Examples of the the word, affirm , in a Sentence Context

The word ( affirm ), is the 5240 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Principles We, the member of the Canadian Unitarian Council, covenant to, affirm ,and promote: * justice, equity,and compassion in human relations; * acceptance
  2. Allowed him to avoid the determinism implicit in the earlier atomism and to, affirm ,free will. (Compare this with the modern theory of quantum physics, which
  3. The latter has vetoed United Nations Security Council resolutions that would, affirm ,Comoran sovereignty over the island. In addition, a 29 March 2009 referendum
  4. Denominations (a notable exception being the Seventh Day Adventists) would, affirm ,the statement from the Catechism of the Catholic Church (above),with the
  5. Swear by Almighty God" with" solemnly, sincerely and truly declare and, affirm ,". Training establishments * Royal Military Academy Sandhurst (RMS) is the
  6. Are suggested by the" transformation spells" of the Coffin Texts, which, affirm , that the soul of the deceased may transform (PR) into a human being, a god
  7. Of Testament. No evidence has been discovered in any of Goebbels's writings to, affirm ,the suggestion that he was planning to offer Lang any position. Jean-Luc Godard
  8. This human depravity. *Substitutionary effect of atonement – Arminians also, affirm ,with Calvinists the substitutionary effect of Christ's atonement and that this
  9. For the law of this land, I am no less confident, that no learned lawyer will, affirm ,that an impeachment can lie against the King, they all going in his name: and
  10. Rock-influenced beats into bhangra, because it enabled" Asian youth to, affirm ,their identities positively" within the broader environment of alternative
  11. Tome was approved at the Council of Chalcedony, was a means to, affirm ,the full divinity of the Son in relation to both the Father and the Spirit.
  12. Of" continuing to grow in holiness there ", but Methodism does not officially, affirm ,this belief and denies the possibility of helping by prayer any who may be in
  13. To the Art scroll Bidder (p. XIII); note that Sherman goes on to also, affirm ,the Kabbalist view (see below). Kabbalist view Kabbalah (esoteric Jewish
  14. Pamphlets to him. Cantor's philosophy on the nature of numbers led him to, affirm ,a belief in the freedom of mathematics to posit and prove concepts apart from
  15. Their rights. Christian left Typically, members of the evangelical left, affirm ,the primary tenets of evangelical theology, such as the doctrines of
  16. By Christ Himself, with knowing neither the Father nor the Son. For they who, affirm ,that the Son is the Father, are proved neither to have become acquainted with
  17. 1567) that the Council of Trent (1545–63)—which might have been expected to, affirm ,the doctrine—instead declined to take a position. In the ladder which Jacob saw
  18. God … " Though we differ in our perceptions and experiences of reality, we, affirm , our faith in God as the Creator and Governor of the universe. His power called
  19. Trustee calls the first meeting of creditors for the following purposes: * To, affirm ,the appointment of the trustee or substitute another in place thereof * To give
  20. Germany, Afghanistan and many other places. All members of the Army swear (or, affirm ,) allegiance to the monarch as commander-in-chief. However, the Bill of Rights
  21. UN Security Council by Russia, in a draft resolution which, inter alia, would, affirm ," that such unilateral use of force constitutes a flagrant violation of the
  22. Francis Edwards Peters," The Qur'an insists, Muslims believe, and historians, affirm ,that Muhammad and his followers worship the same God as the Jews (). The Koran
  23. Nonetheless welcomed Italy coming into war partially because it seemed to, affirm ,the importance of the Pact of Steel, which Ribbentrop had negotiated and partly
  24. In the Gospel of Mark); John made no effort to refute or correct (nor did he, affirm ,) this, and this has been advanced as implying that John rejected the synoptic
  25. That purportedly came from no explainable source. Thousands of readers wrote to, affirm ,that they, too,had heard the fiendish voices from inside the Earth. Hollow
  26. And Al-Bukhari, Prophet Muhammad explains," It (Ahriman/faith) is to, affirm ,your faith in God, His angels, His Books His Messengers and the Last Day, and
  27. Gap between the colonizers and colonized. Painter, J. And Jeffrey, A., affirm ,that certain advances aided the expansion of European states. With tools such
  28. By the Internal Revenue Service and the Tax Court—has long been established. We, affirm ,the dismissal of Crain's spurious" petition" and the assessment of a penalty
  29. statement's points that diverge from other common Orthodox positions are: * We, affirm ,the religious right of those with a homosexual orientation to reject
  30. Forms of agnosticism. Religious scholars in the three Abrahamic religions, affirm ,the possibility of knowledge, even of metaphysical realities such as God and
  31. Had to accept that objective reality is ethically neutral. It could then, affirm ,a new Enlightenment through spiritual rationalism, by giving priority to
  32. And 19th centuries. Arminianism is most accurately used to define those who, affirm ,the original beliefs of Jacobus Arminius himself, but the term can also be
  33. To refer to" who gives life to all ". Reform and Reconstructionist Judaism, affirm ,belief in the afterlife, though they downplay the theological implications in
  34. Human intelligence, they assert, has a non-material, spiritual element. They, affirm ,that“ not being able to see or hold some specific thing does not necessarily
  35. Thus, it is easier to state what God is not, than to state what God is: "... we, affirm ,things of God only relatively, that is, casually,whereas we deny things of God
  36. By beginning with the elements, and it is impossible for me for this reason to, affirm ,that I have even started from the same principle. But finally I have found that
  37. Writes," Let us hold fast to our confession. " The book could be argued to, affirm ,special creation. It affirm s that God by His Son, Jesus Christ, made the worlds
  38. Vitae:" following the confirmations of serious science ", and which sought to, affirm ,the principle of respect for the laws of nature and of" a conscious and
  39. As saints were the martyrs. Pious legends of their deaths were considered to, affirm ,the truth of their faith in Christ, and formalization and celebration of these
  40. Allow communication with the spirit world. Some reports and scientific studies, affirm ,that ritualized use of ayahuasca may improve mental and physical health. In
  41. In worldly matters both to the pope and to the king, for they were obligated to, affirm ,the right of the sovereign to call upon them for military support, under his
  42. Still suppresses difference and alienates persons from what they can do. To, affirm ,reality, which is a flux of change and difference, we must overturn established
  43. Prior to baptism, at the conclusion of a pre-baptism talk, candidates must, affirm ,two questions: Only baptized males may baptize new members. Baptizers and
  44. They should have" no other gods before me. " The commandment itself does not, affirm ,or deny the existence of other deities per se. Nevertheless, as recorded in the
  45. Good, but a good translation better, and says that" we do not deny, nay we, affirm ,and avow, that the very meanest translation of the Bible in English, set forth
  46. Existential statement such as 'there is a white swan' cannot be used to, affirm ,a universal statement, it can be used to show that one is false: the singular
  47. But divinely inspired. In contrast to both, most Conservative positions, affirm ,the divine but nonverbal revelation of written Torah as the authentic
  48. Community by strengthening the worldwide Unitarian and Universalist faith, *to, affirm ,the variety and richness of our living traditions, *to facilitate mutual
  49. And its official Torah commentary (ETZ Hakim: Torah and Commentary), affirm , that Jews should make use of modern critical literary and historical analysis
  50. Nature of Christ and the veneration of images: 7. As Lutherans and Orthodox we, affirm ,that the teachings of the ecumenical councils are authoritative for our

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