Examples of the the word, litigation , in a Sentence Context

The word ( litigation ), is the 4094 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. To contrast or reinforce a character's drama. For example, bitter divorce, litigation ,of a client might provide a backdrop for Ally's decision to break up with a
  2. On their behalf by making applications to the court, writing letters in, litigation ,to the client's opponent and so on. A barrister is not an attorney and is
  3. Baron Willougbhy de Eresby after a year; again in 1871 after a year. Settling, litigation ,Abeyance can be used in cases where parties are interested in temporarily
  4. A form of alternative dispute resolution — specifically, a legal alternative to, litigation ,whereby the parties to a dispute agree to submit their respective positions (
  5. Goodall, DeVries, Leech & Dan, LLP were retained as national counsel in this, litigation , The class action was defeated, and the litigation abandoned by the plaintiffs.
  6. Of the Ulrich family are killed in an accident. This leads to the Ford Pinto, litigation , *1981 – Murder of Adam Walsh: the head of John Walsh's son is found. This
  7. And laws of the United States. " (see also civil liberties) It works through, litigation , legislation, and community education. Founded in 1920 by Crystal Eastman
  8. Are consolidated for pre-trial purposes through the device of multidistrict, litigation ,(MDL). It is also possible to bring class action lawsuits under state law
  9. Further red-bearded dwarfs, to the number of forty-one, appear in other, litigation , ) *Captain Foul enough: archetypal cad and gatecrasher who impersonates the
  10. Psychiatrists, the expert witnesses, had a conflict of interest. This, litigation ,led to changes in the British law, making class action lawsuits more difficult
  11. D. C. -based law firm of Wilmer Cutler & Pickering where she did civil, litigation ,for several years before becoming an assistant U. S. attorney. In 1994,she
  12. Of chancery. By their nature, equity and law were frequently in conflict and, litigation ,would frequently continue for years as one court countermanded the other, even
  13. Of their client for legal purposes (as in signing contracts) and may conduct, litigation ,on their behalf by making applications to the court, writing letters in
  14. As national counsel in this litigation . The class action was defeated and the, litigation ,abandoned by the plaintiffs. A similar action had been filed in New Jersey that
  15. Spill in Tennessee is estimated to cost up to $1 billion, not including pending, litigation , Now that the cleanup at this site has been taken over by the EPA under the
  16. Worship; but this only made the dilemma more acute, with consequent continual, litigation ,in the secular and ecclesiastical courts. Over the same period Anglican
  17. Chasing. *Barbary also refers to persistently inciting others to engage in, litigation ,or other disputes or quarrels outside the courts. This was a crime in
  18. In January 2007,according to the Seat Secrets website, the national group, litigation ,in the United Kingdom, on behalf of several hundred people who allege
  19. Can be used in cases where parties are interested in temporarily settling, litigation ,while still holding the right to seek relief later if necessary. This may be
  20. Of first instance. There are specialized courts of first instance for family, litigation ,or bankruptcy in some cities and states. Judgments from these district courts
  21. On February 5,1909. The Bakelite Corporation was formed in 1922 (after patent, litigation ,favorable to Lakeland) from a merger of three companies: the General Bakelite
  22. Confirmed Diego's position as Viceroy, but reduced his powers. Diego resumed, litigation ,in 1512,which lasted until 1536,and further disputes continued until 1790.
  23. Makers attacked the legitimacy of his patents and mounted a long campaign of, litigation ,against Sax and his company, driving him into bankruptcy twice (in 1856 and
  24. Law firms The Mayerson Law Offices, P. C. was an early pioneer in Agent Orange, litigation , working with renowned environmental attorney Victor Annabon in 1980 on the
  25. Living in and around the CFB Gage town filed a lawsuit to pursue class action, litigation ,concerning Agent Orange and Agent Purple with the Federal Court of Canada. On
  26. Relationships were being destroyed through years of expensive adversarial, litigation , in courts whose rules differed significantly from the informal norms and
  27. Litigators and solicitors. However," litigators" would generally perform all, litigation ,functions traditionally performed by barristers and solicitors; in contrast
  28. Play down the risks and adverse effects associated with SSRIs. This had led to, litigation ,against many of the pharmaceutical manufacturers of SSRI anti-depressants in
  29. company's products. Antitrust litigation Many decisions that led to antitrust, litigation ,over Microsoft's business practices have had Gates' approval. In the 1998
  30. A thief. Wallace won multiple libel suits against Hamden, but the resulting, litigation ,cost Wallace more than the amount of the wager and the controversy frustrated
  31. The jaws of the other. *Twelve red-bearded dwarfs, with a penchant for farcical, litigation , Their names" appear to be" Scorpion de Rooftrouser, Cleveland Warehouse
  32. Who advises and guides the client through the relevant legal procedure or, litigation , Before a barrister can undertake Public Access work, he must have completed a
  33. May indeed be necessary and desirable for committed individuals to bring serial, litigation ,advancing the time when public accommodations will be compliant with the ADA. ”
  34. Justice Cockle carrot: well-meaning but ineffectual High Court judge, plagued by, litigation ,involving the twelve red-bearded dwarfs. Often appears in Private Eye. *Mrs.
  35. Of decided cases. For example, London is considered the pre-eminent center for, litigation ,of admiralty cases. This is not to say that common law is better in every
  36. Those lawyers may not plead at other courts, do in practice deal with, litigation ,only, and are usually instructed by a lawyer who represented the client at
  37. Framework to reduce the cost of translation (of patents when granted) and, litigation , namely the London Agreement, which entered into force on May 1,2008—and which
  38. With a well-developed body of common law to achieve that result. Likewise, for, litigation , of commercial disputes arising out of unpredictable torts (as opposed to the
  39. Mani sued Bowland for copyright infringement (see" look and feel" ). The, litigation ,brought forward Borland's open standards position as opposed to Lotus' closed
  40. Forbidden, either by law or professional rules or both, from " conducting ", litigation , This means that while the barrister speaks on the client's behalf in court
  41. As governor of the settlements in Hispaniola in 1500,and later to protracted, litigation ,over the benefits which Columbus and his heirs claimed were owed to them by the
  42. Lotus' legal position and" fight for programmer's rights ". After 6 years of, litigation , the United States Supreme Court validated Borland's position and Lotus lost
  43. Wrote code as late as 1989 that shipped in the company's products. Antitrust, litigation ,Many decisions that led to antitrust litigation over Microsoft's business
  44. Known as the plates Colombians. The family had some success in their first, litigation , as a judgment of 1511 confirmed Diego's position as Viceroy, but reduced his
  45. On stage in the US, Osbourne was handed a subpoena that led to two years of, litigation , Produced by Black Sabbath and Mike Butcher, Sabotage was released in July
  46. Firms of solicitors are keeping even the most advanced advisory and, litigation ,work in-house for economic and client relationship reasons. Similarly, the
  47. Had been seized by the KGB during her last arrest. She spent several years in, litigation ,trying to regain them. However, those were blocked by Pasternak's
  48. Business notebooks as well. Litigation with Intel AMD has a long history of, litigation ,with former partner and x86 creator Intel. *In 1986 Intel broke an agreement it
  49. This manner. Due to the nature of its legal work, the ACLU is often involved in, litigation ,against governmental bodies, which are generally protected from adverse
  50. Organizations) are the basic unit of the ACLU's organization and engage in, litigation , lobbying, and public education. For example, in a twenty-month period

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