Examples of the the word, herb , in a Sentence Context

The word ( herb ), is the 5237 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Was introduced to southern Australia in the 19th century as a medicinal, herb , It became a weed of native grasslands and pastures where it was introduced
  2. By the power of Circe, and instructed him to protect himself by chewing a magic, herb ,; he also told Calypso Zeus' order for her to free the same hero from her
  3. Remember this memo, and it was not emphasized or enforced. Ephemera, a Chinese, herb ,used to cure cold symptoms, and also used in some allergy medications, sped up
  4. Fallen out of favor in most countries through the 19th and 20th centuries,the, herb ,St John's Wort became increasingly popular in Germany, where Hyperion
  5. Hot water is poured into the gourd at near-boiling point to not burn the, herb ,and spoil the flavor. At family or small social gatherings, one mate may be
  6. In 1786 because he was inspired by a German wine flavored with wormwood,a, herb ,most famously used in distilling absinthe. However, wine flavored with wormwood
  7. Called Peak See, and in Thai, it is known as Peak Thee Lao. In Lao cuisine,the, herb ,is typically used in OK pa (steamed fish in banana leaf) and several coconuts
  8. Thickness and solutes. Measurement Dill (Anthem travelers) is a perennial, herb , It is the sole species of the genus Anthem, though classified by some
  9. Aspirin alone. Deglycyrrhizinated licorice (DGL),an extract of the popular, herb ,licorice, reportedly helps relieve the symptoms of gastritis. In a 1979
  10. Treatment abruptly can cause unpleasant withdrawal symptoms. An extract of the, herb ,St John's Wort is commonly used as an antidepressant, although it is labeled
  11. Not related to Soy, in Punjabi. In Telugu, it is called soda and Sakura (for, herb ,greens). It is also called 'sausage soppy' ( ಸಪ್ಸಿಗೆ ಸೊಪ್ಪು) in Kannada. In
  12. With garlic are probably the main reason for their limited use as a medicinal, herb , Containing numerous organosulfur compounds such as ally sulfides and alkyl
  13. Hornets, ants and cockroaches. Aromatherapy Known in Greek Mythology as the, herb ,of hospitality, one of the first known uses for mint in Europe was as a room
  14. And the understory. The understory is further subdivided into the shrub layer, herb ,layer, and sometimes also a moss layer. In some complex forests, there is also
  15. Out of favor due to their addictive nature and side effects. Extracts from the, herb ,St John's Wort have long been used (as a" nerve tonic" ) to alleviate
  16. Less desirable microorganisms. Historically, it is believed that traditional, herb ,combinations for ales were abandoned when it was noticed that ales made with
  17. Hermes, who had been sent by Athena. Hermes told Odysseus to use the holy, herb ,holy to protect himself from Circe's potion and, having resisted it, to draw
  18. Of which the echo is not faint at last. Joachim du Belly mentioned the, herb ,in his" A Vow To Heavenly Venus," ca. 1500.: We that with like hearts love
  19. Describes mixing six parts sulfur to six parts saltpeter to one part birth wort, herb ,(which would provide carbon). The first reference to the incendiary
  20. District, South Korea Chervil (Anthriscus Carolina) is a delicate annual, herb ,related to parsley. Sometimes called garden chervil, it is used to season
  21. According to John Power in Book 7 of the Confession Mantis, this plant was the, herb ,of the fourth star of Nectanabus' astrology, Capella. Power uses the older
  22. Germany; the town of Killed was once considered the" peppermint town ", where, herb , growers used to congregate to study herb cultivation. One-third of Thuringia is
  23. Resplendent locks. " Samuel Taylor Coleridge, in (1825),also refers to the, herb , likely referencing Milton's earlier work. (ll 7-10 excerpted):: Yet well I
  24. Organum majoring, Lamiaceae) is a somewhat cold-sensitive perennial, herb ,or under shrub with sweet pine and citrus flavors. In some Middle-eastern
  25. In Central and South America, mint is known as hierbabuena (literally," good, herb ,"). In Lusophone countries, especially in Portugal, mint species are popularly
  26. Buff Ermine. Medicinal and cosmetic Mint was originally used as a medicinal, herb ,to treat stomach ache and chest pains, and it is commonly used in the form of
  27. 16 %),finally acetate (12 %) and caryophyllene (12 %). Cultivation This, herb ,can be easy to cultivate in Plant Hardiness Zones 4 to 9 according to the
  28. Written in Linear B syllabic script. Description Cumin is the dried seed of the, herb ,Cuminum coming, a member of the parsley family. The cumin plant grows to tall
  29. Sedge) and prison (word for onion. Chives are a commonly used household, herb , frequently grown in gardens and found in grocery stores. In culinary use
  30. Catnip, True Catnip, Catmint or Field Balm) is a 50–100 cm tall perennial, herb ,resembling mint in appearance, with greyish-green leaves; the flowers are white
  31. It grows best in partial shade. It can also be easily grown as an indoor potted, herb , In North America, Melissa officials has escaped cultivation and spread into
  32. In scented waters and sachets. History The ancient Greeks called the lavender, herb ,cards, after the Syrian city of NAAFA. It was also commonly called hard.
