Examples of the the word, deer , in a Sentence Context

The word ( deer ), is the 4792 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Kite (Miles migrant and Milvus). Among the herbivores, are several, deer ,(Cervical) species, notably the Fallow Deer (Dama) and Roe Deer (
  2. Mammals are the Javan Rush deer and the Wild Boar. A second, smaller species of, deer , the Indian Mental, also occurs. Squirrels are quite commonly encountered
  3. Causing African horse sickness (AHS) and epizootic hemorrhagic disease of, deer ,(HDV),have the characteristic double-stranded and segmented features of
  4. Often used traps, including spring traps loaded with arrows. Also, they drove, deer ,into a river or sea and shot them with arrows. For a large catch, a whole
  5. Animals as well as wild ruminants (for example, blesbuck, white-tailed, deer , elk, pronghorn antelope, and so on. ). The disease was first described in the
  6. And he gave her seven bitches and six dogs. She then captured six golden-horned, deer ,to pull her chariot. Artemis practiced with her bow first by shooting at trees
  7. In museums around the world. Today, the largest mammals are the Javan Rush, deer ,and the Wild Boar. A second, smaller species of deer , the Indian Mental, also
  8. Cod were all caught and dried, smoked or roasted. Caribou, musk oxen, deer , moose, whale and other types of game were eaten roasted or preserved. Berries
  9. As wolf, bear and rein deer are today extinct. However, some species such as red, deer ,are protected. Other small mammals, such as foxes, badgers,hares, hedgehogs
  10. Male lover was Caparisons, a descendant of Heracles. Apollo gave him a tame, deer ,as a companion, but Caparisons accidentally killed it with a javelin as it lay
  11. State enjoyed a variety of mammals such as Plains Bison, Eastern elk, bear,and, deer , only the White-tailed deer remains abundant. Still fairly common are the North
  12. And cats/kittens Kelly was also shown to keep exotic animals such as, deer , possums, a bear named Fair child, some goats, a raccoon named Elmer, a kangaroo
  13. A subspecies of Sikh deer ),rabbit, fox,raccoon dog and other animals. Ego, deer ,were a particularly important food resource for the Ainu as were salmon. They
  14. Blue tongue virus causes serious disease in livestock (sheep, goats,cattle and, deer ,). Partly due to this BTV has been in the forefront of molecular studies for
  15. That Agamemnon was prepared to kill his daughter, but that Artemis accepted a, deer ,in her place, and whisked her away to Taurus in Crimea. Hesiod said she became
  16. At the site from the Geometric and Archaic periods take the forms of horses and, deer ,; there are seal stone and fibulae. In the Archaic period the nine villages that
  17. Shot them with arrows. For a large catch, a whole village would drive a herd of, deer ,off a cliff and club them to death. Religion The Ainu are traditionally
  18. Fauna Deer were the only animals held sacred to Artemis herself. On seeing a, deer ,larger than a bull with horns shining, she fell in love with these creatures
  19. Statues in a forest setting, carrying a bow and arrows, and accompanied by a, deer , The ancient Spartans used to sacrifice to her as one of their patron goddesses
  20. Zouch's park at Brashly in Hampshire, a bolt from his cross-bow aimed at a, deer ,happened to strike one of the keepers, who died within an hour, and Abbot was
  21. In women; she was often depicted as a huntress carrying a bow and arrows. The, deer ,and the cypress were sacred to her. In later Hellenistic times, she even
  22. Season with evergreen pines in the highest elevations. Fauna mostly consists of, deer , small mammals, a wide variety of birds of both land and sea as well as marine
  23. And broad, stiff leaves are difficult or uncomfortable for animals such as, deer ,and raccoons to walk through, crows to land on, etc. Dry beans come from both
  24. Officiating as priestess rides last in the procession upon a car yoked to, deer , It is, however,not until the next day that the sacrifice is offered. *In
  25. The unalterable kernel of the tale was a hunter's transformation into a, deer ,and his death in the jaws of his hunting dogs. But authors were free to suggest
