Examples of the the word, portrait , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Jackson appears on twelve US Postage stamps to date. Memorials * Jackson's, portrait ,appears on the United States twenty-dollar bill. He has appeared on $5,$10
  2. Request of Christian II of Denmark Durer went to Brussels to paint the King's, portrait , There he saw" the things which have been sent to the king from the golden
  3. New Zealand. * In 1985 he was honored on a postage stamp depicting his, portrait ,issued by Australia Post. Sources * *Edward Duke (ed.) The Discovery of
  4. Government also issued two Confederate postage stamps bearing Jackson's, portrait , one a, both issued in 1863. Jackson also appears on other U. S. Postage stamps
  5. Spinoza is an important historical figure in the Netherlands, where his, portrait ,was featured prominently on the Dutch 1000-guilder banknote, legal tender until
  6. And warriors as well as on cameos and vases. A vestige of that appears in a, portrait ,of Alexander the Great in a fresco from Pompeii dated to the first century BC
  7. Gave the spacecraft a passing grade, after the meeting they gave him a crew, portrait ,they had posed with heads bowed and hands clasped in prayer, with the
  8. Cola cello, Warhol devoted much of his time to rounding up new, rich patrons for, portrait ,commissions – including Shah of Iran Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, his wife Empress
  9. Her name, with priestesses serving in her temple. He had various coins with her, portrait ,struck in her honor. These coins were scripted ‘ DIVE FAUSTINO’ and were
  10. Presidium also described Augustine's personal traits in detail, drawing a, portrait ,of a man who ate sparingly, worked tirelessly, despised gossip, shunned the
  11. Ancient Roman mode ", became a fashionable way to frame a painted or bas-relief, portrait , or protect an expensive and precious mirror during the High Renaissance;
  12. Windsor, he was interred in the Holy Cross Churchyard, Binsted. Legacy His, portrait ,(by Frank O. Salisbury,1945) hangs in the National Portrait Gallery. A
  13. Into an abstract version of the previous one. The new logo still sports the, portrait ,of Ajax, but drawn with just 11 lines, symbolizing the 11 players of a football
  14. And took his place as the first President of the United States. Washington's, portrait ,on the U. S. one-dollar bill is said to actually be Weishaupt's. Another
  15. Lorenzo del Bronzing Allow (3 May 1535 – 22 September 1607) was an Italian, portrait ,painter of the late Mannerism Florentine school. Born in Florence, in 1540
  16. That he produced people (as in the Carolina" Superstar" and the Carolina, portrait ,). He endorsed products, appeared in commercials, and made frequent celebrity
  17. By L. Sade (Astor. Each.,1856,p. 289); in 1840,J. Petal constructed his, portrait ,objective, from similar calculations which have never been published (see M.
  18. Him. The Fields Medal for outstanding achievement in mathematics carries a, portrait ,of Archimedes, along with his proof concerning the sphere and the cylinder. The
  19. Wagner (who led the league in 1903 in batting average) refused to send his, portrait ,to a" Hall of Fame" for batting champions. " I was too bum last year," he
  20. In the twentieth century. After the elderly Schopenhauer sat for a sculpture, portrait ,by Elisabeth Na, he told Richard Wagner's friend Malinda von Maseru," I
  21. The front of the boat in George Washington's famous 1776 Crossing the Delaware, portrait , By 1860,there were 3.5 million enslaved African Americans in the United
  22. Cola cello provides some details on Andy's" piss paintings ": Warhol's first, portrait ,of Bassist (1982) is a black photosilkscreen over an oxidized copper" piss
  23. World's Fair. Hanson Robotics, Inc., of Texas and WAIST produced an android, portrait ,of Albert Einstein, using Hanson's facial android technology mounted on WAIST
  24. Achievements of the twentieth century, one of which carries a recognizable, portrait ,of Turing against a background of repeated 0s and 1s,and is captioned:" 1937:
  25. Though Chekhov found the experience" sickening ", and painted a comic, portrait ,of the chaotic production in a letter to his brother Alexander, the play was a
