Examples of the the word, vii , in a Sentence Context

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  1. Tariff regulation; v) anticompetitive practices; and vi) universal services;, vii ,) quality of service, for the fixed, mobile and broadband sectors. In Sri Lanka
  2. F. Schultz and A. L. Richter (Leipzig,1853). Other good editions are in vol., vii , Of the ACTA et secret concilium recentiorum. Collection Licenses (7 vols.
  3. And concluded that two of the poems on the restored roll (Odes vi. and, vii ,., as numbered by Kenyon in the edition princes) must be parts of a single ode
  4. De Learn,1853,Metropolitan Museum of Art File: Ingres coronation Charles, vii , JPG|Joan of Arc at the Coronation of Charles VII,1854,Louvre Image: Ingres
  5. vii . 28). He studied philosophy for about 10 years (Diogenes Laertes, vii , 2); opened his own school during Searches' archbishop in 301/0 BC (
  6. Pontifical is: HIC regions divided diaconibus et FECI vii subdiacones, qui, vii ,notaries imminent, Ut gets martyrum integral fidelity belligerent, et
  7. On ii is 27:32:40,the triads on iii and vi are 10:12:15,and the triad on, vii ,is 135:162:160. Twelve tone scale There are several ways to create a just
  8. Of Moses' rod as the cross is not a novel one. Origin on Exodus (chap., vii , ) says:" This rod of Moses, with which he subdued the Egyptians, is the
  9. He exclaims," or the Academy with the Church? " (De prescription, vii ,). Philosophy as pop-paganism is a work of demons (De anima, i ); the
  10. The most popular site at Delphi for tourists to take photographs. Vitruvian (, vii , introduction) notes Theodore the Phobia as the architect of the Round
  11. Same value. The Egyptian author of the book De Mysteries in reply to Porphyry (, vii , 4) admits a preference of 'barbarous' to vernacular names in sacred things
  12. The competence … that underlies and informs such narratives” ( Homes 2003:, vii ,). In fact, he created the Dell Homes Model of Speaking and coined the term
  13. Tariff regulation; v) anticompetitive practices; and vi) universal services;, vii ,) quality of service, for the fixed, mobile and broadband sectors. This article
  14. In spite of this, the Abdul joined the Gallic coalition against Caesar (B. G., vii , 42),but after the surrender of Vercingetorix at Alessia were glad to return
  15. For 2005-08 (2005). (vi) Educational Exchange Program (2006). (, vii ,) Program of Cooperation in the field of Culture for 2010-12 (June 2010).
  16. To use her best endeavors for the conversion of her consort (Bede, H. E., II, vii , vii i, x,xi). He was buried in St. Peter's on October 25,625. Pope Boniface
  17. And minor-mode chords, including diminished (ii, iii,vi, and the diminished, vii ,chord, vii o),would be notated with lower-case Roman numerals. When a scale
  18. 334/3 BC, and came to Athens in 312/11 BC at the age of 22 (Diogenes Laertes, vii , 28). He studied philosophy for about 10 years (Diogenes Laertes, vii . 2);
  19. War is described as the most important one then being waged in Greece (Herod., vii , 145). * (iii. ) It is improbable that Athens would have sent twenty vessels
  20. Distinguished, dating respectively from his editions of 1841,1849,1859 (ed., vii ,), and 1869–72 (ed. vii i). The edition of 1849 may be regarded as
  21. 1 (Theory of Linear Operations, Mathematical Monographs 1),Warsaw,1932, vii , + 254 pp. * Mechanical w lakeside show akademickich, Monografie Matematyczne 8
  22. Of Deciduous Teeth Among Hebrew Infants ". The Journal of Dental Research, Vol., vii , No. 3,September 1927. *Boas, Franz (1927). Primitive Art. ISBN
  23. Gendre, for query shining is Lyft, but not ovenware. 1602 SHAKES. Ham. IV., vii , 18 The great love the general gender Bière him. 1604 — Both. I. iii. 326
  24. Himself 365 numbers. " The name occurs in the Refutation of all Heresies (, vii , 26) by Hippolytus, who appears in these chapters to have followed the
  25. As the high priest ", says R. Meir, by deduction from LEV. x vii i. 5; II Sam., vii , 19; ISA. xxvi. 2; PS. xxxiii. 1,x vii i. 20,xxv. 4,where all stress is laid
