Examples of the the word, spray , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Boat climbs and the jet exhaust points at the water surface no disturbance or, spray ,can be seen at all. On 28 January 1967 Campbell was posthumously awarded the
  2. Of pest in the garden. Some specialists recommend using seaweed mulch or, spray ,on the plants and minimize the insect habitat by cleaning the garden area of
  3. Location in Otis co, New York. The project developed and demonstrated concrete, spray ,technology used in conjunction with mesh covered wire forms as a viable means of
  4. Killed Ukrainian nationalist leaders LEV Rebel and Stefan Band era with a, spray ,gun that fired a jet of poison gas from a crushed cyanide ampule, making their
  5. The original cheese. Examples include Easy Cheese, a cheese food contained in a, spray ,can, or in individually wrapped processed cheese slices. Record Cheddar's White
  6. Traditionally, a fermentation process has been used to produce an insecticidal, spray ,from these bacteria. In this form, the BT toxin occurs as an inactive protoxin
  7. Areas away from agricultural spray ing, but may still be poisoned in massive, spray ,programs for mosquitoes, gypsy moths, or other insect pests. Although pesticide
  8. Significantly better symptom relief compared to standard hypertonic saline, spray , Treatment for Osteoarthritis Dead Sea Mud pack therapy has been suggested to
  9. In indoor residual spray ing owing to its effectivity in well supervised, spray ,operation and high excito-repellency factor. " Studies of malaria-vector
  10. Course change. ) Princess Royal, as it turned out, was still afloat after the, spray ,cleared. At 16:30,Scheer's leading battleships sighted the distant
  11. The switch to gallery artists often times not even using their initial medium, spray ,paint. Global developments South America There is a significant graffiti
  12. More firmly to the sheet and prevent it from smearing. However, the fixative, spray ,typically uses chemicals that can negatively affect the respiratory system, so
  13. At a tree lot (or the manufacturer if it is artificial),or at home from a, spray ,can, and either can be rather messy. This tradition seems to be most popular on
  14. Plant succession occurs. The conditions on an embryo dune are harsh, with salt, spray ,from the sea carried on strong winds. The dune is well drained and often dry
  15. Used for this purpose. In the UK, many players use a version of anti-set-off, spray ,powder, from the printing industry, which has specific electrostatic properties
  16. At the site of some protests, police have used tear gas, pepper, spray , concussion grenades, rubber and wooden bullets, night sticks, water cannons
  17. An advertising campaign in Chicago and San Francisco which involved people, spray ,painting on sidewalks a peace symbol, a heart, and a penguin (Linux mascot)
  18. Can be by a multistage evaporative cooler. The air is passed through a, spray ,of salt solution to dehumidify it, then through a spray of water solution to
  19. Of defense from bears A study by Canadian and US researchers has found pepper, spray ,to be more effective at stopping aggressive bear behavior than guns, working in
  20. And political messages and a whole genre of artistic expression is based upon, spray ,paint graffiti styles. Within hip hop culture, graffiti has evolved alongside
  21. It also guarantees relatively high freedom from interference. On top of the, spray ,chamber is a burner head that produces a flame that is laterally long (usually
  22. Strong odor. The odor tends to resemble the smell of strong cat urine or the, spray ,of a male cat. Also, touching the leaves an unpleasant smell on the
  23. Production of a piece. This includes such techniques as ascribing. However, spray ,paint in aerosol cans is the number one necessity for graffiti. From this
  24. Program finds similar results, declaring that it is 25 % cheaper for Mexico to, spray ,a house with synthetic parathyroids than with DDT. A more comprehensive approach
  25. Hours before the crowd became violent, and the police responded with pepper, spray , A lawsuit by protesters against police response was settled five years later.
  26. Are based on spells mentioned in the Dying Earth series, such as the prismatic, spray , Magic items from the Dying Earth stories such as ion stones also made their
  27. Injectors without compressed air. With direct injected diesels, injectors, spray , fuel through 4 to 12 small orifices in its nozzle. The early air injection
  28. And comfort. Mudguards, or fenders, protect the cyclist and moving parts from, spray ,when riding through wet areas and chain guards protect clothes from oil on the
  29. Parts such as seedlings, or as a soil-drench (root dip),or as a surface, spray ,to reduce incidence of harmful phytopathogenic fungi in the hydrosphere.
  30. A pneumatic nebulizer, transformed into an aerosol, which is introduced into a, spray ,chamber, where it is mixed with the flame gases and conditioned in a way that
  31. The casket may be covered with a large arrangement of flowers, called a casket, spray , If the deceased served in a branch of the Armed forces, the casket may be
  32. Forced it into the engine through a nozzle (a similar principle to an aerosol, spray ,). The nozzle opening was closed by a pin valve lifted by the camshaft to
  33. To port Shortly after, a salvo struck on or around, which was obscured by, spray ,and smoke from shell bursts. A signalman promptly leapt onto the bridge of Lion
  34. Working in 92 % of studied incidents versus 67 % for guns. Carrying pepper, spray ,is highly recommended by many authorities when traveling in bear country;
  35. To Ancient Greece and the Roman Empire. In modern times, paint,particularly, spray ,paint, and marker pens have become the most commonly used graffiti materials.
  36. Fever for pigs, and psittacosis to kill chicken. These agents were prepared to, spray ,them down from tanks attached to airplanes over hundreds of miles. The secret
  37. Bodies during bathing. On top of this watery coating, the animals will then, spray ,dirt and mud, which dries and acts as a protective sunscreen. When swimming
  38. Ways of applying an adhesive include brushes, rollers,using films or pellets, spray ,guns and applicator guns (e.g., caulk gun). All of these can be done
  39. Cocaine by itself. A study in mice has suggested that capsaicin found in pepper, spray ,may interact with cocaine with potentially fatal consequences. The method
  40. At a time—and then blow it into their mouths. Elephants also suck up water to, spray ,on their bodies during bathing. On top of this watery coating, the animals will
  41. Air is passed through a spray of salt solution to dehumidify it, then through a, spray ,of water solution to cool it, then another salt solution to dehumidify it again
  42. Graffiti cleaners. Many state governments have banned the sale or possession of, spray ,paint to those under the age of 18 (age of majority). However, a number of
  43. Through acidity correction, fertilization,plant breeding, and in some cases, spray ,irrigation. As agriculture underwent modernization in the 1970s and 1980s,soil
  44. Which was also directed by Mark Roman) in which one of the band members, spray ,paints the words" En Process" on a wall. Britney Spears' music video Gimme
  45. Efficiency and, unlike the clipper bow, protect the hangar deck from, spray , Modern clipper ships In 2000,two new clippers were built: Star Amsterdam and
  46. A diamondback moth population is known to have acquired resistance to BT in, spray ,form (i.e., not engineered) when used in organic agriculture. The same
  47. Developments with this amongst research groups in the US. Other uses include, spray ,application in horticulture for protecting plants and vegetable produce from
  48. Tea solution are sodium, chlorides and sulfates. The extract is applied as a, spray ,to non-edible plant parts such as seedlings, or as a soil-drench (root dip)
  49. War. Diseases such as wheat blast and rice blast were weaponized in aerial, spray ,tanks and cluster bombs for delivery to enemy watersheds in agricultural
  50. Been implicated in" trimmer dermatitis" due to a phytophotodermatitis due to, spray ,from a weed trimmer. Other plants in the parsley family can have similar

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