Examples of the the word, filing , in a Sentence Context

The word ( filing ), is the 4786 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Crime scene, and new statements from Hobbs' now ex-wife. Also presented in the, filing ,was new expert testimony that the alleged knife marks on the victims were the
  2. These were all specific items of contention brought to the court in the 2005, filing , On June 1,2007,Costa Rica broke diplomatic ties with the Republic of China
  3. Most often by stamping word" redacted" on the bottom. Alternately,the, filing ,party may ask the court’s permission to file some exhibits completely under
  4. Jurisdictions the normal and preferred way of seeking appellate review is by, filing ,an appeal of the final judgment. Generally, an appeal of the judgment will also
  5. Money is repaid. Local citizens and businesses are often at a disadvantage when, filing ,civil claims against a diplomat, especially in cases of unpaid rent, alimony
  6. Has been lodged. Ordinarily, a Part IV bankruptcy lasts three years from the, filing ,of the Statement of Affairs with ITS. In the case of a debtor's petition, the
  7. And organizations frequently pay homage to the number. For example, in the IPO, filing ,for Google, in 2004,rather than a typical round-number amount of money, the
  8. That sets out the facts and legal reasons (see: cause of action) that the, filing ,party or parties (the plaintiff (s) ) believes are sufficient to support a
  9. This subsequently led to Schwarzenegger and Shiver separating and Shiver, filing ,for divorce. Early life Schwarzenegger was born in That, Austria,a small
  10. Units of Enron, Enron International had a strong cash flow on bankruptcy, filing , Enron International consisted of all of Enron's foreign power projects
  11. And then moved to Chicago in September 1920 to live with friends, while still, filing ,stories for the Toronto Star. In Chicago, he worked as an associate editor of
  12. Asian cultures can fall. (see April 14) * Tax Day, the official deadline for, filing ,an individual tax return (or requesting an extension). (United States
  13. The state of incorporation of most large corporations). The procedure for, filing ,a class action is to file suit with one or several named plaintiffs on behalf
  14. Achieved any real commercial success. Commodore's last Amiga offering before, filing ,for bankruptcy was an attempt to capture a portion of the highly competitive
  15. Coffee, grains,hog, and other meat futures. At the time of its bankruptcy, filing ,in December 2001,Enron structured into seven distinct business units. Online
  16. Bankruptcy Code. Stock If the company's stock is publicly traded, a Chapter 11, filing , generally causes it to be delisted from its primary stock exchange if listed on
  17. A 2,4,or 5 percent personal income tax, depending upon the amount earned and, filing ,status. Taxpayers are not allowed to deduct their federal income tax from their
  18. Take millions of years to respond to a simple question, and would require ", filing ,cabinets" of astronomical proportions. This brings the clarity of Searle's
  19. The appellate court finds a defect in the procedure the parties used in, filing ,the appeal and dismisses the appeal without considering its merits, which has
  20. Jurisdictions, specific types of criminal cases may also be commenced by the, filing ,of a complaint, also sometimes called a criminal complaint or felony complaint.
  21. Ability to take possession of the equipment within 60 days after a bankruptcy, filing ,unless the airline cures all defaults. More specifically, the right of the
  22. A vast" background" of commonsense knowledge encoded in the program and the, filing ,cabinets. This would provide a" context" that would give the symbols their
  23. To undertake credit counseling with approved counseling agencies prior to, filing ,a bankruptcy petition and to undertake education in personal financial
  24. Lists of words or names into alphabetical order is the basis of most office, filing ,systems, library catalogs and reference books. Collation differs from
  25. As the Intel 8271 found in the BBC Micro, it was also possible to run a DFS, filing ,system with an alternate ROM. First Byte Joystick Interface As a games machine
  26. Reduced the tax rate from 40 % to 20 %. According to government figures, tax, filing , by individuals and corporations increased by 100 %. Many changes were made to
  27. Company announced that the annual financials were under review at the time of, filing ,for Chapter 11. Executive records In the 1980s and early 1990s,the former
  28. Law courts, appellate review of lower court decisions may also be obtained by, filing ,a petition for review by prerogative writ in certain cases. There is no
  29. Court in the 1980s loosened strict locus standi requirements to permit the, filing ,of suits on behalf of rights deprived sections of society by public minded
  30. State appellate courts, and if unsuccessful, mount a collateral action such as, filing ,for a writ of habeas corpus in the federal courts. Generally speaking," direct
  31. His share was signed on February 26, 1901. On March 2,the circular formally, filing ,the organization and capitalization (at $1,400,000,000—4 % of U. S. national
  32. Left Commodore to join Tramiel's new Atari Corporation, Commodore responded by, filing ,lawsuits against four former engineers for theft of trade secrets. This was
  33. Him on March 30, 1946 in Mount Vernon, New York, separating in April 1947 and, filing ,for divorce in June 1948. Day subsequently took on more dramatic roles
  34. Always—or often—frivolous. However, we are not obliged to suffer in silence the, filing ,of baseless, insupportable appeals presenting no colorable claims of error and
  35. Payroll—this is very similar to placing all payroll information into a specific, filing ,cabinet in an office that does not have a computer. A text file may contain
  36. Remained unclaimed in various places, including her attorney Paul O'Dwyer's, filing ,cabinet, for approximately 17 years. Posthumous honors In 1988,the NAACP
  37. Association of Victims of Agent Orange (LAVA) was formed. In addition to, filing ,the lawsuit against the chemical companies, VAVA provides medical care
  38. Are incorporated under the Illinois Insurance Code. Corporations are created by, filing ,the requisite documents with a particular state government. The process is
  39. Etc. He channelled his medieval interests into a peculiar secret hobby: In a, filing ,cabinet he maintained a collection of imaginary buildings, most of them
  40. In United States courts provide that a civil action is commenced with the, filing ,or service of a pleading called a complaint. Civil court rules in states that
  41. Collectible. In mid-February 1981,Andersson and Gangsta announced they were, filing ,for divorce. Information surfaced that their marriage had been an uphill
  42. Of the computer program, along with sufficient paper, pencils,erasers, and, filing , cabinets. Earle could receive Chinese characters through a slot in the door
  43. Defense lawyers seeking a retrial or his immediate release from prison. The, filing ,cited DNA evidence linking Terry Hobbs (stepfather of one of the victims) to
  44. For a household of equivalent size, computed over a 180-day period prior to, filing , If the individual must" take" the" means test ", their average monthly
  45. Paid $450,000 as reimbursement for legal expenses. Brockovich assisted in the, filing ,of a lawsuit against Prime Tanning Corp. of St. Joseph, Missouri in April 2009.
  46. To Kevin Poulsen's blog," the Justice Department formally settled the case, filing ,a joint stipulation along with Lamo's federal public defender dropping the
  47. To join up with Tramiel's new company Atari Corp., Commodore followed by, filing ,lawsuits against four former engineers for theft of trade secrets in late July.
  48. Need for the motion. In such a case, a court will accept an affidavit from the, filing ,attorney in support of the motion, as certain assumptions are made, to wit: The
  49. She is an expert on nearly everything and plans to create the perfect, filing ,system. She also once worked for the government agent-turned-philanthropist
  50. General, renewed its demand of ten years prior for Black Box Warnings by, filing ,a third petition requesting such changes be made. When the FDA failed to

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