Examples of the the word, w , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Exist: an open vo w el follo w ed by y (a),and an open vo w el follo w ed by, w ,(a w ). These w ere originally full diphthongs, but many dialects have converted
  2. Linear at the same time. Indeed, if (v, w )UV×W, then if B is linear, B (v, w ,) B (v,0)+B (0, w )=0+0 if B is bilinear. " Blind" Blake (born Arthur Blake;
  3. x) (v \times w ) = (\sigma (x) v)\times w + v \times (\tau (x), w , ). This map is clearly linear in x, and so it does not have the problem of the
  4. Feminine -it in the construct state). *Loss of third- w eak verbs ending in, w ,( w hich merge w ith verbs ending in y). *Reformation of geminate verbs, e. g.
  5. Same base field F. A bilinear map is a function: B: V × W → X such that for any, w ,in W the map: v B (v, w ) is a linear map from V to X, and for any v in V the
  6. Of the image. For N to be constant for all values of w , a ' tan w '/a tan, w ,must also be constant. If the ratio a'/a be sufficiently constant, as is often
  7. Is a bilinear map on V × U * The null map, defined by B (v, w ) 0 for all (v, w ,) in V×W is the only map from V×W to X w hich is bilinear and linear at the same
  8. F. If f is a member of V* and g a member of W*, then b (v, w ) = f (v)g (, w ,) defines a bilinear map V × W → F. * The cross product in R3 is a bilinear map
  9. That the action on the tensor product space is given by: \rho (x) (v \times, w ,) = (\sigma (x) v)\times w + v \times (\tau (x) w ). This map is
  10. Example: \angle v | w \range \angle v | \sum_ | e_i \range \angle e_i |, w ,\range \angle v | \sum_ | e_i \range \angle e_i | \sum_ | e_j \range
  11. V B (v, w ) is a linear map from V to X, and for any v in V the map: w B (v, w ,) is a linear map from W to X. In other w ords, if w e hold the first entry of
  12. Case, the above relation reduces to the condition of Airy,i.e. tan w '/ tan, w ,a constant. This simple relation (see Came. Phil. Trans.,1830,3,p. 1) is
  13. Abandoning the L and R pointers in favor of a current position p and a w idth, w , w here at each iteration, p is adjusted by + or − w and w is halved. Professor
  14. Curvature to it (hemisymmetrical objectives); in these systems tan w ' / tan, w ,1. The constancy of a'/a necessary for this relation to hold w as pointed out by
  15. Sixth dot. Therefore, the letter ĵ has the same representation as the English, w ,(⠺),to w rite a w in Esperanto dot 3 is filled (⠾). The ŭ, used in
  16. Surface area of 3-dimensional figures *rectangular box: 2 (\ell w + \ell h +, w ,h) the length divided by height *cone: \pi r\left (r + \sort\right), w here r
  17. And similarly if w e hold the second entry fixed. If V W and w e have B (v, w ,) B ( w , v ) for all v, w in V, then w e say that B is symmetric. The case w here
  18. W ( w ritten u in Latin texts and of in Greek) became GW in initial position, w ,internally, w here in Gaelic it is f in initial position and disappears
  19. Turing Machine w hich on input w outputs string x, then the concatenated string, w ,is a description of x. For theoretical analysis, this approach is more suited
  20. The map: v B (v, w ) is a linear map from V to X, and for any v in V the map:, w ,B (v, w ) is a linear map from W to X. In other w ords, if w e hold the first
  21. To each Turing Machine M a bit string. If M is a Turing Machine w hich on input, w ,outputs string x, then the concatenated string w is a description of x. For
  22. The scale or magnification of the image. For N to be constant for all values of, w , a' tan w '/a tan w must also be constant. If the ratio a'/a be sufficiently
  23. Dot \, dt. Surface area of 3-dimensional figures *rectangular box: 2 (\ell, w ,+ \ell h + w h) the length divided by height *cone: \pi r\left (r +
  24. Actions are executed for every line. Note that w + NF is shorthand for w , w ,+ NF. Sum last w ord END s is incremented by the numeric value of $NF w hich is
  25. By default so the increment actions are executed for every line. Note that, w ,+ NF is shorthand for w + NF. Sum last w ord END s is incremented by the
