Examples of the the word, inadequate , in a Sentence Context

The word ( inadequate ), is the 4097 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Necrosis),which can occur when the blood supply has been blocked (or is very, inadequate ,) Hematological disorders ** Insufficient red cell mass (anemia) can be the
  2. Perfection. If circumstances are seen as unfortunate it is only because of our, inadequate ,conception of reality. While components of the chain of cause and effect are
  3. Being useful for rheumatoid arthritis, smoking cessation and weight loss, and, inadequate , evidence for most other conditions that acupuncture is used for. Safety Because
  4. Then the total net value of official development assistance. inadequate ,rationale removed: as well. Communications in Botswana A fiber-optic
  5. Was the proprietor or record keeper alone. Cruder forms of accounting were, inadequate ,for the problems created by a business entity involving multiple investors, so
  6. The current standard of drug treatment. A possible cause of depression is an, inadequate ,amount of serotonin, a chemical used in the brain to transmit signals between
  7. And 60 % lost economic productivity. Publicly supported programs are often, inadequate ,or inappropriate for a given child, and reimbursed out-of-pocket medical or
  8. These ambitious building and mining activities, however,combined with, inadequate ,Nile floods later in his reign, strained the economy and precipitated the slow
  9. The test as hazardous; the emergency equipment (such as gas masks) were, inadequate ,to handle this type of fire; that fire, rescue and medical teams were not in
  10. Of China. However, many have argued that the usefulness of these laws is vastly, inadequate ,in terms of controlling government actions, largely because of institutional
  11. Is devoid of designations, or empty, and therefore language itself is a priori, inadequate , Thus, the Buddha's silence does not indicate biology or disdain for
  12. Its high population density, its location in the center of Western Europe and, inadequate ,political effort, Belgium faces serious environmental problems. A 2003 report
  13. That the rain also fell on the Germans, and that the weather is therefore an, inadequate ,explanation for the failure to exploit the breakthrough, but nevertheless the
  14. S Financial Services Authority stated that the fine related to the company's, inadequate ,bribery and corruption controls, claiming that between January 14, 2005 and
  15. The physical sciences, and Aristotle's work in this area was deemed hopelessly, inadequate , His failings were largely due to the absence of concepts like mass, velocity
  16. of his machines due to conflicts with his chief engineer and, inadequate ,funding. It was not until 100 years later, in the 1940s,that the first
  17. Began to shrink. Major reasons include a weak chain of" Later Mughal ",an, inadequate ,focus on maintaining central administration leading to governors forming their
  18. Review of the descent data showed the inertial system alone would have been, inadequate , and the astronauts probably would have been forced to abort the landing as
  19. Had a significant impact on GDP. Asia's resource problems are exacerbated by, inadequate ,infrastructure. At the end of 2008.37 % of China's rural population lacked
  20. High stocking densities can result in water flow being insufficient, creating, inadequate , oxygen supply and waste product removal. Many of these interactions and effects
  21. Struck the colony in 1931. Perceptions of the government's relief effort as, inadequate ,were aggravated by its refusal to legalize labor unions or introduce a minimum
  22. Of Nicholas as Service, whereas Alexander received only the perfunctory and, inadequate ,training of an ordinary Grand Duke of that period, which did not go much beyond
  23. The Diamondbacks' tough year was blamed on a struggling offense, and an, inadequate ,pitching staff which had a collective ERA of 4.18. 2010 Season The Diamondbacks
  24. Ignite exposed to flash as compared to the U. S. powder. British ships had, inadequate ,protection against these flash fires. German propellant (RP C/12,handled in
  25. For the surrounding communities; some authors consider this to be completely, inadequate , pointing out that the U. S. airbase in The Gang, alone,will cost $14 million
  26. Was afraid to enter hospitals and see doctors. His family sued the hospital for, inadequate ,care, saying that the arrhythmia was caused by improper care and water
  27. Coverage News media coverage of African American news, concerns or dilemmas is, inadequate , some activists and academics contend. Activists also contend that the news
  28. Is a list of the most important Algerian cities: Health In 2002,Algeria had, inadequate ,numbers of physicians (1.13 per 1,000 people),nurses (2.23 per 1,000 people
  29. Knowledge. Most Buddhists agree that, to a greater or lesser extent, words are, inadequate ,to describe the goal of the Buddhist path, but concerning the usefulness of
  30. Social, economic and political issues for many African Americans include, inadequate ,health care access and delivery; institutional racism and discrimination in
  31. Reported significant pain. Factors predictive of pain during anal sex include, inadequate ,lubrication, feeling tense or anxious, lack of stimulation, as well as lack of
  32. Medicine as a replacement for standard modern medical care could result in, inadequate ,diagnosis or treatment of conditions for which modern medicine has a better
  33. Him to go free. (Antiphon 5.69–70) There was also a death penalty for ", inadequate ,performance" while in office. Individualism in Athenian democracy Another
  34. To metaphysics, and therefore ethics, concluded that emotion is formed from, inadequate ,understanding. His concept of" coats" states that human beings' natural
  35. Limited number of Junkers JU 52 transports, the Germans used aircraft wholly, inadequate ,for the role, such as the Handel He 177 bomber (some bombers performed
  36. And also blues) well after electric amplification solved the issue of, inadequate ,guitar sound levels. Tone woods Traditionally, steel-string guitars have been
  37. Strength); they charged with the 47-year-old Uxbridge leading them and a very, inadequate ,number of squadrons held in reserve. There is evidence that Uxbridge gave an
  38. A useful academic starting point; however, its bibliographic references are, inadequate , and it rates its own accuracy at only B-C for the area. Early colonial
  39. Of trials (including pharmaceutical company funding of most of them, and, inadequate , experimental " blinding" so that trial participants could sometimes tell
  40. Of extravagant claims by the alternative medical community combined with, inadequate ,media scrutiny and attacks on critics. There is also an increase in conspiracy
  41. These findings can be generalized to recently diagnosed children. Because of, inadequate ,data, these numbers may underestimate ASD's true prevalence. PDD-NOS's
  42. On the afternoon of 1 August. About Bay When Alexandria harbor proved, inadequate ,for his fleet, Brueys had gathered his captains and discussed their options.
  43. Proper in roughly twenty minutes. However, these roads are now often considered, inadequate ,to cope with Adelaide's growing road traffic, and often experience traffic
  44. Asserted that sense perception, though practical and useful for rhetoric, is, inadequate , for discovering universal truth; Spinoza's mathematical and logical approach
  45. Developed by Douglas Aircraft Company. The diameter of the HEAR proved to be, inadequate ,for the electronics, leading Douglas to expand the missile's airframe to
  46. Within a month Granby resigned the leadership in the commons, feeling himself, inadequate ,to the post, and the party functioned without an actual leader in the commons
  47. Through Azerbaijan and Turkey are closed; routes through Georgia and Iran are, inadequate ,or unreliable. In 1992-93,GDP fell nearly 60 % from its 1989 level. The
  48. Were John Calvin, and Martin Luther. They both said that the episcopacy was, inadequate ,to address corruption, doctrinal or otherwise, and that this inadequacy
  49. Of patients have remission of depression with medications. For patients with, inadequate ,response, either adding sustained-release bupropion (initially per day then
  50. Messaged and Messaged 100 were limited by the very short lifetime of their, inadequate ,AAA batteries. Critics also panned the handwriting recognition that was

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