Examples of the the word, drain , in a Sentence Context

The word ( drain ), is the 4104 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. RF power to input DC power when primary input DC power has been fed to the, drain ,of an FET. Based on this definition, the drain efficiency cannot exceed 25 %
  2. The geometry of the container. Despite this, the idea that toilets and bathtubs, drain ,differently in the Northern and Southern Hemispheres has been popularized by
  3. Navigli ”, Later,canals were built in the Netherlands and Flanders to, drain ,the polders and assist the transportation of goods. Canal building was revived
  4. The opposite side of the continent, while the Knee, Kwanza, Ogowe and Canada, drain ,the west coastal highlands of the southern limb; the Volta, Komoe, Bandama
  5. She discovers the true nature of his plans: to build a superpower station and, drain ,Gotham of its electricity. Selina survives the fall but it causes a psychotic
  6. To the Danube River or south to the Aegean Sea. Some smaller rivers in the east, drain ,directly to the Black Sea. The Sedna Gorey is a narrow ridge about 160 km long
  7. Collected can be pumped to the outdoor unit using a pump, avoiding the need to, drain ,water from the indoor unit periodically when running in cooling mode. A
  8. Indicated that the reasons were more political than material. The brain, drain ,of professionals had become so damaging to the political credibility and
  9. S most extensive river systems, with eight major drain age basins, all of which, drain ,into the Atlantic Ocean. Two of these basins—the Amazon and Tocantins-Araguaia
  10. Alongside him. The Necromancer possesses powerful poison spells, which rapidly, drain ,life from afflicted monsters. He also has" Bone" skills, which directly
  11. Welding, Nursing,and Mechanics. Alaska has had a problem with a" brain, drain ,". Many of its young people, including most of the highest academic achievers
  12. Drain efficiency cannot exceed 25 % for a class A amplifier that is supplied, drain ,bias current through resistors (because RF signal has its zero level at about
  13. The black kids are going to grow up dysfunctional, low IQ, low achievers that, drain ,our welfare benefits and the prison system and probably go and mug you. " He
  14. Cheese where, after heating, the curd is kneaded with salt, cut into cubes to, drain ,the whey then stacked and turned. Strong, extra-mature Cheddar, sometimes
  15. Groundwater beneath the plain also was poisoned. Work has begun on a plan to, drain ,toxic wastewater from the plant's reservoir into the Marisa River.
  16. And flood plains in Brazil, Peru,Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela, whose waters, drain ,into the Policies and its tributaries are called the" Upper Amazon ". The
  17. Law of the Sea Hydrology Colombia has four main drain age systems: the Pacific, drain , the Caribbean drain , the Orinoco Basin and the Amazon Basin. The Orinoco and
  18. Southwest the Columbia watershed borders a number of smaller watersheds that, drain ,to the Pacific Ocean, such as the Namath River in Oregon and California and
  19. Friends find that the Kingdom of Zeal recently discovered Laos and seeks to, drain ,its power to achieve immortality through the Mammon Machine. However, Zeal's
  20. Outflow and the inflow comes entirely from fresh water. More than 250 streams, drain ,a basin of about 1.6 million km², contributing a volume of 660 km³ per year to
  21. Colombia has four main drain age systems: the Pacific drain , the Caribbean, drain , the Orinoco Basin and the Amazon Basin. The Orinoco and Amazon Rivers mark
  22. The Coriolis effect may be much smaller than various other influences on, drain ,direction, such as any residual rotation of the water and the geometry of the
  23. Then proceeds to the para aortic lymph nodes. In some women, the lymphatics, drain ,directly to the para aortic nodes. Additional images File: Ill repot female.
  24. And killed two taxi drivers and killed another five by forcing them to drink, drain ,cleaning acid. On September 24, 2010,the teens were sentenced to only 3–5 year
  25. Can also be lost in some circumstances, such as encounters with creatures that, drain ,life energy, or by use of certain magical powers that require payment of an XP
  26. Within 30-mm of the base of the nipple. In each breast,4–18 lactiferous ducts, drain ,to the nipple; the glands-to-fat ratio is 2:1 in lactating women, and to 1:1 in
  27. Rivers in the southeast, most of the major rivers and river systems in Cambodia, drain ,into the Tone Sap or into the Mekong River. The Cardamom Mountains and
  28. Zero level at about 50 % of the input DC). Manufacturers specify much higher, drain ,efficiencies, and designers are able to obtain higher efficiencies by providing
  29. River system, and the Mira River. Innumerable smaller rivers and streams, drain ,into the Bras d'Or Lake estuary and onto the Gulf of St. Lawrence and Atlantic
  30. Or westward directly into the Gulf of Guinea. The DA and Made, however, drain , southeastward into the Congo River. In northern Cameroon, the Before River (
  31. Canadian Rockies and are the second and third-largest rivers respectively to, drain ,to the west coast of North America. Immediately west of the mountains is a
  32. Bubo" associated with the disease. Septicemic plague Lymphatics ultimately, drain ,into the bloodstream, so the plague bacteria may enter the blood and travel to
  33. Of the craft. Though this would get the men home quickest with the least, drain ,on consumables, it was highly impractical for the following reasons: *It was
  34. Reactions with water and acids. Calcium metal is found in some, drain ,cleaners, where it functions to generate heat and calcium hydroxide that
  35. Designers are able to obtain higher efficiencies by providing current to the, drain ,of the transistor through an inductor or a transformer winding. In this case
  36. The transom is usually sloped and sealed to resist water entry, and to properly, drain , In some custom mill work (or with some master carpenters),the manufacture or
  37. Making it one of the most militarized of the Spanish possessions, as well as a, drain ,on the treasury of the Viceroyalty of Peru. Independence The usurpation of the
  38. Its source. The Ovum, Rufiji, Tana, Jubba and Web Shebeli principally, drain ,the outer slopes of the East African highlands, the last of these losing itself
  39. Suburbs. The reach of the Narrower toward Ballarat Central becomes a stormwater, drain ,and is completely covered over as it flows under the CBD. There are numerous
  40. Oceans and seas of the world. Grey areas are endorheic basins that do not, drain ,to the ocean. Behavior or behavior (see American and British spelling
  41. Sea. Through most of Bulgaria, the Balkans form the watershed from which rivers, drain ,north to the Danube River or south to the Aegean Sea. Some smaller rivers in
  42. DC power has been fed to the drain of an FET. Based on this definition,the, drain ,efficiency cannot exceed 25 % for a class A amplifier that is supplied drain
  43. Lack of blood flow. On 22 February, he underwent an additional procedure to, drain ,excess fluid from his stomach, discovered during a CT scan. Replacement by HUD
  44. To rule the world, and presents Jews as people who murder Christian children, drain ,their blood and use this blood to bake matzoh. * In early January 2005,some 20
  45. Basins) exist in several parts of the Western Desert, and no rivers or streams, drain ,into or out of the area. The government has considered the Western Desert a
  46. Their removal. If foreign objects are not the cause, a doctor will incise and, drain ,the abscess and prescribe painkillers and possibly antibiotics. Surgical
  47. The tank to die away),in a room where the temperature had stabilized. The, drain ,plug was then very slowly removed, and tiny pieces of floating wood were used
  48. One of London's" lost rivers ", today running entirely underground as a storm, drain , The boundary of the City then remained fixed until minor boundary changes in
  49. Corona. Often, the solar plasma will fill these loops from one foot point and, drain ,from the other (siphon flow due to a pressure difference, or asymmetric flow
  50. Tommy Lee Jones) and the Riddler (Jim Carrey) in their villainous scheme to, drain ,information from all the brains in Gotham City. He gains allegiance from

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