Examples of the the word, royalty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( royalty ), is the 5239 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Greville described their life at Balm oral as like that of gentry rather than, royalty , Victoria began a policy of commissioning artists to record Balm oral, its
  2. Artisans adopted and adapted cultural motifs formerly restricted to the, royalty ,of the Old Kingdom, and scribes developed literary styles that expressed the
  3. More expensive than CDR due to (a) lower volume and (b) a 3 % AURA, royalty ,used to compensate the music industry for the making of a copy.
  4. Height of his career, Vivaldi received commissions from European nobility and, royalty , The wedding cantata Gloria e Irene (RV 687) was written for the marriage of
  5. Of art, philosophy,music, and the sciences, under the joint patronage of, royalty , the nobility, the Roman Catholic Church, and an emerging merchant class.
  6. Demean Jackson, American football player *2001 – AIK, Princess Tosh, Japanese, royalty , Deaths *1241 – Isabella of England, wife of Frederick II, Holy Roman Emperor (
  7. Held it until the 11th century, after which it became popular with Portuguese, royalty , In the winter of 1575,a terrible storm closed the entrance to its port
  8. Rather than the De Beers brand, and building associations with celebrities and, royalty , It was a" generic" advertising campaign that tended to focus upon promoting
  9. Up to 50,000 units,2.5 percent of sales in excess thereof. The trigger for, royalty ,payments may be sales, or other factors, such as the number of" hits" or
  10. That she had been neither asked for permission for the adaptation nor paid any, royalty , The case dragged on for some years, with Mrs. Stoker demanding the destruction
  11. As Playhouse 90 and Lou Grant. Brooks is Jewish. He grew up among show business, royalty ,in southern California, attending Beverly Hills High School with the likes of
  12. Knossos. In Ancient Egypt, daggers were usually made of copper or bronze, while, royalty , had gold weapons. The 1924 opening of the tomb of Tutankhamen revealed two
  13. Paid. For example, if an author is paid a modest advance of $2000.00,and their, royalty ,rate is 10 % of a book priced at $20.00 - that is,$2.00 per book - the book
  14. Members. Non-members are also given the right to individual remuneration, i. e., royalty ,payment, by the collecting society, and the right to exclude their work from an
  15. Its proprietary disk format, and requiring a negotiated license agreement and, royalty ,payments from anybody selling compatible media. The proprietary data format
  16. A very modest and unassuming man, always got a chuckle of being thought of as, royalty ,and never hesitated to set the record straight about his lineage. But both his
  17. Lower-ranking chiefs or nobles, who were of service to the alibi new or, royalty , Were Oahu, retainers and trusted advisors of the Kamehameha. He had six
  18. The Kennedy family is associated with US politics; The House of Windsor with, royalty ,; The Osbourne, Chaplin,and Barrymore families with entertainment. Other
  19. To provide cheaper service than the Bell Group. He had no patent or, royalty ,problems, as Bell had not patented their inventions in Scandinavia. His
  20. Produce coal at a rate of 5 million tons/year, because of the reduction of the, royalty ,tax from 10-15 % to .04 %. If the company, as is plausible, doubles or triples
  21. Computer science pioneers, media company heads, stage and film actors, and, royalty , Its prominent alumni include Chief Justice of the U. S. Supreme Court and
  22. Film director & producer *1963 – Jaime de Marichalar, Duke of Lugo, Spanish, royalty , * 1963 – Paul Michael Robinson, American actor and erotic actor *1964 – Race
  23. Of Catherine and Arthur validated the House of Tudor in the eyes of European, royalty ,and also strengthened the Tudor claim to the English throne via Catherine of
  24. band's written partnership giving a small share of every Dead Kennedy's song, royalty ,directly to the band partnership. Bianca had received sole songwriting credit
  25. S affair. *Madame Armed: Desiree's mother, who has had" liaisons" with, royalty , *Count Carl-Magnus Malcolm: A military dragoon who is Desiree's latest lover.
  26. Massey, American actor and rapper *1999 – Prince Nikolai of Denmark, Danish, royalty , Deaths * 430 – Augustine of Hippo, North African saint and theologian (b. 354
  27. Or other factors, such as the number of" hits" or views on a website. Minimum, royalty ,payments are arrangements whereby a minimum up-front payment is made and then
  28. More expensive than CD-R due to (a) lower volume and (b) a 3 % AURA, royalty ,used to compensate the music industry for the making of a copy. High-capacity
  29. From the public,1.8 % from program services, including awards of legal fees, royalty ,income, and literature sales, and the remainder from investment income and
  30. Couscous that was 'known all over the world '. Couscous was known to the Madrid, royalty ,in Granada as well. And in the 13th century a Syrian historian from Aleppo
  31. Former band members claimed that Jello Bianca had conspired to pay less, royalty ,rates to the band members. Although both sides agreed that the failure to pay
  32. Apparent social classes, as no houses with distinctive features (belonging to, royalty ,or religious hierarchy, for example) have been found so far. The most recent
  33. By conquest of neighboring tribes or nations. Consequently, various classes of, royalty , nobility, various commoners and slave emerged. Accordingly, the systems of
  34. Popular frozen desserts, such as ice cream, trace back to the Middle Ages when, royalty ,would request fresh ice flavored with honey or a fruit syrup. Etymology The
  35. Continent. Even with cacao harvesting becoming a regular business, only, royalty , and the well-connected could afford to drink this expensive import. Before long
  36. New wealthy and influential middle-class was beginning to rise, even though the, royalty ,and nobility continued to be patrons of the arts. Upon the death of Louis XIV
  37. Six children received special permission to reside on the island by the Dutch, royalty , Maduro founded the main shipping company, Maduro & Sons. The Jewish cemetery
  38. But also in recognition of its long-standing role as a supplier of spurs to, royalty , In the United Kingdom, when people talk about cities, they generally include
  39. First major international Backgammon tournament in March 1964 which attracted, royalty , celebrities and the paparazzi. The game became a huge fad and was played on
  40. By the Pharaohs of the New Kingdom of Egypt as well as Assyrian and Babylonian, royalty , The power of mobility given by mounted units was recognized early on, but was
  41. Arrangers may reasonably be considered co-composers, although for copyright and, royalty ,purposes usually are not. Rhythm section parts are usually improvised or
  42. Loyalty requires affection also to the office of the Sovereign, attachment to, royalty , attachment to the law and to the constitution of the realm, and he who would
  43. For eight years ending in 2005. They claimed that he" laundered" his music, royalty ,income through institutions in several foreign countries. Slaves paid the
  44. By being a person, in public. "" Celebrities often have fame comparable to, royalty ," claimed author Mica Freeman. As a result, there is a strong public
  45. American singer and dancer *1986 – Charlotte Casiraghi, Monegasque, royalty ,*1987 – Kim Hyung John, Korean singer (SS501) * 1988 – Leigh Tiffing, American
  46. And Religion also went on to solo careers. Legal conflicts Lawsuits over, royalty ,payments In the late 1990s,former band members discovered problems with the
  47. With the Angora cat and Angora goat. The rabbits were popular pets with French, royalty ,in the mid 18th century, and spread to other parts of Europe by the end of the
  48. Activity, and to new techniques in the political-spiritual visualization of, royalty ,as the source of national strength and health. The use of the term" Bantu" in
  49. And the ancient kingdom of Macedonia, within a Hellenistic diadem symbolizing, royalty ,(many of the coins depict a small knot with two ends on top of the diadem)
  50. Members of the Royal family when they toured Canada. These trains transported, royalty ,through Canada's scenery, forests,small towns and enabled people to see and

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