotropy is the light, coming ,through a polarizer. An example of an anisotropic material is wood, which is
  37. In his Physics and On Generation and Corruption 319b-320a,he distinguishes the, coming ,to be from: # growth and diminution, which is change in quantity; # locomotion
  38. Obligations of subjects (The Angelique (1801) 3 Ch Rob App 7). An alien, coming ,into a colony also became, temporarily a subject of the Crown, and acquired
  39. Divisions between British Antiguans and non-creolized Britons, with the latter, coming ,out on top. In short, this was a racial/ethnic hierarchy which gave maximum
  40. Exist in a free society, because they prohibit individuals from independently, coming ,up with the same invention. On the other hand, he holds that copyrights are in
  41. Crisis before the great crash of 1929. In February 1929,Hayek warned that a, coming ,financial crisis was an unavoidable consequence of reckless monetary expansion.
  42. Catholicism in the internationalism of centralized Papal Authority. Within the, coming ,universal church that Maurice foresaw, national churches would each maintain
  43. Has about 160,000 active soldiers and is expected to reach 260,000 in the, coming ,years. Its unemployment rate is 35 % and roughly the same percentage of its
  44. View. He depicted Jesus as one who literally believed the end of the world was, coming ,in his own lifetime and believed himself to be a world savior. He received the
  45. 13,000 Native Americans fought on the British side, with the largest group, coming ,from the Iroquois tribes, who fielded around 1,500 men. The powerful Iroquois
  46. Library of Congress. Lincoln painstakingly monitored the telegraphic reports, coming ,into the War Department in Washington D. C. He kept close tabs on all phases of
  47. Half of the 3rd century, Ancyra was invaded in rapid succession by the Goths, coming ,from the west (who rode far into the heart of Cappadocia, taking slaves and
  48. Which is change in space; and # alteration, which is change in quality. The, coming ,to be is a change where nothing persists of which the resultant is a property.
  49. When he had recovered, he sailed to the front, but was shipwrecked; after, coming ,ashore with a handful of companions, he crossed hostile territory to Caesar's
  50. From a gas-fired plant operated by AGL Energy at Torrens Island, with more, coming ,from power stations at Port Augusta and Pelican Point, and from connections to

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