  26. To in slang as" Benjamin's" or" Franklin's. " From 1948 to 1963,Franklin's, portrait ,was on the half dollar. He has appeared on a $50 bill and on several varieties
  27. Liza Minnelli, John Lennon, Diana Ross, and Brigitte Bardot. Warhol's famous, portrait ,of Chinese Communist leader Mao Zedong was created in 1973. He also founded
  28. Eventually traded the picture for some white cloth after Margaret disliked the, portrait ,and declined to accept it. During this trip he also met Bernard van Foray, Jean
  29. Agrippina the Elder, when Tacitus was writing The Annals. There is a surviving, portrait ,of Agrippina the Elder in the Capitoline Museums in Rome. Ancestry Julia
  30. Remains. Fragmentary testimonies found in documents after his death provide a, portrait ,of the man. Anaximander was one of the earliest Greek thinkers at the start of
  31. Been commemorated in the UK on banknotes printed by two different banks; his, portrait ,has appeared since 1981 on the £50 notes issued by the Clydesdale Bank in
  32. In Washington chose to wait a period of time before issuing a stamp with his, portrait , In all, Jackson has appeared on thirteen different US postage stamps, more
  33. For those of the Cardinal, Melanchthon, and Dürer's final major work, a drawn, portrait ,of the Nuremberg patrician Ulrich Stack, Dürer depicted the sitters in profile
  34. In 1968. There is a statue of him in the Botanic Gardens, Sydney. There is a, portrait ,of him by Francis Wheatley in the National Portrait Gallery, London. His name
  35. With the screen turned horizontally (" landscape" ) as well as vertically (", portrait ,"). A change of a setting rotates the contents of the display by 90,180 or
  36. Moon, both of which he photographed. The most famous is a plastic-encased photo, portrait ,of his family (NASA Photo AS16-117-18841). The reverse of the photo is signed
  37. Only completed after Radius' death by Theodosius II). The Enteric marble, portrait ,head of Radius (illustration) was discovered in Istanbul close to the Forum
  38. As the 'doctor of doctors' still stands outside the Bukhara museum and his, portrait ,hangs in the Hall of the Avicenna Faculty of Medicine in the University of
  39. Then on 'High Water (for Charley Patton),' in which Dylan draws a sweeping, portrait ,of the South's racial history, with the unsung blues singer as a symbol of the
  40. Of Cheops in ivory, found in the stone chamber of the temple, gives the only, portrait ,of this great pharaoh. The temple was rebuilt entirely on a larger scale by
  41. Of his stories. In 2009,Oriya was commissioned by Alex Tax to draw a, portrait ,of pop singer Alumni Kawasaki, it was printed on the CD of her single "
  42. Albert Pike Morals and dogma. JPG|Morals and Dogma (1871) File: Albert Pike, portrait , JPG|Pike in Masonic regalia File: Albert Pike - Brady-Handy. JPG|Portrait by
  43. Domenico. His early Roman commissions included terracotta and some marble, portrait ,busts, while he supported himself with small works like crucifixes. Algardi's
  44. Shadow of the Austrian Oak. Although Baker, at times, painted an unflattering, portrait ,of her former lover, Schwarzenegger actually contributed to the tell-all book
  45. In 1999. The standard Belgian euro coins designated for circulation show the, portrait ,of King Albert II. Despite an 18 % decrease observed from 1970 to 1999,Belgium
  46. Durer produced comparatively little as an artist. In painting, there was only a, portrait ,of. As for engravings,Dürer's work was restricted to portrait s and
  47. Technology, and the University of Texas at Arlington also developed the android, portrait ,of sci-fi author Philip K. Dick (creator of Do Androids Dream of Electric
  48. Album cover for the Diana Ross album Silk Electric. One of his last works was a, portrait ,of Aretha Franklin for the cover of her 1986 gold album Aretha, which was done
  49. The champion of American independence. Le Ray honored him with a commissioned, portrait ,painted by Joseph Duplexes that now hangs in the National Portrait Gallery of
  50. That the trip was not a profitable one. For example, Dürer offered his last, portrait ,of Maximilian to his daughter, Margaret of Austria, but eventually traded the

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