  26. Or the French. Livestock and game Commonly hunted and eaten game included, deer , bear, buffalo and wild turkey. The larger muscles of the animals were roasted
  27. With weasels, polecats,wildcats, most shrews, moles,the water voles, roe, deer , and common toads also being absent in Ireland. This patterns in true also for
  28. Deer were also the first animals she captured. She caught five golden horned, deer ,called Laptop Khrysokeroi and harnessed them to her chariot. The third labor
  29. Including grouse moors, forestry and farmland, as well as managed herds of, deer , Highland cattle and ponies. History King Robert II of Scotland (1316–1390)
  30. Fell sheep, soon after acquiring Hill Top Farm. In 1923, she bought a former, deer ,park and vast sheep farm in the Trout beck Valley called Trout beck Park Farm
  31. As wives. The gods were afraid of them, except for Artemis who captured a fine, deer ,(or in another version of the story, she changed herself into a doe) and
  32. Country. The city also hosts the Tripoli Friedan amusement park as well as the, deer ,park situated in the large nearby public forest. Architecturally impressive
  33. Joint hunting territory. The Ainu hunted bear, Ezo deer (a subspecies of Sikh, deer ,), rabbit,fox, raccoon dog and other animals. Ego deer were a particularly
  34. Disease of ruminants, mainly sheep and less frequently cattle, goats,buffalo, deer , dromedaries and antelope. It is caused by the Blue tongue virus (BTV).
  35. Antelope species of Alas, sitatungas, bushbucks,kudos and elands. Unlike, deer , which have branched antlers that they shed annually, bongos and other
  36. And basic research. File: Game Albino no zoo the Madrid, Vigo. JPG|Albino, deer ,File: Albino_Alligator_2008. JPG|An Albino American Alligator File: Albinos (
  37. Bears, black bears, the endemic Alexander Archipelago wolf, Sitka black-tailed, deer , humpback whales, orcas,five species of salmon, bald eagles, harlequin ducks
  38. Such as Plains Bison, Eastern elk, bear,and deer , only the White-tailed, deer ,remains abundant. Still fairly common are the North American Cougar, Bobcat
  39. Bubbles comprising two species native to. They are similar in appearance to a, deer , weighing. Both are found on the island of Sulawesi and the nearby island of
  40. Erode bear or spirit bear—only found in British Columbia) live here, as do, deer , elk, moose,caribou, big-horn sheep, mountain goats, marmots,beavers, muskrat
  41. Mostly nocturnal, they are occasionally active during the day. However, like, deer , it may be that bongos may exhibit crepuscular behavior. Bongos are both timid
  42. Iphigenia. Artemis then snatched Iphigenia from the altar and substituted a, deer , Various myths have been told around what happened after Artemis took her.
  43. Infection is usually asymptomatic despite high virus levels in blood. Red, deer ,are an exception, and in them the disease may be as acute as in sheep.
  44. Moon. Artemis' chariot was made of gold and was pulled by four golden horned, deer ,(Laptop Khrysokeroi). The bridles of her chariot were also made of gold.
  45. Dumps. Mammalian prey includes rabbits, hares,raccoons, muskrats,beavers, and, deer , fawns. Preferred avian prey includes grebes, alcids, ducks,gulls, coots
  46. With an arrow, called an" Aleppo ". The Ainu usually used arrows to hunt, deer , Also, they often used traps, including spring traps loaded with arrows. Also
  47. On such hunting grounds or joint hunting territory. The Ainu hunted bear, Ezo, deer ,(a subspecies of Sikh deer ),rabbit, fox,raccoon dog and other animals. Ego
  48. Under one in Demos. Animals sacred to Apollo included wolves, dolphins,roe, deer , swans, cicadas (symbolizing music and song),hawks, ravens,crows, snakes (
  49. Is derived from the Greek words" tr ago" ( a he-goat),and" leafs" ( a, deer ,), in combination referring to" an antelope ". The word" eurycerus" is
  50. Large animals. Brown bears also occasionally prey on large mammals, such as, deer ,(including elk, moose and caribou),bighorn sheep, mountain goats, bison and

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