  33. Lavender is not used in traditional southern French cooking. In the 1970s,a, herb ,blend called herb s de Provence usually including lavender was invented by
  34. Leaf of Syzygium polyanthum is not commonly found outside of Indonesia; this, herb ,is applied to meat and, less often vegetables. Like Indian bay leaf, it is also
  35. The" peppermint town ", where herb growers used to congregate to study, herb ,cultivation. One-third of Thuringia is covered in forest, and is considered to
  36. Once very common. For instance, the lucky pasty contained mostly leeks, and the, herb ,pasty contained watercress, parsley,and shallots. Pasties are often locally
  37. By those on thyroid medication (such as thyroxine),as it is believed the, herb ,inhibits the absorption of this medicine. Despite extensive traditional
  38. As packing material for fragile cargo. The Japanese called it" White packing, herb ," (シロツメクサ),in reference to its white flowers. *Coffee was introduced in
  39. Fortune crassifolia Single - Fruits and Seeds Flavon's Wild, herb ,and Alpine plants *http://species.wikimedia.org/wiki/Fortunella Fortune at
  40. Had meantime discovered the pleasures of alcohol, which he called" my sacred, herb ," or, when referring to absinthe, the " green goddess ". A story is told that
  41. Gas. In Tamil it is known as Sad PPI (சதகுப்பி). In Sanskrit, this, herb , is called Shatapushpa. In Gujrati, it is known as Hafiz. In Romania, it is called
  42. The seeds are produced in a small three-valved capsule, maturing in summer. The, herb ,flowers from April to May in the southern parts of its habitat zones and in
  43. Not to be confused with bee balm, Monarda species, is a perennial, herb ,in the mint family Lauraceae, native to Southern Europe and the Mediterranean
  44. Given to mothers immediately after childbirth. In Canada, dill is a favorite, herb ,to accompany poached salmon. In Santa Maria, Azores,dill (UNDRO) is the most
  45. N. Y. 397 (N. Y. 1852),which held that mislabeling a poison as an innocuous, herb , and then selling the mislabeled poison through a dealer who would be expected
  46. One of the first known uses for mint in Europe was as a room deodorizer. The, herb ,was strewn across floors to cover the smell of the hard-packed soil. Stepping
  47. Of the acanthus tree. Upon her death, Apollo transformed her into a sun-loving, herb , According to the Biblioteca, the " library" of mythology mis-attributed to
  48. Can be found fresh at most markets year-round, making them a readily available, herb ,; they can also be dry-frozen without much impairment to the taste, giving home
  49. Are grown for their leaves, which are used for culinary purposes as flavoring, herb , and provide a somewhat milder flavor than those of their neighboring Gallium
  50. It is used to season mild-flavoured dishes and is a constituent of the French, herb ,mixture fines herb s. Biology A member of the Apache, chervil is native to

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