Examples of the the word, wander , in a Sentence Context

The word ( wander ), is the 4781 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Two Lagrangian co-orbitals, Helene at its point and Poly deuces at. The moons, wander ,azimuthally about the Lagrangian points, with Poly deuces describing the largest
  2. Roughly suggest the otherwise unmarked trail to the top, yet visitors tend to, wander ,all over the huge expanse of completely exposed sandstone. The latter third of
  3. At one end of the car. Children were not allowed off the train, lest they, wander ,off and be left behind. The directors of the CPR knew that not only were they
  4. Particular trajectory. Some trajectories may be periodic, whereas others may, wander ,through many states of the system. Applications often require
  5. worldwide. Meanwhile, debates developed around the phenomena of polar, wander , Since the early debates of continental drift, scientists had discussed and
  6. Dwarves ". The former title comes from a father and son who were paid to, wander ,around the Mansion House is in London wearing oversized hats that contained
  7. Poseidon, that Odysseus had blinded him. Poseidon then curses Odysseus to, wander ,the sea for ten years, during which he would lose all his crew and return home
  8. Refused to take up arms with the British. Characteristics Culture The desire to, wander , known as trek gees, was a notable characteristic of the Boers. It figured
  9. Caring for good deeds, greetings; I, an immortal God, no longer mortal, wander ,among you, honoured by all, adorned with holy diadems and blooming garlands. To
  10. Relative to the North Pole, and each continent, in fact, shows its own" polar, wander ,path ". During the late 1950s it was successfully shown on two occasions that
  11. As the nests are on extremely steep cliffs. Unlike other gull chicks which, wander ,around as soon as they can walk, kittiwake chicks instinctively sit still in
  12. And their victory (" So foul and fair a day I have not seen" ). As they, wander ,onto a heath, the Three Witches enter, who have waited to greet them with
  13. University, first for jail (DJ is a notorious Keynoter abuser) and then to, wander ,the globe and indeed space. As of November 2007,there are thirteen Dirk Jan
  14. Babelsberg and surrounding areas. *On the second Saturday in August, people can, wander ,through the Night Market in the balmy Summer evening. *The Tillamook, the
  15. Life and works. Although it was forbidden by his parents, Dostoyevsky liked to, wander ,out to the hospital garden, where the patients sat to catch a glimpse of the
  16. U, made my life complete: V, means you're very sweet: W, X,Y, Z: It's fun to, wander ,through the alphabet with you to tell you what you mean to me Backwards song
  17. Made from his own offspring, and instead he told the people that they would, wander ,the wilderness for forty years until all those twenty years or older who had
  18. Recurring character Guy Noir, a hard boiled detective whose adventures always, wander ,into farce (Guy also appears in the Altman-directed film based on Keillor's
  19. Dalai Lama ..... Exile in drama, literature,and the arts In Greek tragedy To, wander ,away from the city-state (the home) is to be exposed without the protection
  20. Explained by introducing what was called" polar wander " ( see apparent polar, wander ,), i. e., it was assumed that the North Pole location had been shifting through
  21. Gilbert said in an interview," but I've always wished I could get off and, wander ,around, learn more about the characters, and find a way onto those pirate ships
  22. As lithium salts and tricyclics. In such a state, the user has an impulse to, wander , and may not be aware of his or her actions, which can lead to physical injury.
  23. World. He would sometimes show up for concerts without a guitar or amp, or, wander , off to the park or beach, and occasionally he refused even to get out of
  24. It to a nihilistic extreme. Moreover, the Don's insanity that causes her to, wander ,the streets of St. Petersburg & New York City was caused from having an
  25. For mental renunciation. Some monastics live in monasteries, while others, wander ,from place to place, trusting in God alone to provide for their physical needs.
  26. Have stolen a diamond from King Charles I and hidden it. His ghost is said to, wander ,at night looking for it and the mysterious lights in the churchyard are
  27. Way leading to a planetary winter and a few space travelers sail out to, wander ,in the cosmic ocean in search of answers about their place in the universe.
  28. Professor Minot and his students from a fictitious Robinson College as they, wander ,through analogues of worlds that followed a different history. A somewhat
  29. Suppose that instead of a room, the program was placed into a robot that could, wander ,around and interact with its environment. This would allow a" causal
  30. The latter phenomenon was explained by introducing what was called" polar, wander ," (see apparent polar wander ),i. e., it was assumed that the North Pole
  31. See macromolecule complexes involving enzyme-cofactor association) may, wander ,for extremely long periods of time among a certain subgroup of their states (
  32. Losing momentum, or a knight in full armor (played by Terry Gilliam) would, wander ,on-set and hit characters over the head with a rubber chicken, before cutting
  33. Concentrations to become too high, nutrients to become too depleted, or pH to, wander ,far from the desired value. Although pre-mixed concentrated nutrient solutions
  34. Comedy, Milligan would often" give up" on sketches halfway through and, wander ,off set (often muttering" Did I write this? "). It was clear that their new
  35. Five" ) go deeper into polyrhythmic complexity, delving into rhythms that, wander ,into and out of general synchronization with each other, but that all 'finish '
  36. Their name would accordingly be derived from Turkic *AAZ-, meaning " to, wander , flee. " Armenian chronicles contain references to the Khazars as early as the
  37. Which occurs when they are between 15 and 20 years old. Unchanged males, wander ,widely in search of estrous females and upon finding one, will force copulation
  38. Of his inner world and to the words of the Jesus Prayer, not letting his mind, wander ,in any way at all. The Hesychast is to attach Eros (Gr. Eros),that is,"
  39. Loops both starting and ending at this point — paths that start at this point, wander ,around and eventually return to the starting point. Two loops can be combined
  40. That the Israelites will be punished for their loss of faith by having to, wander ,in the wilderness for 40 years. Moses is ordered to make plates to cover the
  41. Peninsula (Jutland) where they always did, even though some of them liked to, wander , Beyond the Elbe the coastal people are unknown in Strabo's work, but south of
  42. Is named. After the 17th century, European and American explorers began to, wander ,the region, and the Missouri basin became part of France's Louisiana; when the
  43. In Luce island, reside the souls of Achilles and other heroes, and that they, wander ,through the uninhabited valleys of this island; this is how Jove rewarded the
  44. Universes, each enveloped in its shell, are compelled by the wheel of time to, wander ,within You, like particles of dust blowing about in the sky. The fruits
  45. The ones that come when I'm quietly sitting in a chair, letting my mind, wander , When you sleep, you don't control your dream. I like to dive into a dream
  46. In Architecture after a treasurer clerk noticed his tendency to sketch and, wander ,around Manchester to view buildings while he worked at Manchester Town Hall.
  47. The Fields of Asphodel, described in Odyssey xi, where the shades of heroes, wander ,despondently among lesser spirits, who twitter around them like bats. Only
  48. Free from sorrow, : And your friends be ever near.: May the paths o'er which you, wander ,: Be to you a joy each day.: Haste ye back we love you dearly, : Haste ye back
  49. For mental renunciation. Some monastics live in monasteries, while others, wander ,from place to place, trusting in God alone to provide for their needs. It is
  50. Wealthy, and likely to talk about it," and" Absence makes the heart grow, wander ,". Anti-proverbs are common on T-shirts, such as" If at first you don't

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