Examples of the the word, sword , in a Sentence Context

The word ( sword ), is the 4794 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Prefers to kill himself rather than to live in shame. He does so with the same, sword ,Hector gave him when they exchanged presents. From his blood sprang a red
  2. Place at the was exposed under the Arc during the night of 22 May 1885. The, sword ,carried by the Republic in the Marseillaise relief broke off on the day, it is
  3. Clean the boots of a British officer, the officer slashed at the youth with a, sword , leaving Jackson with scars on his left hand and head, as well as an intense
  4. In many legumes, and in particularly large amounts in Anatolia gladiator (, sword ,bean). This amino acid protects the plants from predators such as insects and
  5. Of anger or any inclination to violence will acquire a weapon, traditionally a, sword ,or dagger, but presently a variety of weapons are used, and,in a sudden frenzy
  6. Bring betrothal gifts to the house of a woman, including a sword , a treasured, sword , an ornamental quiver, a sword guard, and a woven basket (hokey). If the man
  7. And his father would bring betrothal gifts to the house of a woman, including a, sword , a treasured sword , an ornamental quiver, a sword guard, and a woven basket (
  8. Is exceptional and how everyday events such as a Samurai cutting bread with his, sword ,are elevated to something special and put into the limelight. Tchaikovsky has
  9. Training in aikido traditionally includes the short staff (Jo),wooden, sword ,(broken),and knife (tango). Today, some schools incorporate
  10. Decided to return to Athens. Before leaving, he buried his sandals, shield,and, sword ,under a huge rock and told her that, when their son grew up, he should move the
  11. Story, Romulus Augustus marries Migraine, and King Arthur is their son, and the, sword ,of Julius Caesar becomes the legendary Excalibur in Britain. In the 2007 film
  12. Gifts, Ajax giving Hector a purple sash and Hector giving Ajax a sharp, sword , The second fight between Ajax and Hector occurs when the latter breaks into
  13. The happiness of people is the happiness of the ruler. His opinion was that the, sword ,is not as powerful as love. Ashoka was also kind to prisoners, and respected
  14. The founder developed much of empty-handed aikido from traditional, sword ,and spear movements, but the practice of these movements is not just for the
  15. 1 August 30 BC, Antony and Cleopatra committed suicide; Antony fell on his own, sword ,and into Cleopatra's arms, while she let a venomous snake bite her. Having
  16. The Ithaca (an advanced version of the common lyre),the plectrum and the, sword , Another common emblem was the sacrificial tripod, representing his prophetic
  17. On the problem. The soldier was enraged by this, and killed Archimedes with his, sword , Plutarch also gives an account of the death of Archimedes which suggests that
  18. Nor wield the sword . No Christian has the just glad ii (the right of the, sword ,). * Civil government (i.e.," Caesar" ) belongs to the world. The believer
  19. She had taken from him his sword which she afterwards gave to Aegis thus. This, sword ,became the means by which the incestuous intercourse between her and her father
  20. He wrote:" Many of them have remained constant, enduring tortures inflicted by, sword , rope, fire and water and suffering terrible, tyrannical,unheard-of deaths and
  21. House of a woman, including a sword , a treasured sword , an ornamental quiver,a, sword ,guard, and a woven basket (hokey). If the man and woman agreed to marry, the
  22. Displays the head of the" snaky Gorgon ", whilst the right-hand grasps a, sword ,of singular device. By a public decree, this fine work was placed in one of the
  23. In which Peoria had shared the bed of her father, she had taken from him his, sword ,which she afterwards gave to Aegis thus. This sword became the means by which
  24. 3.85 kg) and depicts a knight rendered in Art Deco style holding a crusader's, sword ,standing on a reel of film with five spokes. The five spokes each represent the
  25. Very adventurous and a trained fighter, who was known for his skills with the, sword , Because of his reputation as a frightening warrior and a heartless general, he
  26. Role was to avoid the shedding of blood by using a mace in battle instead of a, sword , Absalom never neglected his ecclesiastical duties, and even his wars were of
  27. Against Rome. She then committed suicide by stabbing herself with the same, sword ,she gave Aeneas when they first met and then falling on the pyre. Anna
  28. That it did not matter how the knot was undone, and hacked it apart with his, sword , The Levant and Syria After spending the winter campaigning in Asia Minor
  29. The city and its people. It is at this point that Paris gives Aeneas Priam's, sword , in order to give legitimacy and continuity to the Royal Line of Troy - and lay
  30. Declared war upon Venice and his admiral Hardin Barbarossa spread fire and, sword ,upon the Ionian Islands and in October fell upon the island of Regina. On the
  31. Tends to be fronted even more than elsewhere, often pronounced or: hence ", sword ," but" summer" ). However, in accents with no emphatic allophones of /a/ (e.
  32. Up by the feet between two pillars, and two Latin soldiers competed as to whose, sword ,would penetrate his body more deeply, and finally his body, according to the
  33. Must not bear arms or offer forcible resistance to wrongdoers, nor wield the, sword , No Christian has the just glad ii (the right of the sword ). * Civil government
  34. With two layers of mats, one of rush, the other of a water plant with long, sword ,shaped leaves (iris pseudocodes, whose English names include" water-flag" );
  35. Wanting to go down fighting, he charged at Achilles with his only weapon, his, sword , but missed. Accepting his fate, Hector begged Achilles – not to spare his life
  36. A serious shoulder wound. As in Tyre, the male population was put to the, sword ,and the women and children were sold into slavery. Jerusalem, on the other hand
  37. Admiral Augustus Koppel turned down a command, saying " I cannot draw the, sword ,in such a cause. " The Earl of Effing ham publicly resigned his commission when
  38. Who experienced the Assyrian Genocide (Sappho or Says; literally meaning, sword ,in Syriac),and all Christian groups living in eastern Turkey in general (see
  39. Of their nation. There are stories that it would take 10 men to carry his, sword , and that Alfonso would want to engage other monarchs in personal combat, but no
  40. Restoring Confederate states to the Union, Lee was permitted to keep his, sword ,and his horse, Traveller. On April 14, 1865,President Lincoln was shot by John
  41. As Kawasaki, a princess of Ceiling. The film ends with Asoka renouncing the, sword ,and embracing Buddhism. The final narrative describes how Asoka not only built
  42. And the hero who appears on some Dorian coins with the helmet, shield,and, sword ,is probably this Ajax. Other accounts of his death are offered by Pisistratus
  43. Gives him the armor. Ajax," Unconquered," and furious, falls upon his own, sword ," conquered by his own sorrow ". In Sophocles' play Ajax, a famous retelling
  44. Acclaim. As Richard speaks to his men and draws his plans in the sand using his, sword , his units appear on-screen, arraying themselves according to the lines that
  45. A verse from The Book of the Law that speaks of" the woman girt with a, sword ,; she represents the Scarlet Woman in the hierarchy of the new Eon. (...)This
  46. Atreus in his enmity towards his brother sent Aegis thus to kill him; but the, sword ,which Aegis thus carried was the cause of the recognition between Theses and
  47. She tried to poison him, but at the last second, Aegeas recognized his, sword ,and knocked the poisoned cup out of Theseus' hand. Father and son were thus
  48. Rancour. A force landed under Nicolas in 424,and put most of them to the, sword , At the end of the Peloponnesian War Lysander restored the scattered remnants
  49. Of animal gods and other ornaments on its center. Men carried an" emus" (, sword ,) secured by an" emus at" strap to their shoulders. Women wore a "
  50. First screened in 1917 – a two-minute clip of a samurai trying to test a new, sword ,on his target, only to suffer defeat. Early pioneers included Shimokawa Often

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