Examples of the the word, forty , in a Sentence Context

The word ( forty ), is the 4791 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Helices. Stability Helices observed in proteins can range from four to over, forty ,residues long, but a typical helix contains about ten amino acids (about three
  2. And 310,000 words, it is the world's the longest constitution and is roughly, forty ,times the length of the U. S. Constitution. There is a significant movement to
  3. Rapids Symphony Orchestra, which has been performing in Alexandria for nearly, forty ,years. Alexandria is also home to the Red River Chorale, an auditioned
  4. Honda),Gomez (Homier),Mobile (Marilyn) and Items (Vises). Over, forty ,percent of its is forested, and its strongest economic sectors are agriculture
  5. Of the hour and bottom of the hour are not used in BRE. Forms such as eleven, forty ,are common in both dialects. Weight In British usage, human body weight is
  6. The launch sequencer during the countdown, the launch was delayed two hours and, forty ,minutes. This was the only launch delay in the Apollo program caused by this
  7. Are also a popular tourist attraction. Hydrofoil ferries from Piraeus take only, forty ,minutes to reach Regina; the regular ferry takes about an hour, with ticket
  8. Of western Attica, though the date is most likely based on counting back, forty ,years from his first victory in the Great Dionysian. His family was wealthy and
  9. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine found that fourteen out of a sample of, forty ,men receiving anal intercourse experienced episodes of frequent anal
  10. Attempt, Republicans won control of Congress in 1994,for the first time in, forty ,years. Two years later, the re-elected Clinton became the first member of the
  11. Upon the director's own dreams. Significantly, for the first time in over, forty ,years, Kurosawa,for this deeply personal project, wrote the screenplay alone.
  12. Then at the walls of the city. The barrage of Ottoman cannon fire lasted, forty ,days, and they are estimated to have fired 19,320 times. Artillery also played
  13. Ovid calls him Marcus Hero. According to the Iliad, he led his Locations in, forty ,ships against Troy. He is described as one of the great heroes among the Greeks
  14. Rapidly, with over 300 aircraft sold and options for 200 more planes for over, forty ,airlines. Alarmed by the success of the A300,Boeing responded with the new
  15. The original Jeeves). With a résumé of over seventy plays, of which more than, forty ,have played at the National Theatre or in the West End, Alan Cockburn is one
  16. Control of Congress in the midterm elections in 1994,for the first time in, forty ,years. Law professor Ken Gromley's book The Death of American Virtue reveals
  17. Vehicles with missiles. With the weight of main battle tanks growing to the, forty ,to seventy-tonne range, airborne forces were unable to deploy reasonable
  18. The worldwide Baha’í community accepted his leadership. By the age of 64 after, forty ,years imprisonment ` Abdul’Baha was freed by the Young Turks and he and his
  19. Five months, with five wins for Karol, three for Kasparov, and a staggering, forty ,draws. A rematch was set for later in 1985,also in Moscow. The events of the
  20. Rid the country of the excessive inflation that had plagued it for more than, forty ,years. The plan consisted of replacing the discredited old currency (Cruzado
  21. Division (North); after haunting the lower reaches of English football for, forty ,years, they eventually resigned from the League in 1962,due to financial
  22. All the men were discussing their act on a mountain. The Russians took around, forty ,women and children hostage while the men were not in the village. The Aleuts
  23. Is sometimes colloquially used for the plural as well. For example three pounds, forty ,and twenty pounds a week are both heard in British English. Some other
  24. That the essay consists of manuscripts stolen from him, and then manipulated, forty ,years ago. However, according to the historian Season Rennin, textological
  25. Meetings called as needed. In the following century the meetings were set to, forty ,a year, with four in each state month. One of these was now called the main
  26. Among females in the last thirteen years, Spears now has the third-most top, forty ,hits, with twenty-one. In August, the single managed to reach the top-ten on
  27. Gone to his Lord as Must in Imran went and remained hidden from his people for, forty ,days. Must returned after it was said that he had died. By Allah, the Messenger
  28. Alaric died soon after in Cadenza, probably of fever, at the age of about, forty ,(assuming again, a birth around 370 AD),and his body was, according to
  29. Son of Alcibiades, and Agesilaus became king around 401 BC, at the age of about, forty , In addition to questions of his nephew's paternity, Agesilaus' succession
  30. Peace lasted at least until the time Gilda's was writing: that is, for perhaps, forty ,or fifty years, from around the end of the 5th century until midway through the
  31. Native who had tried to mug him. Travelling to China, Crowley soon fell down a, forty ,foot cliff; finding himself unscathed, he believed that he was being protected
  32. Previously had been reserved for colonels. In 1991 there were 15 four-star, forty ,three-star, and 110 two-star generals. The figure for four-star generals did
  33. Hold office. Age restrictions were in place with thirty (and in some cases, forty ,) years as a minimum, rendering something like a third of the adult citizen
  34. Paid professionals. In theory, every Englishman had an obligation to serve for, forty ,days. Forty days was not long enough for a campaign, especially one on the
  35. Of instant results may hesitate giving the required commitment of twenty to, forty ,private lessons. This is the duration most Alexander teachers recommend to gain
  36. Was used for papal conclaves between 1294 and 1621,with an average of about, forty ,cardinals engaging in repeated rounds of voting until one candidate was listed
  37. With stuffing and three miniature bottles of brandy (which remained unopened;, forty ,years later, Lovell would sell his at a Heritage auction for $17,925). There
  38. Buddhism (the Mahayana, XII ). Death and legacy Ashoka ruled for an estimated, forty ,years. After his death, the Mauryan dynasty lasted just fifty more years.
  39. ARE version of the Churchill Tank was armed with a Spigot Mortar that fired a, forty ,pound (18 kg) HE-filled projectile (nicknamed the Flying Trash can) 150 yards
  40. The technique is most commonly taught privately in a series of twenty to, forty ,private lessons which may last from thirty minutes to an hour. Its principles
  41. A glimpse of hellish torture kept the opera on the stage in Paris for over, forty ,years. A young Hector Berlioz recorded the deep impression this work made on
  42. But according to documents released in the SCO v. IBM lawsuit, less than, forty ,licenses for the finished Monterey Unix were ever sold before the project was
  43. Of Ashoka although only ten with inscriptions still survive. Averaging between, forty ,and fifty feet in height, and weighing up to fifty tons each, all the pillars
  44. Chart career. Lemme Fatale's third single" I Want to Go" reached the top, forty ,on the Billboard Hot 100 in June 2011. Among females in the last thirteen years
  45. Within a given winter are highly variable as well; extended cold snaps of, forty ,below zero can be followed by unseasonable warmth with temperatures above
  46. And climate Forty percent of the municipality is mountainous terrain. Another, forty ,percent is semi flat, and the other twenty percent is flat. Altitude varies
  47. But no one should venture on such a splendid undertaking before he is over, forty , " These criteria for autobiography generally persisted until recent times, and
  48. The demo Cydathenaus, was a comic playwright of ancient Athens. Eleven of his, forty ,plays survive virtually complete. These, together with fragments of some of his
  49. Melikhovo In 1892,Chekhov bought the small country estate of Melikhovo, about, forty , miles south of Moscow, where he lived until 1899 with his family. " It's nice
  50. Days ago the publishers showed up at my door with no warning, and loaded about, forty ,pounds of supplies into the room: two cases of Mexican beer, four quarts of gin

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