  26. Tariff regulation; v) anticompetitive practices; and vi) universal services;, vii ,) quality of service, for the fixed, mobile and broadband sectors. The average
  27. The fiery furnace; namely, on the Sabbath and the Day of Atonement (Can't. R., vii , 9). Nebuchadnezzar, who had made a drinking-cup from the skull of a murdered
  28. Shorten the learning cycle; (vi) conduct more rigorous impact evaluations; (, vii ,) develop evaluation capacity, both in ADB and in DMC; ( vii i) promote
  29. And literary works of outstanding universal significance" Natural criteria * (, vii ,)" contains superlative natural phenomena or areas of exceptional natural
  30. Which is given in the Constitution of Athens as 483-482 BC (Herod., vii , 144; ATH. Pol. R2. 7). It is probable, therefore,that Herodotus is in error
  31. Also used to encompass lay followers, in surreys like Anguttara-Nikaya II.1., vii , The doctrinal problem of sangha-as-gem-to-be-revered they solve in two ways:
  32. Incorporates elements of the myth of Process as found in Ovid's Metamorphoses, vii ,.: Place: Naples.: Time: the 18th century. Act 1, Scene 1: A coffeehouse In a
  33. De testimony animal, vi ). They contain all truth (De prescription, vii , xiv) and from them the Church drinks (potato) her faith (Adv. Praxes, xiii
  34. Had committed suicide rather than surrender. In Josephus' Jewish War (, vii ,), after the fall of the Temple in 70 AD, the Picardi became the dominant
  35. Described in the Fiber Pontifical is: HIC regions divided diaconibus et FECI, vii ,subdiacones, qui vii notaries imminent, Ut gets martyrum integral fidelity
  36. His Son, the Word, has corporate though he is a spirit (De prescription, vii ,.; Adv. Praxes, vii . ). However, Tertullian used 'corporeal' only in the Stoic
  37. Bishops of Italy and of the city of Rome" ( Felix). See Eugenics, Hist. ECC., vii , 30. The text of that letter was later interpolated by a follower of
  38. iii) Schwerin, ( iv) Potsdam, ( v) Frankfurt (Oder),(vi) Magdeburg, (, vii , ) Cottbus, ( vii i) Halle, ( ix) Leipzig, ( x) Erfurt, ( xi) Dresden, ( xii
  39. After the first successes of their arms in 263 BC. The expression of Pliny (, vii , 60) who represents it as having been taken by Valerie Message, is certainly
  40. Together),followed by either the first part of the patristic reading (lesson, vii ,) or, for most feasts, a condensed version of the former second Nocturn, which
  41. After he mistook her for an animal while hunting; in Ovid's Metamorphoses, vii , Process, a jealous wife, was spying on him and heard him singing to the wind
  42. Tariff regulation; v) anticompetitive practices; and vi) universal services;, vii ,) quality of service, for the fixed, mobile and broadband sectors. The results
  43. Of the Atlantic. Pears grow in the sublime orchard of Albinos, in Odyssey, vii ,:" Therein grow trees, tall and luxuriant, pears and pomegranates and
  44. Has corporate though he is a spirit (De prescription, vii .; Adv. Praxes, vii , ). However, Tertullian used 'corporeal' only in the Stoic sense, to mean
  45. Illuminated Psalters, the Queen Mary Psalter (British Library Ms. Royal 2B, vii , ) and the Isabella Psalter (State Library, Munich ), contain full Bestiary
  46. Archonship (262/1 BC). According to Perseus (Diogenes Laertes, vii , 28),Zeno lived for 72 years. His date of birth is thus 334/3 BC. A plausible
  47. Britannica says this about the legend: Eugenics in his Historian Ecclesiastical (, vii ,18) tells how at Caesar Philippe lived the woman whom Christ healed of an
  48. 2000). (vi) Bilateral Investment Protection Agreement (2001). (, vii ,) Agreement on cooperation in the Fight against International Illicit
  49. Of The Guide and its author by Shelton Plaque (Grate, Gesch. d. Jude, vii , 173). As the three cardinal doctrines of Judaism, Abba Mari accentuates: (1
  50. Tariff regulation; v) anticompetitive practices; and vi) universal services;, vii ,) quality of service, for the fixed, mobile and broadband sectors.

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