Examples of the the word, unlimited , in a Sentence Context

The word ( unlimited ), is the 4801 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Billing system until all of its own retail customers had been moved off older, unlimited ,downloading plans. The requirement would have meant that Bell would have to
  2. Auditoriums – created with permission of AOL. Consisted of a stage and an, unlimited ,number of rows. What happened on the stage was viewable by everybody in the
  3. Have used 32-bit cells,64-bit cells, or magnum cells with practically, unlimited ,range, but programs that use this extra range are likely to be slow, since
  4. Fine. The maximum penalty for illegal supply is 14 years in prison and an, unlimited ,fine. * In the Netherlands, amphetamine and methamphetamine are List I drugs of
  5. Mutual changes between the four elements. Origin, then,must be something else, unlimited ,in its source, that could create without experiencing decay, so that genesis
  6. Are addition and subtraction of 1. Its properties come solely from the power of, unlimited ,recursion. This also implies that its running time is at least proportional to
  7. Through the early twentieth century, it was common for fights to have, unlimited ,rounds, ending only when one fighter quit, benefiting high-energy fighters like
  8. Anaximander understood the beginning or first principle to be an endless, unlimited ,primordial mass (ape iron),subject to neither old age nor decay, that
  9. To convert books that are in the public domain into a digital medium for, unlimited ,redistribution and infinite availability. This effort is spearheaded by Project
  10. And the easiest way to make the language Turing-complete is to make the array, unlimited ,on the right. A few implementations extend the array to the left as well; this
  11. 10,000 rubles As its name implied, the Extraordinary Commission had virtually, unlimited ,powers and could interpret them in any way it wished. No standard procedures
  12. Any other material the supply of which is so limited that all cannot hold it in, unlimited ,quantities, Anarchism undertakes to protect no titles except such as are based
  13. Operating environment. Commodore Business Machines paid a one-time fee for an, unlimited ,license to a version of Micro-Soft BASIC that was ported to the MOS 6502 in
  14. Or Unlimited Limited Atonement. This drops the limited atonement in favor of an, unlimited ,atonement saying that God has provided Christ's atonement for all alike, but
  15. For differing types of displays (i.e. limbo flying, basic aerobatics to, unlimited ,aerobatics) and to differing minimum base heights above the ground. To gain
  16. In principle, the capacity to borrow and lend at the extremes of the band are, unlimited , Other central banks use similar mechanisms. It is also notable that the target
  17. Led him to introduce the abstract ape iron (indefinite, infinite,boundless, unlimited ,) as an origin of the universe, a concept that is probably influenced by the
  18. One, others more than one, and that some assert to be limited in number, others, unlimited , And so we also must consider chiefly and primarily and almost exclusively what
  19. Operating systems that use X. Org, such as OpenSolaris and FreeBSD, support, unlimited , numbers of cursors and keyboards through Multi-Pointer X. There have also been
  20. Provide the capability of supporting the slot types. In addition, virtually an, unlimited ,number of slots can be provided with 20,including the SBC slot, as a practical
  21. Of information through a media channel. It assumes that one party has an, unlimited ,amount of information (usually through some kind of expertise) and can act as
  22. In 1610 state the above beliefs regarding (I) conditional election, ( II), unlimited , atonement,(III) total depravity, ( IV) total depravity and resistible grace
  23. Manner appointed and duly qualified," thus removing the president's previous, unlimited ,power to remove any of his cabinet members at will. Years later in the case
  24. s) and condenser (s). New technologies, like reverse osmosis can create, unlimited ,amounts of pure water from polluted water, ocean water, and even from humid air
  25. Savings offers. Other developments * In late 2006,AOL began offering free and, unlimited ,digital picture storage for both free and paid accounts. Original resolutions
  26. Though existing customers would not be required to change from the $30 a month, unlimited ,service plan. The new plan would become a requirement for those upgrading to
  27. AOL kept its promise by launching an e-mail service free of cost, and with, unlimited ,storage space. * AIM (AOL Instant Messenger Chat rooms were included with the
  28. Campaigns in the near future was false. In fact Hitler intended to start an, unlimited ,war, at a much later date than 1939. But the Third Reich's foreign policy had
  29. The maximum penalty for unauthorized possession is five years in prison and an, unlimited ,fine. The maximum penalty for illegal supply is 14 years in prison and an
  30. Carriers. Aircraft carrier designs since World War II have been effectively, unlimited ,by any consideration save budgetary, and the ships have increased in size to
  31. By shares. The most common form of company used for business ventures. *an, unlimited ,company either with or without a share capital. This is a hybrid company, a
  32. However, AOL has since started offering their services for $9.95 a month for, unlimited ,dial-up access. * On April 3,2006,AOL announced that it was retiring the full
  33. Function or simulating any other computational model, if given access to an, unlimited ,amount of memory. A variety of Brainfuck programs have been written. Although
  34. To zero – by using cryogenically cooled parametric amplifiers. Moreover, given, unlimited , time and memory, the (ideal) digital computer may also solve real number
  35. Principle ", since inference depends on a standpoint that, in a sense, is, unlimited , Pace called (with no sense of deprecation) " mathematics of logic" much
  36. The new pair dealing a further card to each as before. Some games allow, unlimited ,resplitting, while others may limit it to a certain number of hands, such as
  37. An alternative to this discipline, without the 100 m restriction is called MTA, unlimited , * Long Distance: the boomerang is thrown from the middle point of a baseline.
  38. Connect cities, and later in the game they can construct railroads which offer, unlimited ,movement. As time advances, new technologies are developed; these technologies
  39. Some scholars have argued that the federal government's exercise of its, unlimited ,constitutional spending power has contributed to strained federal-provincial
  40. Coral reefs in relatively shallow water (typically in depth) with virtually, unlimited ,visibility. Many nearby reefs are readily accessible from shore by snorkelers
  41. Except for high school which is four minutes in length. Substitutions are, unlimited ,but can only be done when play is stopped. Teams also have a coach, who
  42. Heat without causing their temperatures to vary, exercise the functions of two, unlimited ,reservoirs of caloric. We will call the first the furnace and the second the
  43. Of original sin, total depravity, conditional election, prevenient grace, unlimited ,atonement, and possibly apostasy. Wesley departs from Classical Arminianism
  44. And the Physiocrats. This tradition believed in rationalism and the, unlimited ,powers of reason and sometimes showed hostility to tradition and religion.
  45. A reduced rate per month for their accounts and no longer would be given, unlimited ,access without invoice. During this live announcement via an online meeting of
  46. Heater, so that the temperature of the water is consistent, and the amount is, unlimited , This again reduces life-style impacts at some cost in autonomy. Ideally, this
  47. Results of cryptanalysis have also changed — it is no longer possible to have, unlimited ,success in code breaking, and there is a hierarchical classification of what
  48. Rate is used) is generally to lend money or borrow money in theoretically, unlimited ,quantities, until the targeted market rate is sufficiently close to the target.
  49. Voting, a simple variant on block voting where each voter can select an, unlimited ,number of candidates and the candidates with the most approval votes win. This
  50. General Baptists" because of their confession of a" general" or, unlimited ,atonement, were Arminians. The Baptist movement originated with Thomas Helps

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