  26. The same base field F. If f is a member of V* and g a member of W*, then b (v, w ,) = f (v)g ( w ) defines a bilinear map V × W → F. * The cross product in R3
  27. Rho (x) (v \times w ) = (\sigma (x) (v) ) \times (\tau (x) (, w ,)). Ho w ever, such a map w ould not be linear, since one w ould have: \rho (km)
  28. Langle v | \sum_ | e_i \range \angle e_i | \sum_ | e_j \range \angle e_j |, w ,\range = \angle v | e_i \range \angle e_i | e_j \range \angle e_j | w
  29. Neither the Airy nor the Bo w -Sutton condition, the ratio a' cos w '/a tan, w , w ill be constant for one distance of the object. This combined condition is
  30. u) → B (v, Lu ) is a bilinear map on V × U * The null map, defined by B (v, w ,) 0 for all (v, w ) in V×W is the only map from V×W to X w hich is bilinear and
  31. The same curvature to it (hemisymmetrical objectives); in these systems tan, w ,' / tan w 1. The constancy of a'/a necessary for this relation to hold w as
  32. Alphabet discarded six letters Franklin regarded as redundant (c, j,q, w , x, and y),and substituted six ne w letters for sounds he felt lacked letters
  33. Position p and a w idth w w here at each iteration, p is adjusted by + or − w and, w ,is halved. Professor Knuth remarks" It is possible to do this, but only if
  34. The same holds for the errors depending upon the angle of the field of vie w , w ,: astigmatism, curvature of field and distortion are eliminated for a definite
  35. Of the image field. Referring to fig. 8, w e have O'Q'/OF a' tan w '/a tan, w ,1/N, w here N is the scale or magnification of the image. For N to be constant
  36. The next ten letters, and adding dot 6 forms the last six letters (except, w ,) and the w ords and, for,of,the, and w ith. Omitting dot 3 from the letters
  37. The second entry fixed. If V W and w e have B (v, w ) B ( w , v ) for all v, w ,in V, then w e say that B is symmetric. The case w here X is F, and w e have a
  38. Position p and a w idth w w here at each iteration, p is adjusted by + or −, w ,and w is halved. Professor Knuth remarks" It is possible to do this, but only
  39. To ho w it acts on the product vector space, so that: \rho (x) (v \times, w ,) = (\sigma (x) (v) ) \times (\tau (x) ( w ) ). Ho w ever, such a map
  40. Alphabet, such as Ha w aiian, and Italian, w hich uses the letters j, k,x, y and, w ,only in foreign w ords. It is unkno w n w hether the earliest alphabets had a
  41. With the long open a. The close back vo w els often use the consonant, w ,to indicate their quality. T w o basic diphthongs exist: an open vo w el follo w ed
  42. Actions are executed for every line. Note that w + NF is shorthand for, w , w + NF. Sum last w ord END s is incremented by the numeric value of $NF w hich is
  43. Mythology. *Manuscript Discovered in a Dragon's Cave (Recopies znaleziony, w ,Smocked Asking,2001),fantasy encyclopedic compendium. A w ards An ammeter is
  44. The letter ĵ has the same representation as the English w (⠺),to w rite a, w ,in Esperanto dot 3 is filled (⠾). The ŭ, used in Esperanto also, is as the u
  45. Map is a function: B: V × W → X such that for any w in W the map: v B (v, w ,) is a linear map from V to X, and for any v in V the map: w B (v, w ) is a
  46. V2,and then use the velocity addition theorem to subtract the unkno w n velocity, w ,of the star in order to express v1 and v2 relative to an arbitrary frame:: \tan
  47. Space is given by: \rho (x) (v \times w ) = (\sigma (x) v)\times, w ,+ v \times (\tau (x) w ). This map is clearly linear in x, and so it does
  48. In any expression w ithout affecting its value, for example: \angle v |, w ,\range \angle v | \sum_ | e_i \range \angle e_i | w \range \angle v |
  49. T-u-v, ( pause bet w een s and t): w --x, y-and-z,(pause bet w een x and y, w ,and x last for t w o beats): No w I kno w my ABCs; (): next time w on't you sing
  50. Similarly if w e hold the second entry fixed. If V W and w e have B (v, w ) B (, w , v) for all v, w in V, then w e say that B is symmetric. The case w here X is F

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