Examples of the the word, desirable , in a Sentence Context

The word ( desirable ), is the 4102 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. And cost of the next generation of armored cruisers meant that it was very, desirable ,that they should be able to play a role in a battleship action, and this meant
  2. Its infectivity and virulence after a prolonged period of storage) may also be, desirable , particularly for military applications. The primary difficulty is not the
  3. Site during the descent phase and allowing Hernán to guide the spacecraft to a, desirable ,landing target while Schmitt provided data from the flight computer essential
  4. Have an opportunity to recover and build. About eight hours of sleep a night is, desirable ,for the bodybuilder to be refreshed, although this varies from person to person
  5. But might be used by any vessel in confined, shoal water to place it in a more, desirable ,position, provided she had enough manpower. Club hauling is an
  6. Plastic or graphite. Carbon-fiber and phenolic composite materials have become, desirable ,for building necks, and at least one high-end luthier (Composite Acoustics)
  7. Every image and each reference she is born as an adult, nubile,and infinitely, desirable , Aphrodite is often depicted nude in many of the images she is in. Aphrodite
  8. However, by the" Blackburn amendment," which said that" socialization" was, desirable ,only when was necessary to" eliminate exploitation and other anti-social
  9. In 1850,Charlotte wrote daringly" Wild fell Hall it hardly appears to me, desirable ,to preserve. The choice of subject in that work is a mistake, it was too little
  10. One or two equivalents of hydrogen. Hydrogenation to the alkene is usually more, desirable ,since alkanes are less useful:: CCR' + H₂ → cis-RCH=CR'H The largest scale
  11. The shape of the breasts. There is some debate over whether such support is, desirable , A long term clinical study showed that women with large breasts can suffer
  12. Its promise of equal access for the disabled, it may indeed be necessary and, desirable ,for committed individuals to bring serial litigation advancing the time when
  13. An antibiotic effect that favors the activity of brewer's yeast over less, desirable ,microorganisms, and hops aids in" head retention ", the length of time that a
  14. Crops and livestock to use them for food. In selective breeding, organisms with, desirable ,characteristics are mated to produce offspring with the same characteristics.
  15. If it were not, then inflation would occur, so it is not necessarily, desirable ,to increase the money supply in the first place. Secondly, he says that Tucker
  16. Today. The spectacular beauty of Afghan Hound dogs caused them to become highly, desirable ,show dogs and pets, and they are recognized by all the major kennel clubs in
  17. Something that could hardly be named but which seemed to them to be the most, desirable ,thing on Earth. Some called it peace. Room numbers Narrow among such people
  18. Represents the voice of reason. *Dingi-Poos: the Tibetan Venus. She obtains, desirable ,commercial contracts by using her charms to hoodwink visiting British envoys
  19. Groups of harmonics and not each one: practice shows that individual control is, desirable ,up to the 16th partial ... The much more modern Kauai K5000 is the classic
  20. Flying time as pilot-in-command in jet aircraft. Experience as a test pilot is, desirable , * Height must be 5 ft 2 in to 6 ft 2 in (1.63 to 1.88 m). * Distant visual
  21. Plant breeders. Crop breeding includes techniques such as plant selection with, desirable ,traits, self-pollination and cross-pollination, and molecular techniques that
  22. Purpose of love of our neighbor is to share in eternal beatitude, a more, desirable ,thing than bodily well-being. Comte was probably opposing this Thomistic
  23. Minimization of punctuation in typewritten matter became economically, desirable ,in the 1960s and 1970s for the many users of carbon-film ribbons, since a
  24. Began to be seen as extremely significant burials and in later times it became, desirable ,to be buried in the area, leading to the growth of the town's importance as a
  25. Context, one might judge a Lamborghini to be beautiful partly because it is, desirable ,as a status symbol, or we might judge it to be repulsive partly because it
  26. Holding the right to seek relief later if necessary. This may be considered a, desirable ,outcome in cases where the party to the lawsuit is an organization with a
  27. Fiber, for a net of 10 g of carbohydrate per cup. This makes almond flour very, desirable ,for use in cake and bread recipes by people on carbohydrate-restricted diets.
  28. To me through any channel ... that the possession of the Florida's would be, desirable ,to the United States, and in sixty days it will be accomplished. " Monroe gave
  29. But the following are some criteria that are accepted and considered to be, desirable ,by many voting theorists: * Majority criterion—If there exists a majority that
  30. Turret was not particularly important for this form of attack, nor particularly, desirable ,since a low silhouette was paramount in order to make the vehicle easier to
  31. An antibiotic effect that favors the activity of brewer's yeast over less, desirable ,microorganisms, and hops aids in" head retention ", the length of time that a
  32. Politician hopes that each constituent will interpret the statement in the most, desirable ,way, and think the politician supports everyone's opinion. However, the
  33. Well in sandy mud, mud and clay, or firm sand. Loose sand and soft mud are not, desirable ,bottoms, especially soft mud which should be avoided if at all possible. Rock
  34. Male (priest) as a bishop. Though a minimum of three bishops participating is, desirable ,(there are usually several more) in order to demonstrate collegiality
  35. It incorporates prior beliefs) and information-theoretic. It has the, desirable ,properties of statistical invariance (the inference transforms with a
  36. Keep the forward roll of the bow on release, this being generally accepted as a, desirable ,feature. Hence, the forward C of G effect will not be as great, but,because
  37. Good more than the private good but this is because the common good is a more, desirable ,good for the individual. 'You should love your neighbor as yourself' from
  38. Of colorful mother-of-pearl. The flesh of abalones is widely considered to be a, desirable ,food, and is consumed raw or cooked in a wide variety of dishes. Description
  39. Wool when young and mutton upon maturity after wool production was no longer, desirable , The forage-based diet for sheep that prevailed in the Colonies produced a
  40. Electing a Condorcet winner and not electing a Condorcet loser is considered, desirable ,outcomes for a voting system, approval voting can be considered vulnerable to
  41. That enable them to do so and eventually transferring these genes to the more, desirable ,crops. One of the latest developments is the identification of a plant gene
  42. Whose performance on the fretless bass during the 1980s made him a highly, desirable ,session player backing high profile musicians that included Eric Clapton and
  43. Sharp political debates erupted over the appropriate level of democracy, desirable ,in the new government, with a number of Founders fearing mob rule. Many
  44. Numbers begin at 3,000),and the British makers' instruments were no longer, desirable ,for the changing pitch requirements of the symphony orchestra, remaining
  45. A set \Sigma\, of non-logical axioms, and a set \\, of rules of inference. A, desirable ,property of a deductive system is that it be complete. A system is said to be
  46. For cast bronze sculpture. Many common bronze alloys have the unusual and very, desirable ,property of expanding slightly just before they set, thus filling in the finest
  47. Strategy will win more often. While some purists consider luck to not be a, desirable ,component of a game, others counter that elements of luck can make for far more
  48. To maintain matched flexing and hence accuracy of aim. This flexing can be a, desirable ,feature, since,when the spine of the shaft is matched to the acceleration of
  49. Too almond tree, have been around for a while, but their harvest is not as, desirable ,as the insect-pollinated California Nonpareil almond tree. The Nonpareil tree
  50. By the priest, followed by sprinkling of all present with holy water, if deemed, desirable , and a short instruction. There follows a penitential act, as at the beginning

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