Examples of the the word, benefits , in a Sentence Context

The word ( benefits ), is the 4788 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. Hind marsh. Light persisted with his design against this initial opposition. The, benefits ,of Light's design are numerous; Adelaide has had wide multi-lane roads from
  2. Of a unifying theme that underlies the episodes, demonstrating the practical, benefits ,that come with wisdom. But the early release of dramatic tension is consistent
  3. Homes have been built over the last ten years. This building boom has brought, benefits ,but at a cost. On the one hand it has provided much-needed employment for the
  4. Up a value (a reward or benefit) with no expectation of any compensation or, benefits , either direct, or indirect (for instance from recognition of the giving).
  5. In the town. The eighth of eleven children, Maria had enjoyed all the, benefits ,of belonging to a prosperous family in a small town. After the death of both
  6. Marketing plan, and Amway Services Corporation to handle insurance and other, benefits ,for distributors (Amway being an abbreviation of" American Way" ). In 1960
  7. In the film that the seven rise to greatness. " Kurosawa locates the unexpected, benefits ,no less than the tragedy of this historical moment. The upheaval forces samurai
  8. Truly own and control through our right to vote. " Labor" will not allow the, benefits ,of change to be concentrated in fewer and fewer hands, or located only in
  9. A disability can be unjustly excluded from participation in or be denied the, benefits ,of services, programs or activities of any public entity. Michigan Paralyzed
  10. Maintaining a Canadian style quality of life, offering universal health care, benefits , The study found that GDP per capita in the corridor was 10 % above average U.
  11. Eight years running in 2010) and generally known as THE party of the season, benefits ,the Motion Picture and Television Fund, which operates a retirement home for
  12. Offering of the bread and wine, giving God thanks over them for the innumerable, benefits ,obtained through the passion of Christ, the breaking of the bread, and
  13. Working conditions In his autobiography Henry Ford (1922) mentions several, benefits ,of the assembly line including: The gains in productivity allowed Ford to
  14. Per week, following the recommendation of his uncle. His new job gave him many, benefits ,including free admission to the local theater. This made him appreciate
  15. The Consumer Product Safety Commission, mandatory employer health, benefits , environmentalism, and " discriminatory taxation to deter improper or luxurious
  16. The aspirin from concentrating in the walls of the stomach, although the, benefits ,of buffered aspirin are disputed. Almost any buffering agent used in antacids
  17. Lessons if they want to gain proficiency. Consumers who have been sold on the, benefits ,of instant results may hesitate giving the required commitment of twenty to
  18. To private plaintiffs, persons with disabilities do not obtain direct financial, benefits ,from suing businesses that violate the ADA. Thus," professional plaintiffs "
  19. Was safe and produced a significant effect on plaque that supplemented the, benefits ,of daily tooth brushing. However, many studies acknowledge that Chlorhexidine
  20. Provide about 140 kW of power over a period of 80 days. With all the potential, benefits , the current applications of 242mAm are as yet hindered by the scarcity and
  21. The increasing popularity of drug treatment options and the expansion of, benefits ,has given providers incentives to diagnose ASD, resulting in some over diagnosis
  22. More than three times or more as many lessons than 8 to retain educational, benefits , ) In 1973 Nikolas Bergen referenced scientific evaluations of the
  23. Joining frequent flyer loyalty programs and receiving free flights and other, benefits ,from their flying. New services and higher frequencies meant that business
  24. Phytosterols, associated with cholesterol-lowering properties. Potential health, benefits , which have not been scientifically validated, include improved complexion and
  25. Diseases did so through crossing with wild populations of tomatoes. Costs and, benefits ,of GMOs Genetic engineers may someday develop transgenic plants which would
  26. Of respondents believed placebos can have both psychological and physical, benefits , A number of universities and hospitals have departments of integrative
  27. Organization. Environmental initiatives Amway emphasizes the environmental, benefits ,of many of its products, and in June 1989 the United Nations Environmental
  28. Preparation styles for the children, and calculations showing the financial, benefits ,of his suggestion. He uses methods of argument throughout his essay which
  29. Both contain numerous misleading and inaccurate claims concerning the supposed, benefits ,of alternative medicine" and that" the nation cannot be served by promoting
  30. Of our own necessities but of their advantages. Smith's statement about the, benefits ,of" an invisible hand" is certainly meant to answer Mandeville's contention
  31. May all share the same biological and chemical processes, with few synergistic, benefits , which could potentially lead to significant shifts in the ecosystem. Some
  32. LGBT (lesbian, gay,bisexual and transgender) people, including government, benefits ,for same-sex couples equal to those provided for heterosexual ones.
  33. Person who inherits the copyright is not the author, but enjoys the same legal, benefits , Questions arise as to the application of copyright law. How does it, for
  34. Ecosystems found that the external costs were much higher than the external, benefits , Over four decades, of Indonesian mangroves have been converted to shrimp farms
  35. While others use a piano-style keyboard. Each system has different claimed, benefits ,by those who prefer it. They are also used to define one accordion or another
  36. To levels of arsenic above the current WHO standard should weigh the costs and, benefits ,of arsenic remediation. Early (1973) evaluations of the removal of dissolved
  37. Chance of any infection. There have been relatively few studies about possible, benefits ,of Aloe gel taken internally. Components of Aloe may inhibit tumor growth.
  38. Need to be modified for their new memory location but gave no execution speed, benefits ,whatsoever. Acorn Plus 3 The Acorn Plus 3 was a hardware module that connected
  39. Lives according to an ethical code that demands that he act in a way that, benefits ,the whole community, even though, in this case, he risks his life by doing so.
  40. And schizophrenia and from other developmental disorders, and demonstrating the, benefits ,of involving parents in active programs of therapy. As late as the mid-1970s
  41. In fewer and fewer hands, or located only in privileged communities. The, benefits ,must be shared by all Australians and all our regions. " The Platform and Labor
  42. Thessaly. Admetus treated Apollo well, and,in return, the god conferred great, benefits ,on Admetus. Apollo helped Admetus win Alcestis, the daughter of King Elias and
  43. Of software development, but when applied to complex, safety critical projects, benefits ,in correctness, reliability,and maintainability take precedence over (
  44. Of God's people. Only as members of that community do individuals share in the, benefits ,of God's gracious choice. " Arminianism and other views Understanding
  45. Maintaining a Canadian-style quality of life, offering universal health care, benefits , The study found GDP per capita in the corridor was 10 % above average U. S.
  46. Or in some locations to claim disability living allowances or other, benefits , Under diagnosis and over diagnosis are problems in marginal cases, and much of
  47. Ratios of omega-6 compounds in farmed tilapia raise questions of the health, benefits ,of consuming this fish. Adequate diets for salmon and other carnivorous fish
  48. Has never worked for her living and is of independent means, although she, benefits ,in her old age from the financial support of Raymond West, her nephew (A
  49. The Exercise itself; and lastly the Cold Bath. Giving one of the greatest, benefits ,of the regimen of exercise, and then explaining the extremely important and
  50. Of Quantum Optics at the University of Hanover gave details of technologies and, benefits ,of femtokelvin research in space. Thermodynamics near absolute zero At

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