Examples of the the word, complication , in a Sentence Context

The word ( complication ), is the 4802 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Commonplace in transport, since it enables operating companies to avoid the, complication ,associated with raising sufficient capital to purchase assets; instead, assets
  2. Access to medical resources: the procedure is extremely painful and a bleeding, complication ,can be fatal. Other immediate complication s include acute urinary retention
  3. Counting system in its Cyrillic form. Compound words and special characters A, complication ,in alphabetical sorting can arise due to disagreements over how groups of words
  4. Inheritance patterns favored egalitarianism. McDonnell, ( 2006) shows a grave, complication ,in Virginia's mobilization of troops was the conflicting interests of distinct
  5. Can be also expressed Mistaken Juan (" Juan of the Virtues" ). A, complication ,in Finnish languages is that the accusative case - (e)n is homophonic to the
  6. Manuscripts that are much later than the first composition. There is also the, complication ,that they underwent successive revisions and redactions. ) Anywhere between
  7. But also includes areas outside the pons. Central poutine myelinolysis is a, complication ,of treatment of patients with profound, life-threatening hyponatremia (low
  8. S latitude; it would be exactly equal except for two complication s. The first, complication ,applies to all celestial objects: the object's declination equals the observer
  9. Jim and not after Wilson, Jimbo ). The third rule is rarely used. A similar, complication ,arises when special characters such as hyphens or apostrophes appear in words
  10. Particles (62 if the Higgs boson and the gravity are included). A final, complication ,occurs because of quantum mechanical spin. The matter particles can occur with
  11. observer's astronomic latitude by up to 0.005 degree. The importance of this, complication ,is inversely proportional to the object's distance from the earth, so for most
  12. The diagnosis from him. Sullivan, still believing his ailment to be yet another, complication ,from a long-standing battle with ulcers, died five weeks later, on October 13
  13. Such as the IRQ line, I/O address, or DMA channel. MCA had done away with this, complication , and PCI actually incorporated many of the ideas first explored with MCA (
  14. Brain damage or death. The most common forms of hypoglycemia occur as a, complication ,of treatment of diabetes mellitus with insulin or oral medications.
  15. With the Ionian alphabet, a change sanctioned by law in 403-2 BC, adding a new, complication ,to the task of copying. Many more errors came from the tendency of actors to
  16. Systematized his writing method, using scenes of 800 words or so where a new, complication ,was added or something resolved. Several of his stories hinge upon temporal
  17. Ursa Majors are variable star designations, not Bayer designations. A further, complication ,is the use of numeric superscripts to distinguish between stars with the same
  18. Contains reprises of important musical themes and resolves the conflict or, complication , A book musical is usually built around four to six main theme tunes that are
  19. After a double bar. Key signatures are generally used in a score to avoid the, complication ,of having sharp or flat symbols on every instance of certain notes. Each major
  20. Several research groups have reported that pre-eclampsia, a life-threatening, complication ,that sometimes arises in pregnancy, is much less frequent in couples who have
  21. Each head of state belongs is assessed not by theory but by practice. Another, complication ,exists with South Africa, in which the President is in fact elected by the
  22. That causes involuntary movements of the extremities, which is believed to be a, complication ,of scarlet fever and causes skin pigmentation bitchiness. He became a
  23. All practical garbage collectors focus on syntactic garbage. Another, complication ,with this approach is that, in languages with both reference types and unboxed
  24. Scars. The insertion of deltoid is most frequently used because the local, complication ,rate is smallest when that site is used. Nonetheless, buttock is an alternative
  25. Island of Hawaii) it can exceed 0.01 degree. For practical purposes the second, complication ,only applies to solar system objects:" declination" is ordinarily measured at
  26. Smith's mother Lucy Mack Smith published a history of her son. As a further, complication , Mary Whitmer, mother to one of the Three Witnesses and four of the Eight
  27. To a computer and graphed for trend analysis. * Neuropathy is a troublesome, complication ,of diabetes resistant to usual treatment. There are reports of alleviation or
  28. 2nd edition" ( ICHD-2). And the international headache society, is a ", complication ,of migraine's and is a headache fulfilling the diagnostic criteria for "
  29. Of heart disease or hypertension. Amphetamine can cause a life-threatening, complication ,in patients taking MALI antidepressants. The use of amphetamine and
  30. Geometry of the metal-ligand ensemble. Perhaps the most famous example of this, complication ,is the M-NO entity. When this grouping is linear, the NO ligand is considered
  31. Vanity Will Get You Somewhere. He died on February 6,1994,of pneumonia,a, complication ,of throat cancer at the age of 88. He was buried at Bland ford Cemetery in
  32. The musicand often ends with the introduction of a dramatic conflict or plot, complication , The second act may introduce a few new songs but usually contains reprises of
  33. Pyelonephritis is infection of the kidneys and is frequently caused by, complication ,of a urinary tract infection. Kidney Failure Generally, humans can live
  34. Total, the islands have an area of approximately and a population of 44,759. A, complication ,is that there are various descriptions of the scope of the Hebrides. The
  35. And differential forms, or more generally on the exterior algebra. As a further, complication , in geometric algebra the inner product and the exterior (Grassland) product
  36. p. 115. In BC midwives deliver natural births in hospitals or homes and if a, complication ,arises in a pregnancy, labour, birth or postpartum, a midwife will consult with
  37. Thyroid storm Cytotoxic crisis (or thyroid storm) is a rare but severe, complication ,of hyperthyroidism, which may occur when a cytotoxic patient becomes very sick
  38. Error, then you are done. Though it may sound simple it is not really. One, complication ,is that as the dimension increases the search for a nearby state requires a lot
  39. Considered for delayed autologous reconstruction due to significantly higher, complication ,rates with tissue expander-implant techniques in those patients. Breast
  40. Reduce the risk of developing pelvic inflammatory disease (PID),a serious, complication ,of certain STDs. IUD's, by contrast, do not protect against STDs or PID. Use as
  41. Next step is to break up the forms into their component morphemes. A potential, complication ,is that phonological alternations may obscure this division. In the hard cases
  42. Syndrome, in particular, for the prevention and treatment of the dangerous, complication ,of seizures and in subduing severe delirium. Lorazepam is the only
  43. Unaware of Chinese naming conventions. Vietnamese family names present an added, complication , Like Chinese family names, they are placed at the beginning of a name, but
  44. In infants is known as" hemorrhagic disease of the newborn ", to avoid this, complication ,newborns are routinely injected with vitamin K supplements. Management Though
  45. It: beats a day job. " *" The Universe says simply, but with every possible, complication , 'Existence' and it neither pressures us nor draws us out, except as we allow.
  46. Is the only one with a corresponding anti-particle, the W-plus boson. A further, complication ,is that the quarks have a strong nuclear charge that can be either 'red '
  47. Name/surname ordering The telephone directory example sheds light on another, complication , In cultures where family names are written after given names, it is usually
  48. On its own. Infection of the uterus or fallopian tubes is also a possible, complication , especially if the woman has an untreated sexually transmitted infection. Women
  49. To a lesser extent, a noun's animal or humanness may add another layer of, complication , Examples Latin An example of a Latin case inflection is given below, using the
  50. NFL franchise after the impending merger of the two leagues. There was also a, complication ,: Major League Baseball's Cincinnati Reds were in need of a facility to replace

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