Examples of the the word, transparency , in a Sentence Context

The word ( transparency ), is the 4789 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Or dangerous products/services transparency about environmental risks, transparency ,about product ingredients such as genetically modified organisms possible
  2. Refresh timing to match an NTSC or PAL video signal. When combined with setting, transparency , this allows an Amiga to overlay an external video source with graphics. This
  3. Treatment, which changed its physical properties, including the degree of, transparency ,and color, or shaped under similar conditions out of one nugget, previously cut
  4. All digital images of Warhol are exclusively managed by Corgis, while all, transparency ,images of Warhol are managed by Art Resource. The Andy Warhol Foundation
  5. Obscured light sources * reflection — mirror-like or highly glossy reflection *, transparency ,(optics), transparency (graphic) or opacity — sharp transmission of light
  6. Discontents) and David Morten have made arguments for drastically improving, transparency , for debt relief, land reform, and restructuring corporate accountability
  7. Established as an extra-budgetary fund to ensure the macroeconomic stability, transparency ,in the management of oil revenue, and the safeguarding of resources for future
  8. Of light through solid objects * refraction — bending of light associated with, transparency ,* diffraction — bending, spreading and interference of light passing by an
  9. Mattel). PNG|Common medium coat of arms (until 1915) File: Austria-Hungary, transparency , PNG|Common medium coat of arms (1915–1918) Additionally each of the two
  10. The successful relationships work: early disclosure of interests and continued, transparency , a commitment to personal growth, and the use of the dominant/submissive roles
  11. Is one of Africa’s most advanced. Generally adhering to global standards in the, transparency ,of financial policies and banking supervision, the financial sector provides
  12. Crystals, instrument windows for satellites and spacecraft (because of its, transparency ,from the UV to IR),and laser components. Capoeira () is a Brazilian art form
  13. In the region. Colombian emeralds are generally the most prized due to their, transparency ,and fire. Some of the most rare emeralds come from three main emerald mining
  14. Regular operation. As of 2005,stock market activity was limited by lack of, transparency , although the growth rate increased beginning in 2004. After a decline in the
  15. Slowing of light pulses to very low speeds using electromagnetically induced, transparency , Vortices in Bose–Einstein condensates are also currently the subject of
  16. A dedicated tool—governed by the principles of usefulness, credibility, transparency , and independence—for greater accountability and making development assistance
  17. Requires a separate transparency channel for each RGB channel to model the red, transparency , green transparency , and blue transparency . More alpha channels can be added
  18. Reflection — mirror-like or highly glossy reflection * transparency (optics), transparency , ( graphic) or opacity — sharp transmission of light through solid objects *
  19. Individual sprite can use from 1 to 12 colors, with 3 colors (plus a 4th ", transparency ," color) being the most common. In this format, the sprite is referenced to
  20. Example, includes a number of questions about central bank independence in the, transparency ,section. An independent central bank will score higher in the review than one
  21. Dialect of Lisp provides a macro-writing system which provides the referential, transparency ,that eliminates both types of capture problem. This type of macro system is
  22. Each RGB channel to model the red transparency , green transparency , and blue, transparency , More alpha channels can be added for accurate spectral color filtration
  23. By very few types of impurities, such as boron and nitrogen. Combined with wide, transparency , this results in the clear, colorless appearance of most natural diamonds.
  24. Borders for freedom of information ...." In general, the CCC advocates more, transparency ,in government, freedom of information, and the human right to communication.
  25. On the OECD black list in 2000 by committing to regulatory reform to improve, transparency ,and begin information exchange with OECD member countries about their citizens.
  26. Connection between increased independence for the central bank and increased, transparency ,in the policymaking process. The IMF's Financial Services Action Plan (SAP
  27. i) accountability, by assessing the effectiveness of ADB's operations; (ii), transparency , by independently reviewing operations and publicly reporting findings and
  28. Blending Alpha blending is a convex combination of two colors allowing for, transparency ,effects in computer graphics. The value of alpha in the color code ranges from
  29. Marketing issues include marketing redundant or dangerous products/services, transparency ,about environmental risks, transparency about product ingredients such as
  30. No graphics use colors other than the Windows-standard 16-color palette, plus, transparency , They exist in monochrome versions as well, meaning that the game will display
  31. Called Program de Aceleração do Crescent, aiming to spur growth. Brazil's, transparency ,ranking status in the international world is 75th according to Transparency
  32. Problems include the state's role in the economy, the question of governmental, transparency , and debt reduction. To protest the 1996 coup by President Pierre Buyout
  33. Frozen drop, with its meaning extending to all solids with some degree of, transparency , and graph write. Before the development of X-ray diffraction crystallography
  34. Relevance The Nagoya Protocol is intended to create greater legal certainty and, transparency ,for both providers and users of genetic resources by: *Establishing more
  35. Time given that images are often made up of millions of pixels. Other, transparency ,methods Although used for similar purposes, transparent colors and image masks
  36. An image with a background to create the appearance of partial or full, transparency , It is often useful to render image elements in separate passes, and then
  37. Laws, such as required setbacks, height limitations, parking requirements, transparency ,requirements (windows),and land use. Some established jurisdictions require
  38. Since the afflicted economies were no more rife with crony capitalism, lack of, transparency , and weak-willed politicians than dozens of other economies untouched by the
  39. The sensation it causes at the vulva, its elasticity (Spinnbarkeit),its, transparency , and the presence of meaning. Most methods of hormonal contraception work
  40. Transparency channel for each RGB channel to model the red transparency , green, transparency , and blue transparency . More alpha channels can be added for accurate spectral
  41. Is more or less on his own .... Baseball is therefore a realm of complete, transparency ,and total responsibility. A baseball player lives in a glass house, and in a
  42. And since 2008,TDI documents have focused on and emphasized the need for, transparency ,and sustainability of charity works managed by TDI members. A study of how TDI
  43. Rate of the state banks, a weak financial market and a lack of bank, transparency , However, the reforms have started showing positive results and competition
  44. In partnership with the appropriate government departments. This increases the, transparency ,of the policy setting process and thereby increases the credibility of the
  45. The afflicted economies had only themselves to blame. Crony capitalism, lack of, transparency , accounting procedures not up to international standards, and weak-kneed
  46. Of China have argued that the CPC has taken gradual steps towards democracy and, transparency , hence arguing that it is best to give it time and room to evolve into a better
  47. Past, goshenite was used for manufacturing eyeglasses and lenses owing to its, transparency , Nowadays, it is most commonly used for gemstone purposes and also considered
  48. Is not sufficient: a stained-glass window, for instance, requires a separate, transparency ,channel for each RGB channel to model the red transparency , green transparency
  49. Nondiscrimination, free and direct access to victims, professionalism,and, transparency , In the short term, Action Against Hunger addresses hunger and malnutrition
  50. Major reform of the customs service in recent years has significantly improved, transparency ,in this area. Parallel legislative reforms have locked into place

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