Examples of the the word, trader , in a Sentence Context

The word ( trader ), is the 4785 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Death by Metal, followed by several more. The tapes circulated through the tape, trader ,world, quickly establishing the band's name. With Death guitarist Schrödinger
  2. Who, in 1555,brought to England five slaves from Guinea. A second London, trader ,taking slaves at that time was William Tower son whose fleet sailed into
  3. In 1587,when Arndt Krupp joined the merchants' guild in Essen. Arndt,a, trader , arrived in town just before an epidemic of the Black Death plague and became
  4. Been connected to other far East Asia through trading and traveling by sea. The, trader ,from Arab is the intermediary trader between Europe to African, Indian,South
  5. Childhood The Nansen family originated in Denmark. Hans Nansen (1598–1667),a, trader , was an early explorer of the White Sea region of the Arctic Ocean. In later
  6. 1749 – Pierre Gaultier de Varennes et de La Legendre, French explorer and, trader ,(b. 1685) *1758 – Johann Friedrich Fa sch, German composer (b. 1688) *1770 –
  7. Of the competition, the North West Company where he continued to work as a fur, trader ,and surveyor. North West Company. In 1804,at the annual meeting of the North
  8. Had not borne arms against the Union. Gordon was said to have told former slave, trader ,and Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest about the Klan. Forrest
  9. The Princess of Chi may. * Armand Joseph Duvernay (1741–1799),financial, trader , consul general of the Holy Roman Empire, deputy,mayor and cofounder of the
  10. On the source, either the best When Alexander was ten years old, a horse, trader ,from Thessaly brought Philip a horse, which he offered to sell for thirteen
  11. On June 10, 1799 at Île-à-la-Crosse, a mixed-blood child of a Scottish fur, trader ,and a Cree mother. Their marriage was formalized at the Scotch Presbyterian
  12. The largest of these posts was founded in 1840 at Nkhotakota by an Arabic, trader ,from the coast, Jumbe Salem Bin Abdallah. During the height of his power, Jumbe
  13. Incentive to make the public aware of that. " Friedman did not believe that the, trader ,should be required to make his trade known to the public, because the buying or
  14. Jonathan Mayhew, American minister (b. 1720) *1771 – Michael Bananas, Greek, trader , ( birth year unknown) *1795 – Henry Seymour Conway, British general and
  15. Chequebook politics and a serendipitous affair between a sultana and a French, trader ,that was put to good use by the French, who kept control of the islands
  16. FBI) questioned his ties to Samir Vincent, a Northern Virginia oil, trader ,implicated in the U. N. Oil-for-food scandal who pled guilty to four criminal
  17. Cook's journey, more in 1788 with Kana, and some in 1789 with an American, trader ,who settled in Hawaii in the late 18th century. House of Kamehameha During the
  18. In derivatives gained a great deal of notoriety in 1995 when Nick Lesson,a, trader ,at Baring's Bank, made poor and unauthorized investments in futures contracts.
  19. And their Volunteer Corp leader Chen Liana was a prominent comparator, trader , The merchants were supported by the foreign, western Imperialists such as the
  20. English general (b. 1650) *1749 – Johann Baptista Roughing, Italian, trader , ( b. 1672) *1752 – Giulio Albert, Spanish cardinal (b. 1664) * 1752 –
  21. Thompson (April 30, 1770 – February 10, 1857) was an English-Canadian fur, trader , surveyor, and map-maker, known to some native peoples as" Koo-Koo-Sint" or "
  22. However, his more pressing assignment is to return Kurtz, another ivory, trader , to civilization, in a cover-up. Kurtz has a reputation throughout the region.
