Examples of the the word, interference , in a Sentence Context

The word ( interference ), is the 5243 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Spread spectrum (AFH),which improves resistance to radio frequency, interference ,by avoiding the use of crowded frequencies in the hopping sequence. *Higher
  2. Be taken into account. Compasses are also unreliable in areas prone to magnetic, interference , such as sites being supported by scaffolding. Additionally, a compass can only
  3. In 1882. As he was young and eager to exercise his new power, he resented the, interference ,of the British Agent and Consul General in Cairo, Sir Evelyn Baring, later made
  4. Astronomical and mathematical writer, entered his protest against such unlawful, interference ,by the Barcelona rabbis, and a schism ensued. Twenty-eight members signed Abbey
  5. Effects caused (by the apertures) in the experiment of F. M. Grimaldi on, interference , This allowed him to conclusively account for the phenomenon of interference in
  6. Floor. At various places the art work has become eroded due to decay and human, interference , Therefore, many areas of the painted walls, ceilings,and pillars are
  7. Has been delayed for years; it is the liberation of the jihad there from this, interference ,which, Allah willing, will be the first step towards victory over the Hindu
  8. Apollo 10 service module, but was removed to fix a potential electromagnetic, interference ,problem. During removal, the shelf was accidentally dropped about because a
  9. Own existence. This can lead to terrible moral dilemmas. In Defend Est,the, interference ,of time-travelling outlaws causes Carthage to win the Second Punic War and
  10. Was to allow voltage levels to stabilize in older televisions, preventing, interference , between picture lines. The front porch is the first component of the horizontal
  11. HR-CS AAS the only AAS technique that can correct for this kind of spectral, interference , Arthur St. Clair (– August 31, 1818) was an American soldier and politician.
  12. Secretary or his general-in-chief on to his generals, who resented his civilian, interference ,with their own plans. Even so, he often continued to give detailed directions
  13. Of these channels, and must use a different set than neighboring cells to avoid, interference , This significantly reduced the number of channels available at each site in
  14. In DNA sequence and include DNA methylation, histone modification, and RNA, interference , Toxic levels of arsenic cause significant DNA hypermethylation of tumor
  15. The third out would have been made except for an error other than catcher's, interference , * A batter reaches base on a fielder's choice which removes a base runner who
  16. Who subsequently score after the runner who has reached on catcher's, interference ,exclusively on clean plays score earned runs; the base runner cannot be assumed
  17. And a new impulse was given to the study of philosophy by the unauthorized, interference ,of the Spanish rabbis. On the expulsion of the Jews from France by Philip IV in
  18. Gets credit for the hit. If a batter reaches first base because of offensive, interference ,by a preceding runner (including if a preceding runner is hit by a batted ball
  19. ABC NSW Staff Association organized a strike against budget cuts and political, interference , Sydney ABC was off-air for four days. A packed free concert in support was
  20. In the north, breaking Part completely in the process. Tiring of Egyptian, interference ,in the Assyrian Empire, Esarhaddon crossed the Sinai Desert, and invaded and
  21. And lawyers. Public demonstrations usually take place without government, interference , though one rally in November 2000 by an opposition party was followed by the
  22. Any form of retaliation or coercion, including threats, intimidation,or, interference , is prohibited if it is intended to interfere. Major life activities The ADA
  23. Region is not always marked by the presence of the characteristic trees. Human, interference ,has nearly exterminated them in many areas, and,except for the beech forests
  24. Epi Thebes),which was performed in 467 BC, has the contrasting theme of the, interference ,of the gods in human affairs. The play tells the story of Eteocles and
  25. As unearned when: * A batter reaches base on an error (including catcher's, interference ,), and later scores a run in that inning by any means. * A base runner remains
  26. 25 MeV particles. Although its direct detection was hindered by strong signal, interference ,with 245Bk,the existence of a new isotope was proven by the growth of the
  27. To show wave function phases, shows mostly ψ graphs. The lobes can be viewed as, interference ,patterns between the two counter rotating" m" and" -m" modes, with the
  28. Hit (also known as sacrifice bunt). * He is awarded first base due to, interference ,or obstruction, usually by the catcher. * The inning ends while he is still at
  29. Runner anyway, the run now becomes earned. A runner who reaches on catcher's, interference ,and subsequently scores with two outs scores an unearned run, but base runners
  30. Dangerous physical contact (such as pushing an opponent in the back), interference , when marking and deliberately slowing the play are discouraged with free kicks
  31. In the case of Aragonite and Gascony, this has been through substrate, interference ,following language shift from Aquitanian or Basque to a Romance language
  32. Slavic, based on research of Boris L’Nov, makes ET AAS essentially free from, interference , The major components of this concept are: * Atomization of the sample from a
  33. District Court for the District of Colorado against 19 prison officials for ", interference ,with the free exercise of his Ásatrú religion" and" discrimination on the
  34. Be in part converted to gaseous ions. Each of these stages includes the risk of, interference ,in case the degree of phase transfer is different for the analyte in the
  35. Attempting to make the putout at first base.: (5) runner is called out for, interference ,with a fielder attempting to field a batted ball, unless in the scorer's
  36. Continued to support Afghan President Mohammad Najibullah until 1992. Foreign, interference ,and civil war 1992–96 After the fall of the communist Najibullah-regime in 1992
  37. First base without liability to be put out (e.g., hit by pitch,catcher's, interference ,). A batter who draws a base on balls is commonly said to have been" walked "
  38. To govern and oversee the affairs of their respective districts without the, interference ,of Central Government. In total, there are 32 districts, with elections being
  39. Just mentioned. Police have subsequently been accused of brutality, torture and, interference ,with the non-violent protests as collateral damage provoked by the clash
  40. Reaches the flame, but it also guarantees relatively high freedom from, interference , On top of the spray chamber is a burner head that produces a flame that is
  41. Safely, by way of walks, errors,hit batsmen, or batter reaching base due to, interference ,or obstruction. If the pitcher allows no runners to reach base, the no-hitter
  42. Accordance with the wave theory. With François Aragon he studied the laws of the, interference ,of polarized rays. He obtained circularly polarized light by means of a rhombus
  43. On interference . This allowed him to conclusively account for the phenomenon of, interference ,in accordance with the wave theory. With François Aragon he studied the laws of
  44. Unless in the scorer's judgment the batter-runner would have been safe had the, interference ,not occurred. }} In baseball statistics, on-base percentage (GBP) (
  45. His soldiers to fall back slowly (V.590–605). Hera,Ares's mother, saw his, interference ,and asked Zeus, his father, for permission to drive Ares away from the
  46. Of cheap jewelry and articles for smoking. This pressed amber yields brilliant, interference ,colors in polarized light. Amber has often been imitated by other resins like
  47. Wrote a treatise on the acoustic properties of theaters including discussion of, interference , echoes, and reverberation—the beginnings of architectural acoustics. The
  48. Be wasted on infrasonic and ultrasonic frequencies, and the danger of AM radio, interference ,would increase. Modern switching amplifiers need steep low pass filtering at
  49. Company used all its authority to suppress turning away from agriculture. This, interference ,led to the islanders demanding, and receiving, the revocation of the Company's
  50. 3) is hit by a pitched ball; or (4) is awarded first base because of, interference ,or obstruction ..." Examples An at bat is counted when: *The batter is called

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