Examples of the the word, integral , in a Sentence Context

The word ( integral ), is the 4784 most frequently used in English word vocabulary

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  1. In fact, several of Alfred's laws contradict the laws of INE that form an, integral ,part of the code. Patrick Wormald's explanation is that Alfred's law code
  2. Functions of art The non-motivated purposes of art are those that are, integral ,to being human, transcend the individual, or do not fulfill a specific external
  3. The area of the circle, and this method is now recognized as a precursor to, integral ,calculus. Using modern methods, the area of a circle can be computed using a
  4. To a student-owned computer model. The compelling rationale for this was the, integral ,role technology now plays in our lives, which was not present in 1996. The
  5. James Prayer and Philippe Joseph Henri Lemaitre. The main sculptures are not, integral ,friezes but are treated as independent trophies applied to the vast ashlar
  6. Medication. Salicylic acid, the main metabolite of aspirin, is an, integral ,part of human and animal metabolism. While much of it is attributable to diet
  7. The necessity of turning away from sin. Witnessing and testifying became an, integral ,component to these meetings, where a congregation member or even a stranger
  8. By dots () above or below their central part, called. These dots are an, integral ,part of a letter, since they distinguish between letters that represent
  9. Sciences of Turin. In the first he proposed the formula now known as Cauchy's, integral ,formula, : f (a) = \franc \point_C \franc dz, where f (z) is analytic on C and
  10. S actions against the revolt. He argued that the Algerian uprising was an, integral ,part of the 'new Arab imperialism' led by Egypt and an 'anti-Western '
  11. There is much greater tolerance of ambiguity, as it is generally seen as an, integral ,part of the human condition. Martin Heidegger argued that the relation between
  12. Prefecture of Cardinal William Nevada, explained why apostolic succession is, integral ,to, and indeed," a constitutive element" of the Catholic Church. Catholicism
  13. A method that can be readily generalized to find the formula for the sum of any, integral ,powers. He applied his result of sums on integral powers to find the volume of
  14. Dissemination Although it had its roots in England," Amazing Grace" became an, integral ,part of the Christian tapestry in the United States. More than 60 of Newton and
  15. Of Confederate soldiers fought to protect slavery, which they viewed as an, integral ,part of southern economy, culture,and manhood. Further, he argues that Union
  16. In such dishes as succotash, chowder,baked beans, and others. Lobster is an, integral ,ingredient to the cuisine, indigenous to the shores of the region. Other
  17. Area in calculus *the area between the graphs of two functions is equal to the, integral ,of one function, f (x),minus the integral of the other function, g (x).
  18. Causing confusions. Examples of such under established functions: * Elliptic, integral ,of the Third Kind; translating elliptic integral form MAPLE to Mathematical, one
  19. Functions: * Elliptic integral of the Third Kind; translating elliptic, integral ,form MAPLE to Mathematical, one should replace the second argument to its square
  20. The inner membrane contains an antiporter, the ADP/ATP translocate, which is an, integral ,membrane protein used to exchange newly-synthesized ATP in the matrix for ADP
  21. The contour C and the complex number an is somewhere in this region. The contour, integral ,is taken counter-clockwise. Clearly, the integral has a simple pole at z = a.
  22. Theory. The first pivotal theorem proved by Cauchy, now known as Cauchy's, integral ,theorem, was the following:: \point_C f (z)dz = 0,where f (z) is a
  23. Affine varieties is the opposite category to the category of finitely generated, integral ,k-algebras and their homomorphism. Projective space Consider the variety V (y
  24. Only in the early 1930s. Meanwhile, however,the French made Algeria an, integral ,part of France. Tens of thousands of settlers mainly from Spain and Italy, with
  25. For Byzantine and European paintings and sculpture. Angels have also become an, integral ,part of Anime culture, particularly in fan art and webcomics. In Christian art
  26. Their husbands' absences and sometimes after their deaths. American women were, integral ,to the success of the boycott of British goods, as the boycotted items were
  27. The development of grunions – projections at the side of the cannon as an, integral ,part of the cast – allowed the barrel to be fixed to a more movable base, and
  28. Authoring the imaginary book Kitab Al-Razi (the Necronomicon),and as such an, integral ,part of Cthulhu Mythos lore. Name The name Abdul Shared is a pseudonym that
  29. Using modern methods, the area of a circle can be computed using a definite, integral ,:: A \; \; \int_or 2\sort\, dx \; \; \pi r^2. Surface area Most basic formulae
  30. And telegraph lines) to deliver the goods. The war demonstrated how, integral ,the industries were to American success. Keystone Bridge Company In 1864
  31. See; dealing with complex values, this may cause problems. * Exponential, integral , page 228 http://www.math.sfu.ca/~cbm/aands/page_228. Htm A highly confusing
  32. Archimedes was able to use infinitesimals in a way that is similar to modern, integral ,calculus. Through proof by contradiction (reductio ad absurdum),he could
  33. By the law of cosines, we have:: \cos = \franc \! \, p (\chi)\! \, is the phase, integral ,(integration of reflected light; a number in the 0 to 1 range): Example: (An
  34. Higher algebra),Konstantin Posse (analytic geometry),Regor Solitary (, integral ,calculus),Panty Cherished (number theory, probability theory),Aleksandr
  35. Superstructures, completely enclosing the crew compartment in armor that was, integral ,to the hull. The first of these Jagdpanzers was the Ferdinand (later renamed
  36. Their time playing this way. Reynolds felt that smart computer opponents are an, integral ,part of a classic computer game, and considered it a challenge to make them so.
  37. That“ The stuff of the world is mind-stuff. ” The idealist conclusion was not, integral ,to his epistemology but was based on two main arguments. The first derives
  38. Fraction of that number. It was not a language strictly for deaf people but an, integral ,part of the language along with spoken components. It was also a common
  39. Of two functions is equal to the integral of one function, f (x),minus the, integral ,of the other function, g (x). *an area bounded by a function r = r (θ)
  40. Closed curve C (contour) lying in the complex plane. The contour, integral ,is taken along the contour C. The rudiments of this theorem can already be
  41. On leaders of all its regional nodes" as and when necessary to serve as an, integral ,part of its high command. " * The Military Committee is responsible for
  42. To 20th century music theorists is the attention he paid to silence as an, integral ,part of music. Cultural references The iconography of the tympanum and
  43. Compromise AA's efforts to maintain a broad appeal. As this tension is an, integral ,part of AA, Rudy and Goal argue that AA is best described as a quasi-religious
  44. Master thesis in autumn 1880. As a privatdozent he lectured on differential and, integral ,calculus. Later he lectured alternately on" introduction to analysis "
  45. Break with papal authority in the 16th century, the Church of England was an, integral ,part of the Western European church. Since the break the Church of England, an
  46. Of planetary harmony in Creation, the crown of it. His premise was that, as an, integral ,part of Universal Law, mathematical harmony is the key that binds all parts
  47. Spinal cord, leading to an increase in motor neurons. The cascade proteins are, integral ,parts of the apoptosis pathway, so it follows that knock-outs made have varying
  48. To the Cordell–Was theorem (1928,and shortly applied in Siegel's theorem on, integral ,points). Mordell's theorem had an ad hoc proof; Was began the separation of
  49. Athletic, racing,and dramatic contests. Thus, both the laurel and the oak were, integral ,symbols of Roman religion and statecraft; placing them on Augustus' doorposts
  50. Formula for the sum of any integral powers. He applied his result of sums on, integral ,powers to find the volume of a paraboloid through integration. He was thus able

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