  23. Fineries that always attracted the eyes of the masses, while his rival was a, trader ,in precious stones, the virtues and values of which were appreciated only by
  24. Temporarily lose money),or the margin treatment is not identical, and the, trader ,is accordingly required to post margin (faces a margin call),the trader may
  25. The trader is accordingly required to post margin (faces a margin call),the, trader ,may run out of capital (if they run out of cash and cannot borrow more) and
  26. Time he was attended to by Khadijah and his family. At Mecca, Abu Bakr was a, trader ,in cloth, and he started the same business in Medina. He was a wholesaler, and
  27. Allowed Roosevelt a free hand in economic policy. Roosevelt was a lifelong free, trader ,and anti-imperialist. Ending European colonialism was one of his objectives.
  28. Was named" Julia" ( Jewess in Portuguese),because its owner was a Jewish, trader ,from Portugal. The name became Basses the India due to transcription errors by
  29. Derived from Must Al Big or Moss Al Pique or Muss Ben Mbini, an Arab, trader ,who first visited the island and later lived there. History Bantu migrations
  30. In the novel. Among the people Conrad may have encountered on his journey was a, trader ,called Leon Rom, who was later named chief of the Stanley Falls Station. In
  31. World Series. Wayne Huizen soon sold the club to John Henry, a commodities, trader ,from Boca Raton, during the off-season. The Marlins had the second overall pick
  32. West to start a new life. Travelling to the Montana Territory, he became a, trader ,and interpreter in the area surrounding Fort Benton. Observing rampant
  33. Of Somerset, Scottish politician *1704 – Pierre-Charles Le Suer, French fur, trader ,and explorer *1709 – Robert Bowling, English settler in Virginia (b. 1646)
  34. Supreme Court justice *1946 – Ed Dakota, American commodities and futures, trader ,*1947 – Francisco Henri, Dutch-born Australian entertainer *1948 – Marty Appeal
  35. Downstream hut and who had left the firewood. The Russian, a lone and aimless, trader ,in the wilderness, came across Kurtz's station unexpectedly and has become a "
  36. Referred to as Porterville and was settled by Louis Lefter, a French Canadian, trader , along the historic Natchez Trace trade route. The area then became known as
  37. Violation of international law, he " is become, like the pirate and the slave, trader ,before him, hostis human generic, an enemy of all mankind ", and thus subject
  38. Different products, including the following: It was also an extensive futures, trader , including sugar, coffee,grains, hog,and other meat futures. At the time of
  39. Had a positive impact on Britain helping turn it into the world's dominant, trader , and an international superpower. One domestic policy that had a lasting impact
  40. The exploitation of the region's diamond wealth. The country acted as a major, trader ,in Sierra Lesbian blood diamonds, exporting over US$300 million in diamonds in
  41. Shoshone Indian woman, Sacagawea,the wife of a French-Canadian fur, trader , After crossing the Rocky Mountains, the expedition reached the Pacific Ocean
  42. II, but he eventually lost. The new King Christian III gave the German, trader ,Thomas Köppen exclusive trading rates in the Fares. These rights were subject
  43. Referred to as the Commissioned Gentlemen, was to enter the company as a fur, trader , Typically, they were men who had the capital to invest in starting up their
  44. Through trading and traveling by sea. The trader from Arab is the intermediary, trader ,between Europe to African, Indian,South East Asian, and Far East Asian
  45. Englishman recorded to have taken slaves from Africa was John OK, a London, trader ,who, in 1555,brought to England five slaves from Guinea. A second London
  46. Later came to believe that during the first five of his nine years as a slave, trader ,he had not been a Christian in the full sense of the term:" I was greatly
  47. Received both. He then entered the employ of the Hudson's Bay Company as a fur, trader ,and in 1792 completed his first significant survey, mapping a route to Lake
  48. At the end of time. Revised Standard Version has this:" There will be no, trader ,in the house of the Lord of hosts on that day. " In the Holy Scriptures
  49. Group, born in Perth *Thomas Blake Glover (1838–1911) Nagasaki-based, trader ,in 19th century Japan *Robert Gordon (1668–1731),founder of the Robert
  50. Advise Cadamosto's voyage of 1455,the 1479-1480 voyage by Flemish-French, trader ,Mustache de la Fosse, and Diego Can who in the 1480s reached the Congo River

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